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Well they do say God makes all men equal but how equal does he make them?

for one might not be quite a part of that equality. Sure, every one of us have our own share of

problems and so have I. Something that I was born with, something that has been linked to every

gene in my body.

Dwarfism, a simple malfunction of the pituitary gland, they say it’s due to the

hypo secretion of growth hormone. And believe me when I say this, I didn’t choose this path. I

never wished to be someone shorter than the average height. I know many of you when reading

this would say, “Does height even matter? Isn’t this overemphasizing a problem that doesn’t

even exist?” Guess what, it does and I found this out the hard way.

Imagine a huge crowd of people and you’re in the middle of it, swarmed without

any place to move, nothing you can see. What do you feel? Don’t you get suffocated? Strangled,

pushed and they don’t even realize you’re there. Amidst the crowd you shout, yet your voice gets

drained, unheard, somewhere out there in the distance. That is what being a short person in a

crowd of giants feels like.

What is it that makes an impact? Every single person when it comes to this, talks

about personality and sure, it is, in fact, true. But to make sure of that, don’t you need them to get

acquainted with your personality? As a person who couldn’t even get my presence felt, it was

quite hard to get them to know me. Most of these years that I’ve been around, I remember the

concerned face of my parents and the words of my relatives. How I’ll never be able to make my

own place in the society, how I’ll never get a girl, how people will always choose someone else

over me. And though it hurt, mind you, I always knew all of this somewhere in the back of my

The expression of people when they saw me for the first time, the pity in their

eyes. Their reaction has been inscribed in my mind, but I never knew I would never get used to

that. There is no getting used to people’s disappointment, their amazement, their displeasure. It’s

hard to see people react to something that I have no control over in such a hard way and the

hardest part of it all? I cannot answer to their reaction because then it will only be something I

imagined, something I might have mistaken for something else.

But because I have no control over me being Gulliver in Brobdingnag, I know I

have nothing more to lose. I know society will talk behind my back irrespective of my height and

I know there will always be someone who will stop me from moving forward. Even if this

problem is solved, something else will crop and I do have a feeling that this one is much easier to

deal with any other problem I might face. Because someone will always be disappointed,

someone will always be discontent but being short wasn’t a choice given to me but growing up

is. Accepting all that has happened and fighting on is. After all acceptance is the greatest gift one

can give oneself. And do look out, for I will always be amazing you with all that I can do.

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