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To identify potential emergency situations that can have an adverse impact and the appropriate
mitigation and response actions if situations occur.
To ensure Covid-19 Emergency Response Protocol is reviewed and revised after the
occurrence of emergency situations.

Applicable to the operations and activities at Chudenko (here on referred as CDK) premise and
project sites.

Covid-19 - Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly
discovered coronavirus. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to
moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and
those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic
respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.
^ WHO, 2019

Confirmed Case - A person with laboratory / test kit confirmation of infection with the Covid-19.

Person Under Investigation (PUI) - Person with fever OR acute respiratory infection (sudden
onset of respiratory infection with at least one of: shortness of breath, cough or sore throat) AND
TRAVEL to or reside in affected countries in the 14 days before the onset of illness OR CLOSE
CONTACT in 14 days before illness onset with a confirmed case of Covid-19 OR attended an
event associated with known COVID-19 outbreak.

Close Contact - Defined as:

i. Health care associated exposure without appropriate PPE (including providing direct care for
Covid-19 patients, working with health care workers infected with Covid-19, visiting patients or
staying in the same close environment of a Covid- 19 patient).
ii. Working together in close proximity or sharing the same classroom environment with a Covid-
19 patient.
iii. Travelling together with Covid-19 patient in any kind of conveyance.
iv. Living in the same household as Covid-19 patient

4.1 Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)
i. Proses Kerja dan SOP Kebenaran Beroperasi PKP (Am)

4.2 Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB)

i. Prosedur Standard Operasi (Sektor Pembinaan)
ii. Garis Panduan Amalan Langkah Pencegahan Di Tapak Bina

4.3 Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH)

i. Annex 25 Covid-19 Management Guidelines for Workplaces

4.4 World Health Organization

i. Getting Your Workplace Ready For COVID-19
List of Emergency Contacts

6.1 Emergency Preparedness

6.1.1 Emergency Response Team (ERT) together with concerned personnel shall prepare
Emergency Response Protocol for the identified potential emergency situations.

6.1.2 The Emergency Response Protocol should cover the most appropriate method to respond
to the emergency situation to minimize the outbreak of Covid-19 at site and communications
required in the emergency situations.

6.1.3 The management shall ensure that the ERT personnel are adequately trained and ensure
the availability of Evacuation Plan (with evacuation routes and assembly points) and List of
Emergency Contacts at appropriate locations.

6.1.4 ERT shall regularly inspect the conditions / readiness of the emergency preparedness
items (e.g. face masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, disinfecting kits, first aid kit, information on
hazardous materials, etc.).

6.1.5 The ERT shall identify potential emergency situations at the sites through:
i. Identifying of occupational hazard and risk
ii. Employees’ body temperature screening, symptoms screening and travel history

6.1.6 The following has been identified as potential emergency in CDK:

i. The event of Covid-19 infection at site
ii. Covid-19 infection investigation case against an employee
iii. Employee develop Covid-19 symptoms

6.2 The Event of Covid-19 Infection at Site

6.2.1 Upon receiving notification of a confirmed case of Covid-19 at site, immediately inform

6.2.2 Immediately stop all work at site and keep safe distancing between employees.

6.2.3 CDK must refer the employee (with the employee wearing a mask) to the nearby Panel
Clinic or Health Clinic either by own arrangements or ambulance subject to MOH’s advise.

6.2.4 The disinfection process shall be carried out promptly in accordance with the procedures
prescribed by MOH.

6.2.5 CDK shall initiate and fully cooperate with the Health Ministry of Malaysia in implementing
Covid-19 infected employee tracing and contact management.

6.2.6 ERT shall follow up on the mitigation actions to ensure safety of the site and to prevent
recurrence of similar incident.

6.2.7 The ERT Leader shall resume the work once approval has been obtained from the
relevant authorities.
6.3 Covid-19 Infection Investigation Case Against an Employee
6.3.1 In the event of any employees being under the supervision of the MOH (person under
investigation and person under surveillance), such employees are not allowed to come to work
and have to go through the period of isolation set by the MOH.

6.3.2 CDK shall subsequently comply with the MOH's medical procedure and advice.

6.3.3 CDK shall assist and fully cooperate with the Health Ministry of Malaysia in implementing
Covid-19 infected employee tracing and contact management.

6.3.4 ERT shall follow up on the mitigation actions to ensure safety of the site and to prevent
recurrence of similar incident.

6.4 Employee Develop Covid-19 Symptoms

6.4.1 If employee develops symptoms, he needs to alert supervisor / ERT immediately.

6.4.2 The suspected employee to avoid contact with fellow employees.

6.4.3 CDK must refer the employee (with the employee wearing a mask) to the nearby Panel
Clinic or Health Clinic.

6.4.4 CDK shall subsequently comply with the MOH's medical procedure and advice.

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