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According to a report, 70% of US consumers trust user-generated content more than other information

on a company website, therefore; In order to properly implement and use these valuable assets, it is
important to know the pros and cons of Consumer created content.

Pros of Consumer Created Content

Increasing Engagement and Conversion: Consumers trust images, videos, and reviews that come from
other consumers much more than content produced by marketers.This trust produces concrete results in
terms of conversion and engagement.

Solving the Content Crunch: The issue of content crunch has become much bigger due to the over-
explosion of content. Coming up with outstanding content on a regular basis is becoming more and more
of a challenge. But through the content that customers submit, the burden of daily content creation can
be eased.

Improving Efficiency: interaction with customers through answering their questions will help the
business understand it customers and improve service delivery.

Cons of User Generated Content

Fielding Negative Content: as it is controlled by the users. By allowing users to post content on their site,
companies are letting them have more control in the sense that they can post a variety of things, that
may or may not be good for the company and brand image.

Tackling Unknown Sources: Consumers have the control, however, the anonymities and fake profiles
that sneak through the internet and social media create the risk of getting information from unreliable

Understanding the Legal Tapestry : Contrary to what many believe, not everything that a user uploads
on social media with your hashtag is usable. Because the sole owner of that content is the uploader.
Therefore, companies have to get proper permission from the user. They can do that through implicit or
explicit user generated content permissions.

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