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European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2020; 24: 3390-3396

Clinical efficacy of lopinavir/ritonavir

in the treatment of Coronavirus disease 2019
X.-T. YE1, Y.-L. LUO1, S.-C. XIA2, Q.-F. SUN1, J.-G. DING1, Y. ZHOU1, W. CHEN1,
X.-F. WANG1, W.-W. ZHANG1, W.-J. DU2, Z.-W. RUAN3, L. HONG1
Department of Infection, Rui’an People’s Hospital, Rui’an, China
Leading Group for COVID-19, Rui’an People’s Hospital, Rui’an, China
Emergency Intensive-Care Unit, Rui’an People’s Hospital, Rui’an, China

Xiaoting Ye and Yunling Luo are co-first authors

Abstract. – OBJECTIVE: The Coronavirus dis- in lowering the body temperature and restoring
ease 2019 (COVID-19) which outbroke in Decem- normal physiological mechanisms with no evi-
ber 2019 is highly contagious with a low cure dent toxic and side effects. In view of these con-
rate. In view of this, there is an urgent need clusions, we suggested that the use of LPV/r
to find a more appropriate therapeutic scheme combined with pneumonia-associated adjuvant
against COVID-19. The study aimed to investi- drugs in the clinical treatment for patients with
gate whether lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) in com- COVID-19 should be promoted.
bination with other pneumonia-associated ad-
juvant drugs has a better therapeutic effect on Key Words:
COVID-19. Clinical trial, Coronavirus, Lopinavir/ritonavir, COVID-19,
PATIENTS AND METHODS: Totally 47 patients China.
with COVID-19 infection who were admitted to
Rui’an People’s Hospital between January 22 and
January 29, 2020 were collected. The patients
were divided into the test group and the control Introduction
group according to whether they had been treated
with LPV/r or not during hospitalization. Patients Coronavirus is a general term referring to a
in the test group were treated with LPV/r combined class of viruses and it has caused two severe respi-
with adjuvant medicine, while those in the control
group were just treated with adjuvant medicine. ratory infectious diseases in the past two decades:
The changes of body temperature, blood routine Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and
and blood biochemistry between the two groups Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).
were observed and compared. SARS emerged at the end of 2002 is caused by a
RESULTS: Both groups achieved good ther- novel coronavirus called SARS-CoV and a large-
apeutic effect with the body temperature of pa- scale epidemic was developed in China at that
tients decreased gradually from admission to the
10th day of treatment. But the body temperature
time. By the time of August 15, 2003, a total of
of patients in the test group decreased faster than 8,422 confirmed cases of SARS infection had been
that of the control group. Blood routine indexes reported worldwide and 916 people had died of the
showed that compared with the control group, disease, with a fatality rate around 10%1,2. Anoth-
the abnormal proportion of white blood cells, er highly pathogenic disease MERS is caused by
lymphocytes and C-reactive protein of the test MERS-CoV virus that was initially identified in
group could be reduced to some extent. Blood middle-east in 20123. The MERS-CoV virus can
biochemical indexes exhibited that the proportion
of patients with abnormal alanine aminotransfer- induce severe infection of lower respiratory tract
ase and aspartate aminotransferase in the test leading to a mortality up to 35%. Although great
group were lower than the control group. The efforts had been made in containing the virus from
number of days for nCoV-RNA turning negative global transmission, infected people have emerged
after treatment was significantly decreased in the in over 27 countries4. In view of these, the corona-
test group than that in the control group. virus pneumonia is a severe disease of both high
CONCLUSIONS: Compared with the treatment
of pneumonia-associated adjuvant drugs alone,
infection and fatality rate.
the combination treatment with LPV/r and adju- At the end of December in 2019, the first case
vant drugs has a more evident therapeutic effect of novel coronavirus pneumonia was identified

Corresponding Authors: Liang Hong, MD; e-mail:

