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Nursing Bullets

Nursing Bullets: Maternal and Child Health Nursing VII

Nursing Bullets: Maternal and Child

Health Nursing VII
1. In the early stages of pregnancy, the finding of glucose in the urine
may be related to the increased shunting of glucose to the
developing placenta, without a corresponding increase in the
reabsorption capability of the kidneys.
2. A patient who has premature rupture of the membranes is at
significant risk for infection if labor doesn’t begin within 24 hours.
3. Infants of diabetic mothers are susceptible to macrosomia as a
result of increased insulin production in the fetus.
4. To prevent heat loss in the neonate, the nurse should bathe one part
of his body at a time and keep the rest of the body covered.
5. A patient who has a cesarean delivery is at greater risk for infection
than the patient who gives birth vaginally.
6. The occurrence of thrush in the neonate is probably caused by
contact with the organism during delivery through the birth canal.
7. The nurse should keep the sac of meningomyelocele moist with
normal saline solution.
8. If fundal height is at least 2 cm less than expected, the cause may
be growth retardation, missed abortion, transverse lie, or false
9. Fundal height that exceeds expectations by more than 2 cm may be
caused by multiple gestation, polyhydramnios, uterine myomata, or
a large baby.
10. A major developmental task for a woman during the first trimester
of pregnancy is accepting the pregnancy.
11. Unlike formula, breast milk offers the benefit of maternal
12. Spontaneous rupture of the membranes increases the risk of a
prolapsed umbilical cord.
13. A clinical manifestation of a prolapsed umbilical cord is variable
14. During labor, to relieve supine hypotension manifested by nausea
and vomiting and paleness, turn the patient on her left side.
15. If the ovum is fertilized by a spermatozoon carrying a Y
chromosome, a male zygote is formed.
16. Implantation occurs when the cellular walls of the blastocyte
implants itself in the endometrium, usually 7 to 9 days after
17. Implantation occurs when the cellular walls of the blastocyte
implants itself in the endometrium, usually 7 to 9 days after
18. Heart development in the embryo begins at 2 to 4 weeks and is
complete by the end of the embryonic stage.
19. Methergine stimulates uterine contractions.
20. The administration of folic acid during the early stages of
gestation may prevent neural tube defects.
21. With advanced maternal age, a common genetic problem is Down
22. With early maternal age, cephalopelvic disproportion commonly
23. In the early postpartum period, the fundus should be midline at
the umbilicus.
24. A rubella vaccine shouldn’t be given to a pregnant woman. The
vaccine can be administered after delivery, but the patient should be
instructed to avoid becoming pregnant for 3 months.
25. A 16-year-old girl who is pregnant is at risk for having a low-birth-
weight neonate.
26. The mother’s Rh factor should be determined before an
amniocentesis is performed.
27. Maternal hypotension is a complication of spinal block.
28. After delivery, if the fundus is boggy and deviated to the right side,
the patient should empty her bladder.
29. Before providing a specimen for a sperm count, the patient should
avoid ejaculation for 48 to 72 hours.
30. The hormone human chorionic gonadotropin is a marker for
31. Painless vaginal bleeding during the last trimester of pregnancy
may indicate placenta previa.
32. During the transition phase of labor, the woman usually is irritable
and restless.
33. Because women with diabetes have a higher incidence of birth
anomalies than women without diabetes, an alpha-fetoprotein level
may be ordered at 15 to 17 weeks’ gestation.
34. To avoid puncturing the placenta, a vaginal examination shouldn’t
be performed on a pregnant patient who is bleeding.
35. A patient who has postpartum hemorrhage caused by uterine
atony should be given oxytocin as prescribed.
36. Laceration of the vagina, cervix, or perineum produces bright red
bleeding that often comes in spurts. The bleeding is continuous,
even when the fundus is firm.
37. Hot compresses can help to relieve breast tenderness after
38. The fundus of a postpartum patient is massaged to stimulate
contraction of the uterus and prevent hemorrhage.
39. A mother who has a positive human immunodeficiency virus test
result shouldn’t breast-feed her infant.
40. Dinoprostone (Cervidil) is used to ripen the cervix.
41. Breast-feeding of a premature neonate born at 32 weeks’
gestation can be accomplished if the mother expresses milk and
feeds the neonate by gavage.
42. If a pregnant patient’s rubella titer is less than 1:8, she should be
immunized after delivery.
43. The administration of oxytocin (Pitocin) is stopped if the
contractions are 90 seconds or longer.
44. For an extramural delivery (one that takes place outside of a
normal delivery center), the priorities for care of the neonate include
maintaining a patent airway, supporting efforts to breathe,
monitoring vital signs, and maintaining adequate body temperature.
45. Subinvolution may occur if the bladder is distended after delivery.
46. The nurse must place identification bands on both the mother and
the neonate before they leave the delivery room.
47. Erythromycin is given at birth to prevent ophthalmia neonatorum.
48. Pelvic-tilt exercises can help to prevent or relieve backache during
49. Before performing a Leopold maneuver, the nurse should ask the
patient to empty her bladder.
50. According to the Unang Yakap program, the cord should not be
clamped until pulsations have stopped (that’s about 1-3 minutes).

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