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TVTools AlterID 2.0 ID resetting without patching.

How to use:
- If Teamviewer's running just launch "TVTools_AlterID", choose the mode, press
"Start", wait until the progressbar gets 100%, press "End".
- If Teamviewer's not running just copy "TVTools_AlterID" into Teamviewer folder,
launch "TVTools_AlterID", choose the mode, press "Start", wait until the
progressbar gets 100%, press "End".

- Trial - resets ID, relaunch Teamviewer, registers a new ID with trial licence.
- Free - resets ID, relaunch Teamviewer, registers a new ID with free licence.
- Wipe - gets back the original ID that Teamviewer gets at the first start.

Advantages of the trial license:

- No ads.
- No messages about free session end.
- No suspicion of commercial use and no limits associated with.
- No 5 minutes limits.
- Many commercial license opportunities are available.

- If the Trial mode chosen the trial license will expire in 7 days. So you should
either use "TVTools_AlterID" again to reset ID or prolong the trial license.

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