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//| i-ProfitTracker_[RU-EN].mq4 |
//| Modified PolyVi, for traders English speaking |
//| I speak Russian: |
//| by original: ��� ����� �. aka KimIV |
//| |
#property copyright "balance of the designated periods"
#property link ""
#property indicator_chart_window
//| Outsite |
extern int eiPercent = 5; // Calculation of percentage of profit on:
// 0 - current balance
// 1 - balance at the beginning of the day
// 2 - balance at the beginning of the week
// 3 - balance at the beginning of the month
// 4 - balance at beginning of the quarter
// 5 - balance at beginning of year
extern int MagicNumber = -1;
//| Options positions |
extern int eiOffsetY = 25; // (Y) Offset text vertically
extern int eiStepY = 14; // (Y) Step displacements of the text vertically
extern int eiX1Row = 180; // (X) Coordinate of the first column
extern int eiX2Row = 130; // (X) Coordinate of the second column
extern int eiX3Row = 65; // (X) Coordinate third column
extern int eiX4Row = 3; // (X) Coordinate of the fourth column
//| Color Settings |
extern color ecText = DimGray; // Text Color
extern color ecProfit = Lime; // Color profit
extern color ecLoss = Red; // Color loss
//| Custom indicator initialization function |
void init()
Comment("FINANCIAL REPORT YTD"); // comment in the upper left corner
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function |
void deinit()
Comment("FINANCIAL REPORT YTD"); // comment in the upper left corner
//| Custom indicator iteration function |
void start()
datetime d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8;
d0 = StrToTime(TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE));
while (TimeDayOfWeek(d0) < 1 || TimeDayOfWeek(d0) > 5) d0 -= 24 * 60 * 60;
d1 = d0 - 24 * 60 * 60;
while (TimeDayOfWeek(d1) < 1 || TimeDayOfWeek(d1) > 5) d1 -= 24 * 60 * 60;
d2 = d1 - 24 * 60 * 60;
while (TimeDayOfWeek(d2) < 1 || TimeDayOfWeek(d2) > 5) d2 -= 24 * 60 * 60;
d3 = d2 - 24 * 60 * 60;
while (TimeDayOfWeek(d3) < 1 || TimeDayOfWeek(d3) > 5) d3 -= 24 * 60 * 60;
d4 = d3 - 24 * 60 * 60;
while (TimeDayOfWeek(d4) < 1 || TimeDayOfWeek(d4) > 5) d4 -= 24 * 60 * 60;
d5 = DateOfMonday();
d6 = StrToTime(Year() + "." + Month() + ".01");
d7 = DateBeginQuarter();
d8 = StrToTime(Year() + ".01.01");
double tu = GetProfitOpenPosInPoint();
double u0 = GetProfitFromDateInPoint("", -1, MagicNumber, d0);
double u1 = GetProfitFromDateInPoint("", -1, MagicNumber, d1) - u0;
double u2 = GetProfitFromDateInPoint("", -1, MagicNumber, d2) - u1 - u0;
double u3 = GetProfitFromDateInPoint("", -1, MagicNumber, d3) - u2 - u1 - u0;
double u4 = GetProfitFromDateInPoint("", -1, MagicNumber, d4) - u3 - u2 - u1 -
double u5 = GetProfitFromDateInPoint("", -1, MagicNumber, d5);
double u6 = GetProfitFromDateInPoint("", -1, MagicNumber, d6);
double u7 = GetProfitFromDateInPoint("", -1, MagicNumber, d7);
double u8 = GetProfitFromDateInPoint("", -1, MagicNumber, d8);
double tb = AccountBalance(), tp = AccountProfit();
double p0 = GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, MagicNumber, d0);
double p1 = GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, MagicNumber, d1) - p0;
double p2 = GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, MagicNumber, d2) - p1 - p0;
double p3 = GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, MagicNumber, d3) - p2 - p1 - p0;
double p4 = GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, MagicNumber, d4) - p3 - p2 - p1 -
double p5 = GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, MagicNumber, d5);
double p6 = GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, MagicNumber, d6);
double p7 = GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, MagicNumber, d7);
double p8 = GetProfitFromDateInCurrency("", -1, MagicNumber, d8);
string st;
switch (eiPercent)
case 0:
st = "current";
case 1:
tb -= p0;
st = "at the beginning of the day";
case 2:
tb -= p5;
st = "at the beginning of the week";
case 3:
tb -= p6;
st = "at the beginning of the month";
case 4:
tb -= p7;
st = "at the beginning of the quarter";
tb -= p8;
st = "at beginning of year";
double tr = tp * 100 / tb;
double r0 = p0 * 100 / tb;
double r1 = p1 * 100 / tb;
double r2 = p2 * 100 / tb;
double r3 = p3 * 100 / tb;
double r4 = p4 * 100 / tb;
double r5 = p5 * 100 / tb;
double r6 = p6 * 100 / tb;
double r7 = p7 * 100 / tb;
double r8 = p8 * 100 / tb;
SetLabel("iProfit05", "DATE", ecText, eiX1Row + 30, eiOffsetY);
SetLabel("iProfit06", "POINTS", ecText, eiX2Row - 2, eiOffsetY);
