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Maryam was raised by the late Prophet Zakaria since childhood. She is a girl with good character.
After reaching adulthood he always locked himself in a place of worship. Never had any contact with
other people.
One day the Prophet Zakaria visited Maryam at her place. He was surprised to see a variety of
fruits in the room. Maryam explained that all of this was a gift from Allah…
The prophet Zechariah believed in that. It is not impossible that the holy Mary, taqwa and
submissive to Allah's commandment will receive a gift in the form of food from heaven.
One day Maryam came by an angel who said that she would conceive and give birth to a son who
would later become a prophet and apostle.
Maryam wondered, how could she be a virgin, without a husband, would have children. The
angel replied that if Allah wills something it is enough to say: "Be" then His will will be done.
It turned out to be true, not long after Maryam became pregnant. Soon, he just became the gossip
of the people around him. He is considered to have misbehaved with another man. This accusation is
indeed a painful thing for Maryam. This is one of the great trials to be faced with unwavering faith.
He isolated himself from the crowd to avoid public ridicule. She gave birth to her baby under a
palm tree blessed by Allah.
The baby was born safely. After her health recovered Maryam returned to her home with the
Various opinions and accusations were leveled at Maryam. How could she, a devout virgin, have
a child?
“Ask the baby himself!” said Maryam answering the questions of the people around her.
Even if you have doubts. And thinking Maryam was insane, they also asked Jesus, Maryam's child
who was still a baby.
Unexpectedly, Jesus who was still a baby could answer the will of God: "I am a servant of God, the
Bible will be sent down to me. Allah has chosen me to be a prophet, made me a person who brings
blessings and teaches goodness, ordered me to establish prayers and pay zakat throughout my life, do
good to my parents. I am not proud of others and do not sink into immorality. Allah grants me salvation
on the day of my birth and death and also on the day of resurrection on the Day of Resurrection."
Thus, they can be assured that Maryam is indeed pure and free from their accusations.
Since childhood, Jesus has shown himself as a special human being. His intelligence is
extraordinary. And at the age of 30 years he was appointed as a Prophet and Apostle. Before that he had
been taught the Torah and the Gospel.
With his appointment as an Apostle, he began to spread the religion of Islam to his people.
Calling on the Jews and the Israelites to return to Allah. Aware of the error of those who have dared to
change the Torah, the legacy of the Prophet Moses.
One of the teachings of Prophet Isa is the news of the existence of the next Prophet, namely
Ahmad or Muhammad. This is in the Al-Qur'an letter Ashshaff verse 6:
"Indeed, I am the messenger of Allah to you, confirming the Book before me, namely the Torah
and giving glad tidings of the arrival of an Apostle who will come after me, namely Ahmad
Al Hawariyun is a term for the companions of Prophet Isa and his close disciples. They are the
ones who continue and spread the teachings of the Prophet Jesus to his people.
The arrival of Prophet Isa with his clean and true teachings has made religious figures from
among the monks of the Children of Israel threatened their position. So they asked for proof of his truth
as the messenger of Allah.
So Allah gave a miracle to Prophet Isa to strengthen his teachings. Among other things: Prophet
Isa made a bird toy from clay, after being blown the bird lived and flew by Allah's permission. He can heal
the blind.
He can heal people who are sick with hairpieces. Can revive the dead. Can tell the types of food
that people eat in their homes and also the food they store. Can send down food from the sky to obey his
people who ask for food from heaven.
The Roman government did not like the presence of Prophet Isa who was considered a danger to
their empire. They intended to kill Prophet Isa.
One of Jesus' disciples, Judas, betrayed him. It was he who showed the hiding place of Prophet
Isa. But Allah protected Prophet Isa, he was raised to the sky. While the treacherous Judas was likened to
the face and appearance of the Prophet Jesus, it was Judas who was captured and crucified by the Roman
According to the authentic hadith, Prophet Isa will be revealed to the world again before the Day
of Judgment. The descent of Prophet Isa was to straighten out the religion that had been perverted by the
Christians and to kill the Dajjal.

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