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This week topic is lovely, I didnt know it would be that easy to create a survey in a market research, feels

great to be able to do one. Customer thoughts research as i would put it; is highly important to for any
business, especially for the kind of endevour in my case study, as a non-profit
organisation can increase it customer base by engaging in this type of market researches. One can gain
insight into where customer are willing to put their money, which destination they might choose above
another or what course best suit their spending. The business can also understand what makes
individual contribute more or less based on the data from these research. Basicly, I understand one will
be able to monitor the changes in the business and understand what steps to take to correct situation
into the positive trend with the help of market research. I hope to exercise on other available tools
inorder to gain more insight into how the various internet research works.

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