SetLabel("iProfit07", "MONEY", ecText, eiX3Row - 2, eiOffsetY);
SetLabel("iProfit08", "%% %", ecText, eiX3Row - 60, eiOffsetY);
//| separator |
SetLabel("iProfit09", "===================================", ecText, eiX4Row - 1,
eiOffsetY + 1 * eiStepY);
//| position |
SetLabel("iProfit11", "current ", ecText, eiX1Row, eiOffsetY + 2 *
SetLabel("iProfit21", "today ", ecText, eiX1Row, eiOffsetY + 3 *
SetLabel("iProfit31", "" + TimeToStr(d1, TIME_DATE), ecText, eiX1Row, eiOffsetY +
4 * eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit41", "" + TimeToStr(d2, TIME_DATE), ecText, eiX1Row, eiOffsetY +
5 * eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit51", "" + TimeToStr(d3, TIME_DATE), ecText, eiX1Row, eiOffsetY +
6 * eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit61", "" + TimeToStr(d4, TIME_DATE), ecText, eiX1Row, eiOffsetY +
7 * eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit71", "week ", ecText, eiX1Row, eiOffsetY + 8 *
SetLabel("iProfit81", "month ", ecText, eiX1Row, eiOffsetY + 9 *
SetLabel("iProfit91", "quarter ", ecText, eiX1Row, eiOffsetY + 10 *
SetLabel("iProfit01", "year ", ecText, eiX1Row, eiOffsetY + 11 *
//| POINTS |
SetLabel("iProfit12", DoubleToStr(tu / MathPow(10, DecPts()), DecPts()),
ColorOnSign(tp), eiX2Row, eiOffsetY + 2 * eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit22", DoubleToStr(u0 / MathPow(10, DecPts()), DecPts()),
ColorOnSign(u0), eiX2Row, eiOffsetY + 3 * eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit32", DoubleToStr(u1 / MathPow(10, DecPts()), DecPts()),
ColorOnSign(u1), eiX2Row, eiOffsetY + 4 * eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit42", DoubleToStr(u2 / MathPow(10, DecPts()), DecPts()),
ColorOnSign(u2), eiX2Row, eiOffsetY + 5 * eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit52", DoubleToStr(u3 / MathPow(10, DecPts()), DecPts()),
ColorOnSign(u3), eiX2Row, eiOffsetY + 6 * eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit62", DoubleToStr(u4 / MathPow(10, DecPts()), DecPts()),
ColorOnSign(u4), eiX2Row, eiOffsetY + 7 * eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit72", DoubleToStr(u5 / MathPow(10, DecPts()), DecPts()),
ColorOnSign(u5), eiX2Row, eiOffsetY + 8 * eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit82", DoubleToStr(u6 / MathPow(10, DecPts()), DecPts()),
ColorOnSign(u6), eiX2Row, eiOffsetY + 9 * eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit92", DoubleToStr(u7 / MathPow(10, DecPts()), DecPts()),
ColorOnSign(u7), eiX2Row, eiOffsetY + 10 * eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit02", DoubleToStr(u8 / MathPow(10, DecPts()), DecPts()),
ColorOnSign(u8), eiX2Row, eiOffsetY + 11 * eiStepY);
//| MONEY |
SetLabel("iProfit13", DoubleToStr(tp, 2), ColorOnSign(tp), eiX3Row, eiOffsetY + 2
* eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit23", DoubleToStr(p0, 2), ColorOnSign(p0), eiX3Row, eiOffsetY + 3
* eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit33", DoubleToStr(p1, 2), ColorOnSign(p1), eiX3Row, eiOffsetY + 4
* eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit43", DoubleToStr(p2, 2), ColorOnSign(p2), eiX3Row, eiOffsetY + 5
* eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit53", DoubleToStr(p3, 2), ColorOnSign(p3), eiX3Row, eiOffsetY + 6
* eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit63", DoubleToStr(p4, 2), ColorOnSign(p4), eiX3Row, eiOffsetY + 7
* eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit73", DoubleToStr(p5, 2), ColorOnSign(p5), eiX3Row, eiOffsetY + 8
* eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit83", DoubleToStr(p6, 2), ColorOnSign(p6), eiX3Row, eiOffsetY + 9
* eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit93", DoubleToStr(p7, 2), ColorOnSign(p7), eiX3Row, eiOffsetY +
10 * eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit03", DoubleToStr(p8, 2), ColorOnSign(p8), eiX3Row, eiOffsetY +
11 * eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit14", DoubleToStr(tr, 2) + " %", ColorOnSign(tr), eiX4Row,
eiOffsetY + 2 * eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit24", DoubleToStr(r0, 2) + " %", ColorOnSign(r0), eiX4Row,
eiOffsetY + 3 * eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit34", DoubleToStr(r1, 2) + " %", ColorOnSign(r1), eiX4Row,
eiOffsetY + 4 * eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit44", DoubleToStr(r2, 2) + " %", ColorOnSign(r2), eiX4Row,
eiOffsetY + 5 * eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit54", DoubleToStr(r3, 2) + " %", ColorOnSign(r3), eiX4Row,