3390 Zhanwei Ruan, MD; e-mail:
Clinical efficacy of lopinavir/ritonavir in the treatment of Coronavirus disease

in people with pneumonia who had been asso- has certain therapeutic effect on early SARA pa-
ciated with a seafood and live animal market tients10,11. Chu et al12 made a comparison on the ef-
in the city of Wuhan (Hubei, China). Accord- fect of different therapeutic regimens on patients
ing to the World Health Organization (WHO), with SARA infection, and found that the occur-
the novel coronavirus pneumonia has been giv- rence rate of adverse outcomes was significantly
en an official name called Coronavirus Disease lower after combined use of LPV/r and ribavirin
2019 (COVID-19). The 2019 Novel Coronavirus relative compared to that after treatment with rib-
(2019-nCoV) that causes COVID-19 is a type of avirin alone, and physical symptoms were seen
β-coronavirus, whose genetic characteristics are to be much more improved. Besides, Arabi et al13
significantly discriminative compared to those used the treatment combined with interferon β-1b,
of MERSr-CoV or SARSr-CoV, with nucleotide lopinavir and ritonavir (LPV/r) for patients with
homology up to approximately 50% and 78%, re- MERS infection in Saudi Arabia (with the place-
spectively5. COVID-19 is highly infectious and bo as control), which suggested a good response
the viral transmission is predominantly realized of patients with MERS infection to LPV/r. Given
in the way of spreading by droplets or from un- that LPV/r has produced good response in prior
protective contacts5. In January 9, 2020, the first clinical trials, this study focused on the role of
case of COVID-19 death occurred. By the time of LPV/r in patients with COVID-19.
February 16, 2020, totally 68,694 confirmed cases In the present study, totally 47 patients with
of COVID-19 infection had been reported in Chi- COVID-19 admitted in Rui’an People’s Hospital
na and the deaths had been up to 1,667. Although were recruited. Meanwhile, the efficacy patients
the fatality rate of COVID-19 is only 2.4% lower received after the combination treatment with
than that of SARS, the number of deaths is much LPV/r and routine adjuvant therapeutic drugs was
bigger due to the massive infectious population. evaluated.
It has been reported that the main clinical symp-
toms of patients with COVID-19 are fever, dry
cough, myalgia, fatigue, and diarrhea6. In addi- Patients and Methods
tion, breathing difficulties and a decrease of leu-
cocytes, as well as lymphocytes, were developed Patient Collection and nCoV-RNA
in most people, and nearly all sufferers were de- Positive Test
tected with the appearance of ground-glass opac- A total of 47 patients with COVID-19 infec-
ity in chest CT7. Currently, no specific medicine tion (including 22 males and 25 females) who
against COVID-19 has been developed, and the were admitted to Rui’an People’s Hospital from
way we can manage the patients is limited in the January 22 to 29, 2020 were recruited. Nucleic
symptomatic treatment and the use of the drugs acid samples were collected from the respiratory
already in the market for treatment and clinical tract and the nCoV-RNA was test to be positive
trials. Therefore, it is urgent to find appropriate by quantitative PCR. The patients aged between
therapeutic medicine. 5 and 68, of which 9 were under 30 and 38 were
Lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) is a kind of prote- over 30. According to whether they had been
ase inhibitor that has been widely applied in the treated with LPV/r or not during hospitalization,
clinical treatment for HIV-1 infection8. At pres- patients were classified into the test group (n=42)
ent, LPV/r is one of the drugs used for second-line and control group (n=5). The general clinical data
treatment on anti-retrovirus. LPV/r interferes with of the patients including gender, hypertension,
HIV protease to cause dysregulation of structural diabetes, CT abnormality, body temperature at
and functional proteins in virus core, contributing admission, oxygen saturation, hemoglobin (Hb)
to the generation of immature and noninfectious concentration, C-reactive protein (CRP) are de-
virus particles, in turn achieving the inhibition of tailed in Table I.
HIV replication9. When LPV/r is used combined
with other antiviral drugs, patients with HIV-1 in- Therapeutic Schemes
fection who have undergone initial treatment or Control group was treated with adjuvant
antiviral treatment can receive effective response, drugs only. Interferon aerosol inhalation (Scher-
such as the decrease of viral load in plasma and ing-Plough Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Shanghai,
the improvement of immunity. In addition, good China) and arbidol tablets (Suzhou Pharmaceuti-
efficacy can also be received when LPV/r is used cal Factory of Jiangsu Wuzhong Pharmaceutical
alone in clinic9. It has been reported that LPV/r Group Corporation, Jiangsu, China) were used for

X.-T. Ye, Y.-L. Luo, S.-C. Xia, Q.-F. Sun, J.-G. Ding, Y. Zhou et al

Table I. General clinical data of the patients.

