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NATURE|Vol 445|1 February 2007 ESSAY

A twenty-first century science Putting the pieces together

If handled appropriately, data about Internet-based communication and interactivity could

revolutionize our understanding of collective human behaviour.
Duncan J. Watts self-reports from participants, which suf- framework of collective social dynamics.
fer from cognitive biases, errors of percep- People do not just interact: their interac-
Few would deny that many of the major tion and framing ambiguities. tions have consequences for the choices
problems currently facing humanity are The striking proliferation over the past they, and others, make.
social and economic in nature. From the decade of Internet-based communication Studies that combine all these features
apparent wave of religious fundamental- and interactivity, however, is beginning to are currently beyond the state of the art,
ism sweeping the Islamic world (and parts lift these constraints. For the first time, we but two of my group’s recent projects indi-
of the Western world), to collective eco- can begin to observe the real-time inter- cate tentative progress. The first used the
nomic security, global warming and the actions of millions of people at a resolu- anonymized e-mail logs of a university
great epidemics of our times, powerful yet tion that is sensitive to effects at the level community of around 40,000 people to
mysterious social forces come into play. of the individual. Meanwhile, ever-faster track daily network evolution over a year
But few readers of Nature would con- computers permit us to simulate large as a function of existing network structure,
sider social science to be the science of the networks of social interactions. The result shared activities (such as classes) and indi-
twenty-first century. Although economics, has been tremendous interest in social net- vidual attributes. Dynamic data of this type
sociology, political science and anthropol- works: thousands of papers and a growing may shed light on the relative roles of struc-
ogy have produced a plethora of findings number of books have been published in tural constraints and individual preferences
regarding human social behaviour, they less than a decade, leading some to herald in determining, for example, observed
have been much less successful than the the arrival of a ‘science of networks’. homogeneity of friendship circles.
physical and life sciences in producing a This label, unsurprisingly, has attracted The second was a Web-based experi-
coherent theoretical framework that can its share of critics, and with some justifica- ment in which 14,000 participants were
account for their discoveries. This is not asked to listen to, rate and download

because social scientists are less clever songs by unknown bands. Some partici-
than their peers in other fields, but because pants made their decisions independently,
social phenomena are among the hardest and others could see how many times the
scientific problems to solve. songs had been downloaded previously.
Social phenomena involve the inter- Experiments of this kind measure not
actions of large (but still finite) num- only the influence that individuals have
bers of heterogeneous entities, the over each others’ decisions, but also
behaviours of which unfold over time the consequences of these individual-
and manifest themselves on multiple level effects on macro properties, such
scales. It is hard to understand, for as the predictability of ‘hit’ products.
example, why even a single organization Clearly, the leap from these still sim-
behaves the way it does without consider- plistic studies to the ‘big questions’ of social
ing (a) the individuals who work in it; (b) science remains formidable. In this regard,
the other organizations with which it com- cooperation between academic research-
petes, cooperates and compares itself to; tion. Some of the ideas are not as new as ers and the large Internet companies who
(c) the institutional and regulatory struc- sometimes advertised; many of the popu- currently dominate data collection may
ture within which it operates; and (d) the lar models are too simplistic to stand up to be extremely productive. Although such
interactions between all these components. scrutiny; and even the more sober-looking collaborations will encounter challenges,
To draw an analogy with physics, one must empirical studies tend to use data that hap- including privacy and intellectual-property
solve the equivalent of quantum mechan-
ics, general relativity and the multi-body
pen to be available, rather than obtained
with a specific research question in mind.
issues, the questions are too difficult to be
left to intuition, or even experience, alone.
problem at the same time — even string As a result, despite the avalanche of publi- We must start asking how the technologi-
theorists don’t have it that bad! Fortunately, cations and breathless headlines, it is prob- cal revolution of the Internet can lead to a
recent developments in network science ably true that little has been learned about revolution in social science as well. ■
auger some hope for the future. real social processes. Duncan J. Watts is at the Department of
For the past 50 years or so, sociologists Nevertheless, the near future looks Sociology and the Institute for Social and
have thought deeply about the importance promising, especially if a few fundamental Economic Research and Policy, Columbia
of interactions between people, institu- features of social networks can be empha- University 420 W. 118th Street, 8th Floor,
tions and markets in determining col- sized. First, social networks are not static New York, NY 10027, USA.
lective social behaviour. They have even structures, but evolve in time as a conse-
built a language — network analysis — to quence of the social and organizational Heyman, K. Science 313, 604–606 (2006).
describe these interactions in quantitative environments in which they are embed- Duke, C. B. Network Science (The National Academies
terms. But the objects of analysis, such as ded. Second, they are not unitary, but Press, 2006).
Kossinets, G. & Watts, D. J. Science 311, 88–90 (2006).
friendship ties, are hard to observe, espe- multiplex, meaning that people maintain Salganik, M. J., Dodds, P. S. & Watts, D. J. Science 311,
cially for large numbers of people over a portfolio of types of ties — formal, infor- 854–856 (2006).
extended periods of time. As a result, mal, strong, weak, sexual, business and
network data have historically comprised friendship — each of which serves differ- For other essays in this series, see http://
one-time snapshots, often for quite small ent functions. And finally, network struc-
groups. And most studies have relied on ture must be understood within the larger index.html


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