eiOffsetY + 6 * eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit64", DoubleToStr(r4, 2) + " %", ColorOnSign(r4), eiX4Row,
eiOffsetY + 7 * eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit74", DoubleToStr(r5, 2) + " %", ColorOnSign(r5), eiX4Row,
eiOffsetY + 8 * eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit84", DoubleToStr(r6, 2) + " %", ColorOnSign(r6), eiX4Row,
eiOffsetY + 9 * eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit94", DoubleToStr(r7, 2) + " %", ColorOnSign(r7), eiX4Row,
eiOffsetY + 10 * eiStepY);
SetLabel("iProfit04", DoubleToStr(r8, 2) + " %", ColorOnSign(r8), eiX4Row,
eiOffsetY + 11 * eiStepY);
//| separator |
SetLabel("iProfit15", "===================================", ecText, eiX4Row - 1,
eiOffsetY + 12 * eiStepY);
if (MagicNumber>=0) {
string m = " "+MagicNumber;
string sep = "======= (Tracking Magic "+StringSubstr(m,StringLen(m)-
SetLabel("iProfit16", sep, ecText, eiX4Row - 1, eiOffsetY + 13 * eiStepY);
color ColorOnSign(double nu)
color lcColor = ecText;
if (nu > 0) lcColor = ecProfit;
if (nu < 0) lcColor = ecLoss;
return (lcColor);
datetime DateBeginQuarter(int nk = 0)
int ye = Year() - MathFloor(nk / 4);
nk = MathMod(nk, 4);
int mo = Month() - MathMod(Month() + 2, 3) + 3 * nk;
if (mo < 1)
mo += 12;
if (mo > 12)
mo -= 12;
return (StrToTime(ye + "." + mo + ".01"));
datetime DateOfMonday(int no = 0)
datetime dt = StrToTime(TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE));
while (TimeDayOfWeek(dt) != 1) dt -= 24 * 60 * 60;
dt += no * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60;
return (dt);
void DeleteObjects()
for (int i = ObjectsTotal() - 1; i > -1; i--)
if (StringFind(ObjectName(i), "iProfit") >= 0) ObjectDelete(ObjectName(i));
double GetProfitFromDateInCurrency(string sy = "", int op = -1, int mn = -1,
datetime dt = 0)
double p = 0;
int i, k = OrdersHistoryTotal();
if (sy == "0") sy = Symbol();
for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY))
if ((OrderSymbol() == sy || sy == "") && (op < 0 || OrderType() == op))
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY || OrderType() == OP_SELL)
if (mn < 0 || OrderMagicNumber() == mn)
if (dt < OrderCloseTime())
p += OrderProfit() + OrderCommission() + OrderSwap();
return (p);
double GetProfitFromDateInPoint(string sy = "", int op = -1, int mn = -1, datetime
dt = 0)
double p = 0, po;
int i, k = OrdersHistoryTotal();
if (sy == "0") sy = Symbol();
for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY))
if ((OrderSymbol() == sy || sy == "") && (op < 0 || OrderType() == op))
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY || OrderType() == OP_SELL)
if (mn < 0 || OrderMagicNumber() == mn)
if (dt < OrderCloseTime())
po = MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_POINT);
if (po == 0) if (StringFind(sy, "JPY") < 0) po = 0.0001;
else po = 0.01;
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY)
p += (OrderClosePrice() - OrderOpenPrice()) / po;
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL)
p += (OrderOpenPrice() - OrderClosePrice()) / po;
return (p);
int GetProfitOpenPosInPoint(string sy = "", int op = -1, int mn = -1)
double p;
int i, k = OrdersTotal(), pr = 0;

if (sy == "0") sy = Symbol();

for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if ((OrderSymbol() == sy || sy == "") && (op < 0 || OrderType() == op))
if (mn < 0 || OrderMagicNumber() == mn)
p = MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_POINT);
if (p == 0) if (StringFind(OrderSymbol(), "JPY") < 0) p = 0.0001;
else p = 0.01;
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY)
pr += (MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_BID) - OrderOpenPrice()) / p;
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL)
pr += (OrderOpenPrice() - MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_ASK)) / p;
return (pr);
//| cr - room corner bindings - (0 - upper left) |
//| fs - font size - (9 - default) |
void SetLabel(string nm, string tx, color cl, int xd, int yd, int cr = 1, int fs =
if (ObjectFind(nm) < 0) ObjectCreate(nm, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSetText(nm, tx, fs);
ObjectSet(nm, OBJPROP_COLOR, cl);
ObjectSet(nm, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, xd);
ObjectSet(nm, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, yd);
ObjectSet(nm, OBJPROP_CORNER, cr);
ObjectSet(nm, OBJPROP_FONTSIZE, fs);

int DecPts()

if (Digits == 3 || Digits == 5) return (1);

else if (Digits == 2 || Digits == 4) return (0);
return (0);
} // end funcion()

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