Features Test group (n=42) Control group (n=5) p-value

Gender 0.3525
  Male 21 1
  Female 21 4
Hypertension 0.9977
  Yes 7 1
  No 35 4
Diabetes mellitus 0.9986
  Yes 7 1
  No 35 4
CT abnormality 1.0000
Yes 27 4
No 12 1
Body temperature at admission (°C) 37.36±0.67 37.92±0.61 0.7762
Oxygen saturation 97.4±1.52 95.72±9.06 0.6840
Hemoglobin (g/dL) 129.5±10.24 141.06±16.73 0.1399
C-reactive protein (CRP) 0.2670
<10 mg/L 27 2
>10 mg/L 8 2

anti-viral treatment. Usage and dosage of inter- food. The schemes of adjuvant drugs were the
feron aerosol inhalation: 5 MU or equivalent dose same as the control group.
for adults, adding 2 ml sterile water for injection, All patients rested in bed and daily sufficient
twice a day. Usage and dosage of arbidol tablets: 2 caloric intake was ensured. The balance of wa-
tablets (0.2 g) once for adults, 3 times a day, oral. ter-electrolyte in the patients was guaranteed and
Asmeton (Compound Methoxyphenamine Cap- the stability of internal environment was main-
sules, Daiichi Sankyo (Shanghai) Holdings Co., tained by fluid infusion. To prevent occurrence
Ltd., Shanghai, China), eucalyptol limonene and of new infections, antibiotics should not be used
pinene enteric soft capsules (Beijing Jiuhe Phar- continuously for more than 5 days, and therapy
maceutical Co., Ltd, Beijing, China) along with in combination with broad-spectrum antibiotics
moxifloxacin (moxifloxacin hydrochloride tab- should be avoided. In addition, glucocorticoids
lets/injection, Bayer, Beijing, China) were used can be used in a short period of time (3-5 days) at
against infection and inflammation (including doses not exceeding 1-2 mg/kg/d, depending on
cough, sputum and wheezing). Usage and dosage the patients’ situation.
of asmeton: 2 tablets for patients over 15 years old
and 1 tablet for patients over 8 years old and less
than 15 years old, after meals, 3 times a day, oral. Evaluation Indexes
Usage and dosage of eucalyptol limonene and Body temperature: the daily temperature
pinene enteric soft capsules: 1 tablet (0.3 g) for changes of the patients since admission were
acute patients (adult), 3-4 times a day and 1 tab- recorded. In this study, the temperature of each
let (0.3 g) for chronic patients, twice a day, taken patient was recorded for 10 days (some patients
with cold water half an hour before meals. Usage failed to record for 10 days due to their own
and dosage of moxifloxacin: 0.4 g for once a day, sake, and the unrecorded days were not includ-
oral or intravenous injection. Effective oxygen ed in the subsequent data statistics). The max-
therapies including nasal cannula, mask oxygen imum body temperature of each day was taken
inhalation and high-flow  nasal  cannula  oxygen, for daily data.
if necessary, were used for dyspnea. Blood routine: including Hb (g/dL), total white
The test group was treated with LPV/r (Abb- blood cells (WBC) (109/L), granulocyte (109/L),
Vie Ltd, North Chicago, IL, USA) and adjuvant platelets (PLT, 109/L), lymphocyte count (109/L)
drugs. The per ml of LPV/r oral liquid contained and CRP (mg/L). The data were recorded before
80 mg lopinavir and 20 mg ritonavir. Usage and and during treatment (three times), respectively.
dosage: 5 ml/time (400/100 mg) for adults, twice Blood biochemistry: including alanine amino-
a day or 10 ml/time (800/200 mg) once a day with transferase (ALT, U/L) and aspartate aminotrans-

Clinical efficacy of lopinavir/ritonavir in the treatment of Coronavirus disease

ative analysis of the enumeration data of the test

group and the control group. p<0.05 was consid-
ered statistically significant.


