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Juz 3

Surah Al’a Imran

 Middle medina phase (4th year of hijra).

 Battle of badr had occurred (2nd year of hijra), Muslim won.
 Quran compilation was later on and it was not in the order of revelation.
 We are more concerned in the content of surah not the order of surah.
 Battle of uhad (3rd year of hijrah) it was not a victory
 Over 70 sahaba and prophet ‫ ﷺ‬uncle martyred.
 Received delegation from many Christians came from nejran, they stayed
with the prophet in medina.
 A rare interfaith dialogue between Christians occurred as medina was
mostly Jews.
 So this chapter half of it deals with matters of Christianity/Jesus.
 The name of chapter thus family of Imran.
 Who is Imran?
 Grandfather of isa AS, whose mother is Maryam, her father is Imran. Thus
family of Imran.
 200 verses.
 Prophet said to recite baqarah and ala Imran.
 Prophet would recite ending of this suarh every time he wake up for
 2 main themes

Theological difference between Christianity specifically.

Broadly ahla kitab (Jews, sabiines etc.

 Only surah which mention mother of Mary (grandmother of Jesus).

 Encouragement of believers to be firm in adversity.
 Optimism for believers.
 Surah begins by affirmation of the truthfulness of Quran.
 V.7 Allah category Qur’an to two.
 Unambiguous and other type of verse with multiple meaning.
 Allah warns us that some people use the verse with multiple meanings and
interpret in their own way.
 They have a disease in heart.
 They want to cause fithnah and chaos.
 Allah and the people of knowledge understand and knows better these
 No. 1 condition for knowledge is sincerity.
 Final verses (dua) of baqarah . Oh allah never deviate our deviate our heart
after guidance.
 Holistic reading of Qur’an.
 E.g. Allah says we created, we revealed etc. does it mean Allah is more
than one (auudhu billah) the plurality is royal plural bcz Allah is one.
 We read the misinterpreted verses in light of the clear cut verses and
eliminate ambiguity.
 V31. Allah says if you truly love Allah, follow the prophet, only then will Allah
 V32. Obey Allah and his messenger, if they turn away Allah doesn’t love the
 Over 70 verses tell to turn to sunnah. Both go hand in hand.
 Christian’s said we love Allah, so Allah said if you truly love Allah follow the
final messenger.
 So real faith is quran + sunnah . Obey Allah and his messenger.
 V33. To over 80 verses stories.
 Verily Allah chose Adam. Noah, the family of Ibrahim and the family of
 Story of mother of Maryam, story of Maryam’s uncle Zachariah,
 Maryam’s mothers sister was married to prophet Zachariah.

Zacharias story.

 He was elderly with no child, Allah blessed him with Yahiya (John the
 So Yahiya and Isa were first cousins.

Story of Jesus

 children of Israel
 his disciples
 miracles

A miracle of the Quran the effortless way of mentioning stories, if we look at the
bible we can find it going into extreme details like names etc. while Quran is
straight to the point, the morals of the story.

 V55. Mainstream Muslims believe that Allah saved Jesus and raised him
and he will return at the end of times.
 V55. Special noting needed as it is most commonly misinterpreted.
 People use its meaning to say that Jesus died in the cross.
 “Wafa” in this verse55 used to claim Jesus died.
 The same “tawaffa” is used for meaning sleep in quran.
 So we compare it and conclude that Allah caused Jesus to a long sleep
and raised and he will return.
 V59. Indeed the similitude of Jesus in the eye of allah is as same as Adam.
He create Adam from dust, he said “kun” and he was.
 The doctrine of trinity.
 Miraculous birth of Jesus, Allah compare that if born miraculously without
father is what you people use to claim divinity, then Adam is born even
more divine. (Rational argument, intellectually interfaith dialogue.
 V44. All of this is the knowledge of unseen (i.e. at the time of Mary) Allah is
detailing the occurrences for us.
 The truthfulness and miracle of Qur’an which mention stories not even
found in the gospel or Torah.
 Our prophet was one who was unlettered.
 The proof of prophet hood. Prophet was citing the incidents without any
prior exposure to these stories.

Maryam and her mother.

 Importance of mother’s role in instilling eeman for the child.

 Maryam’s mothers concern at pregnancy. Prayer for her child even
before birth.
 Righteous parents derive righteous child.
 Maryam’s mother wanted her child to be a rabbi. (Scholar).
 The child happen to be a girl.
 V36. The male is not like the female.
 Gender is a fact, a biological reality.
 Gender is not a concern for Allah.
 Our faith (Islam) allows scholarship for both gender.
 So Mary dedicated her life for excellence in the eyes of Allah.
 When her uncle Zachariah visit her he found heavenly food, she replied
its form Allah.
 Zachariah (prophet of Allah) inspired from the piety of Maryam and he
makes du’a for child.
 V42. Indeed Allah has chosen and purified you, above all other women
of the world.
 Her gender was never a barrier for excellence in eeman.
 V.14. temptation of opposite gender.
 Lust for women.
 V195. Sunan thimidhi and thafser thabari: umm Salamah RA asked
prophet a question, why does Allah only mention only men not women
in the Qur’an?
 Allah revealed v.195. Both male and female are from each other. The
reward is with Allah.
 The Islamic gender equality. Good deed is equally rewarded by Allah.
 V113. Some people of the book are good some are bad.
 There is good in people of other faith so respect them.
 But Islam is only accepted by Allah.
 v19. The only accepted religion in the eyes of allah is islam.
 V.83 do they desire any other fauth other than the true faith?
 V85. Whoever choose other faith than Islam Allah will not accept.
 If they accept its okay if they chose to not accept, it’s only your job is to
reminding them.

The Battle of Uhd.

 V152. Allah says you were winning Muslims but you began disputing among
themselves, they disobeyed Allah and messenger.
 V144. Rumors spread even the prophet ‫ ﷺ‬died, so Allah said what is
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬except a messenger like the one before.
 Abu Bakr RA quoted this same verse when people go overboard at the
death of our prophet ‫ﷺ‬.
 V.139 optimistic verse, you are going to be victorious if you believe in Allah.
 Past is past, victory will come.
 V156. Allah is the one gives life and causes death.
 V.185. every soul shall taste death.
 V.145. no soul can die except Allahs decree.
 V169. Martyrs are with the lord.
 V.102. do not die except as Muslim but how,
 V193. We make dua to Allah make us die in good company.

Thematic similarity with baqarh.

 Hajj
 Mecca v96.
 Encourage sadaqah
 Riba is haram
 You are the best nation ever.

Conclusion verses

 Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬these verses at waking for tahajjud.

 Great du’as for guidance, good death, honor on judgment day.
 Profound meaningful verses.
 Powerful passages.

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