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Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda

The US government has numerous S&T policies, regularly opposing offices. State and
nearby governments numerous plans/policies/pushes. They frequently reverse direction,
which is incredibly wasteful for both intentional and unintentional sectors. Science and
technology strategy is one of the open approaches that promote proper financing to
progress scientific and technological examination and Education, considers the effect of
science and innovation upon its citizenry, and recommends guidelines, if fundamental. The
question is, do I agree with the current S&T policies/thrusts/agenda of the government?
Those associated with a country's science and technology policy investigation and frequently
give in-depth studies to decide the plans, projects, and arrangements of the administration
and their effects on household and foreign relations. Since numerous policy centered issues
have a logical segment, most created nations have explicit organizations, services, or
workplaces that manage science and innovation policy. 

One of the policies that have an impact on nation-building is Section IV Industry, Energy,
and Emerging Technology (2017-2022). This policy contributes to the Department of Trade
and Industry’s strategy of promoting industry competitiveness to sustain the tremendous
growth in the services and manufacturing sectors. This sector has been approved that many
new technologies are ready to enter the market place, or are currently under development,
stressing that we are not running of technologies to improve energy, economic industry, and
environmental performance, and neither will we in the future. It also helps with the non-
energy benefits ranging from reduced environmental impact to improved productivity.

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