Comparison of Treatment
Effects in Patients
Since most patients had developed a fever, we
firstly recorded the daily temperature of patients
for a total of 10 days since the patients had re-
ceived treatment. The results exhibited that the
body temperature of the patients in the test group
decreased faster than that in the control group,
but there was no significant difference (p>0.05;
Figure 1. Daily temperature variations of patients in the Figure 1). In addition, patients whose body tem-
two groups during 10-day hospitalization period. perature was higher than 37.5°C at admission in
the test and control groups were compared in the
number of days of patients’ temperature recover-
ferase (AST, U/L). The data were recorded before ing to 37.5°C during treatment. The results indi-
and after treatment (three times), respectively. cated that compared with the control group, the
patients in the test group returned to normal body
Statistical Analysis temperature in a shorter time (test group: 4.8±1.94
SPSS 22.0 software (IBM Corp., Armonk, days vs. control group: 7.3±1.53 days, p= 0.0364).
NY, USA) was used for statistical analysis of all These results suggested that patients who were
the data. Fisher’s exact test was used for compar- treated with LPV/r combined with pneumonia-as-



Figure 2. The percentage of patients with abnormal blood routine indexes measured three times before and after treatment from
all the patients in each group. The percentage of patients in the test and control groups with abnormal indexes including WBC
(A), lymphocyte (B), Hb (C), granulocyte (D), PLT (E) and CRP (F) was measured before and after treatment for three times. The
normal reference values: Hb, 115-150 g/L, WBC, 3.5-9.5×109/L, granulocyte, 1.8-6.3 ×109/L, PLT, 125-350 ×109/L, lymphocyte,
1.1-3.2×109/L and CRP, 0-5 mg/L. The values beyond or blow the normal reference values were considered abnormal.

X.-T. Ye, Y.-L. Luo, S.-C. Xia, Q.-F. Sun, J.-G. Ding, Y. Zhou et al

sociated adjuvant drugs were more likely to re- group (Table II). For the test group, we concluded
turn to normal body temperature. that there was no significant difference in the pro-
After comparing the difference towards fever portion of patients with indexes abnormality in
in patients with COVID-19 infection in the con- the three measurements except for a remarkable
trol group and the test group, we analyzed the increase in the proportion of patients with ALT
blood routine indexes before and after treatment abnormality at the third measurement. These re-
as well as the days of nCov-RNA turning nega- sults indicated that there were no adverse effects
tive after treatment in the two groups. The results in liver toxic and side effects compared with the
displayed that the abnormal proportion of WBC, control group after the combination treatment
lymphocytes, CRP and PLT in the test group was with LPV/r and adjuvant drugs.
generally lower than that in the control group
after three treatments (Figure 2). Moreover, the
abnormal proportion of lymphocyte, Hb, granulo-
cyte and CRP in the test group was gradually de- Discussion
creased from the first test to the third test (Figure
2). The number of days required for nCoV-RNA The main purpose of this study was to eval-
turning negative was compared and the result im- uate the clinical effect of LPV/r combined with
plied that the patients in the test group are able the routine adjuvant therapeutic drugs on pa-
to turn negative in a shorter period of time (test tients with COVID-19. As revealed, the time of
group: 7.8±3.09 days vs. control group: 12.0±0.82 body temperature returning to normal was much
days, p=0.0219). These results suggested that the shorter in patients receiving LPV/r. In addition,
use of LPV/r-combined therapy could reduce the blood biochemical test suggested that the num-
abnormal values of biochemical indexes in pa- ber of patients with abnormal ALT and AST in
tients and was more effective than use of adjuvant the test group was not significantly increased
therapy only. with the treatment duration, and the correspond-
ing percentage was lower than that in the con-
ALT and AST Indexes of Patients trol group. This indicated that there might be no
The results of the body temperature and the evident toxic and side effects produced on liver
blood routine demonstrated that the therapeutic after the combined use of adjuvant medicine and
effect of LPV/r-combined therapy was better than LPV/r. Moreover, in patients receiving the com-
that of the therapy without LPV/r. After that, blood bination treatment, accelerated remission could
biochemical tests were conducted for the toxic be seen in some clinical symptoms, such as ab-
and side effects of the drugs on liver. The main normality of WBC, lymphocyte and C-reactive
indexes of the test were ALT and AST of patients protein. Meanwhile, the nCoV-RNA in patients
in the control group and the test group. By com- undergoing the combination treatment could be
paring the percentage of patients with abnormal turned negative in a shorter time. However, due
indexes in the first test after treatment, we found to the small sample size of the control group and
that the abnormal percentage of ALT and AST in the missing of relevant data, the results above
the test group was lower than that in the control are of some uncertainties to some extent.

Table II. The percentage of patients with abnormal ALT and AST in the test group and control group.
Time Test group Control group

The first measurement after treatment

  ALT 9.5% 25%
  AST 19% 25%
The second measurement after treatment
  ALT 11.1% NA
  AST 16.7% NA
The third measurement after treatment
  ALT 22.7% NA
  AST 18.2% NA
Note: the normal reference values: ALT: male, 9-50 U/L and female, 7-40 U/L. AST: male, 15-40 U/L and female 13-35 U/L.
The values beyond or blow the normal reference values were considered abnormal. NA means no data.

Clinical efficacy of lopinavir/ritonavir in the treatment of Coronavirus disease

A report14 published in The Lancet in January the remission of fever and inflammation. How-
30, 2020 describes 99 cases with early COVID-19 ever, there are some limitations that mainly re-
who admitted in Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital from fer to the small sample size of the control group.
January 1 to 20, 2020, and reveals that fever, cough Besides, the missing data during treatment make
and tachypnea are the most common symptoms the results not precise enough, and no statisti-
occurring in sufferers. Consistently, over 80% pa- cal analysis has been performed towards the side
tients in this study also developed fever. Further- effects of LPV/r on gastrointestinal track like
more, similar to a previous study on the epidemic diarrhea. Therefore, for future analysis, sample
of COVID-195, most patients in our research har- size should be enlarged to make the results more
bored imaging characteristic of viral pneumonia accurate and a systemic study should be carried
and a relative lower count of WBC in the early out on whether LPV/r can cause side effects on
stage. Our statistical result further verified the typ- gastrointestinal track in patients with COVID-19
ical symptoms of patients with COVID-19. infection.
It is established that SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV,
and 2019-nCoV are coronavirus and they are all
RNA viruses like HIV that can be translated into Conclusions
functional viral proteins in the way of protease
hydrolysis during viral replication and assembly We proved that the combination treatment
process, which makes it possible to impede viral of LPV/r and routine adjuvant medicine against
replication process via inhibiting protease hydro- pneumonia could produce much better efficacy
lysis. An article published in the Nature Reviews on patients with COVID-19 infection compared to
Drug Discovery15 in February 2020 describes that treatment with adjuvant medicine alone. Hence, we
the non-structural proteins encoded by 2019-nCoV suggest to widely apply the combination treatment
genome are key players involved in the viral life in treating patients with COVID-19 infection.
cycle, such as 3-chymotrypsin-like protease, pa-
pain-like protease, helicase and RNA-dependent
RNA polymerase, and these four proteases have Ethics Committee Approval
been observed to have highly conservative cata- Ethical approval was given by the Medical Ethics Commit-
lytic sites. In addition, structural analysis in this tee of Rui’an People’s Hospital, with the following reference
article reveals that the key drug-binding pockets number: YJ2020013.
across SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and 2019-nCoV
proteases might be conservative and can be used
as potential antiviral targets. Thus, it prompts us Funding Acknowledgements
to pay more attention on the potential of the anti- Zhejiang Natural Science Foundation: experimental study
viral agents that have been approved or are in de- on the role of IL-6-INDUCED exosome pathway in promot-
ing invasion and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma by
velopment for treating infections caused by HIV, omitting microRNA-133a-3p LY19H160015.
hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) Medical Science and Technology Project of Zhejiang Prov-
and influenza. Among the drugs, LPV/r, daruna- ince: Study on the synergistic lethal effect and molecular
vir and ASC09/Ritonavir are all HIV protease mechanism of ALK targeting in TP53 mutant intrahepatic
inhibitors and have been studied in this research. Cholangiocarcinoma 2019324310.
Ruian Science and Technology Bureau (MS2020023).
At present, there is no available specific med-
icine against COVID-19. LPV/r is generally used
in the treatment for HIV infection and it is able to
Conflict of Interests
cause the suppression of HIV-1 replication16. Chu
et al12 indicated that use of LPV/r can significant- The authors declare that they have no conflict of interests.
ly lead to the reduction of acute respiratory dis-
tress syndrome development and mortality that
caused by SARS infection. In addition, for the References
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