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Case Study 1

Progress in the Struggle

for More Meaningful
Development: Brazil

T here are two faces of development in Brazil.

World-competitive industry coexists with stag-
nant, protected sectors. Modern agriculture coex-
and other social expenditures, and much higher
Brazil’s performance is followed widely in the devel­
ists with low-productivity traditional practices. oping world, as it is the largest and most populous
But Brazil is in the midst of a spurt of economic country in Latin America; with close to 200 million
development that might herald a lasting transfor- people, it is the world’s fifth-largest country in both
mation for a country often considered synonymous area and population. Brazil is consolidating its role
with inequality and unmet potential. Economic as the lead country in the Latin America and Carib-
growth has returned, health and education have bean region; it is a key member of the G20 leading
improved markedly, the country’s democratization economies; and one of a group of developing coun-
has proved durable, and inequality—among the tries pushing for fairer international trade rules. It is
highest in the world—has at long last started to fall. one of four influential countries referred to by the
But there is still a long way to go to achieve genuine media and financial analysts as the “BRICs” (Brazil,
development in Brazil. Growth remains vulner- Russia, India, and China, often expanded to include
able to world commodity prices, and social progress South Africa).
remains tenuous as revealed by the widespread pro- Although over two decades of military rule
test demonstrations that erupted in 2013. ended in Brazil in 1985, an ongoing debt crisis,
Many Brazilians have been frustrated with the years of stagnant incomes, and extremely high
uneven pace of development and are known for inflation followed. It took drastic policies to reduce
telling self-deprecating jokes such as “Brazil is the inflation, and incomes continued to stagnate in
country of the future—and always will be.” Brazil the aftermath. The 1980s and the 1990s have been
has even been cited as an example of a country that described as “lost decades” for development. So
has experienced “growth without development.” the recent signs of palpable progress, especially
But despite huge inequities, Brazil has made eco- since about 2004, have been welcomed with relief
nomic and social progress. Extremely high economic and growing enthusiasm among many Brazilians.
inequality and social divisions do pose a serious Although the country remains politically divided
threat to further progress in Brazil. But there are between the center-left and the center-right, a strik-
growing reasons to hope that Brazil may overcome ing convergence has been achieved on policies
its legacy of inequality so that the country may yet agreed to be necessary for equitable and sustained
join the ranks of the developed countries. growth, ranging from active poverty reduction pro-
Brazil is of special interest in part because its grams to relatively orthodox monetary policies.
growth performance from the 1960s through the The economy has been growing more rapidly (if
early 1980s was the best in Latin America, with at inconsistently), in part due to commodity exports
least some parallels with East Asian export policy to China, from soybeans to iron ore. One persistent
and performance, although Brazil had a larger role worry is whether the economy could continue to
for state-owned enterprises, much lower education grow rapidly if commodity prices, which have been

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much higher in recent years, revert to their very stages (see Chapter 12). Its percentage share of manu-
long-term trends for decline (see Chapter 12), or factured exports in total exports grew dramatically,
the slowing growth in China curtails demand for reaching 57% in 1980, although it dropped dramati-
Brazil’s products—both genuine worries by 2013. cally during the lost decade of the 1980s. Although
High crime remains a problem, especially in the the share of manufactured exports increased again,
favelas (slums). reaching a new peak of 58% in 2000, it has fallen
But despite the nation’s early and now resumed steadily since, to 45% in 2008, and by 2011, this figure
growth, other indicators of development in Brazil had fallen to just 34% (World Bank data). Although
lagged, eventually undermining growth prospects. part of this decline reflected an increase in commod-
Benefiting from much higher incomes than Central ity prices, it is still a striking reversal that probably
American countries and spared the destructiveness increases the vulnerability of the Brazilian economy
of civil war, Brazil, it would seem, should have been (see Chapter 12). Brazil must decide whether to
in a much better position to fight extreme poverty respond to its good fortune of a period of high
and improve economic equity and social indicators. commodity prices as a spur to action or an excuse
Instead, despite recent improvement, the country for complacency.
has continued to see a higher percentage of its pop- Brazil’s prolonged status as a highly indebted
ulation in poverty than would be expected for an country (see Chapter 13) was a substantial drag
upper-middle-income country. Brazil remains one on growth performance, as were continued prob-
of the countries with the highest levels of inequality lems with infrastructure. Recently, however, the
in the world. So how should Brazil’s development Industrial, Technological and Foreign Trade Policy
performance be evaluated and future priorities (PITCE) program has been actively working to
chosen? upgrade the quality and competitiveness of Brazilian
Income and Growth High and growing taxes may have also slowed
Growth is generally necessary, though not suffi- formal-sector employment growth. The overall tax
cient, for achieving development. In 2011, Brazil’s burden increased from about 25% of gross national
per capita income was close to $11,000, still well income to nearly 40% in the decade from 1993 to
under a quarter of that of the United States but 2004, before leveling off (it was about 38% in 2012).
more than nine times greater than that of Haiti Payroll taxes are high and as many as half of Brazil’s
(World Bank data). labor force now works in the informal sector, where
Growth has been erratic, with substantial swings taxes may be avoided (and labor rights and regula-
over time. Data for growth of gross domestic prod- tion circumvented).
uct (GDP) per capita are sometimes presented for However, Ricardo Hausmann, Dani Rodrik, and
the periods 1965–1990, when for Brazil it was 1.4%, Andrés Velasco argue that Brazil does not lack for
and for 1990–2000, when it was 1.5%. This appears productive investment ideas, nor is concern about
to suggest a remarkable stability. But the former government behavior the factor holding back
figures combine the booming years from 1967 to investment. Using their decision tree framework to
1980 and Brazil’s “lost decade of development” of identify the most binding constraints on economic
the 1980s. Nevertheless, performance through this growth (see Chapter 4), Hausmann, Rodrik, and
period was still better than most other countries Velasco argue that Brazil has high returns to invest-
of Latin America. In 2000–2011, average annual ment and is most constrained by a lack of savings to
per capita growth rose to about 2.8% (World Bank finance its productive opportunities at reasonable
data). But wide swings continue, with a spike close interest rates. In raising domestic savings, Haus-
to 7% in 2010 slowing to a near standstill by the end mann has emphasized the importance of “creating
of 2012. a financially viable state that does not over-borrow,
Brazil has had an export policy stressing incentives over-tax or under-invest.”
for manufacturing exports, as well as protections for Technology transfer is critical to more rapid
domestic industry, with numerous parallels with growth, competing internationally, and beginning
Taiwan and South Korea in their earlier formative to catch up with advanced countries. Brazil has

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made notable progress. The country is viewed as middle classes and the rich. Close to a third of the
being at the cutting edge of agricultural research poorest fifth of the population does not attend pri-
and extension in commercially successful export mary school. But the sharpest differences show up
crops such as citrus and soybeans. After a disastrous in secondary and tertiary education. More than 90%
of the poorest four-fifths of the population do not at-
attempt to protect the computer industry in the 1980s
tend secondary school, and practically none make it
was abandoned, Brazil has begun to see the expan-
to universities. Only primary schools end up being
sion of a software industry, as also seen in India. But relatively targeted to the poor, not because the gov-
Brazil has not absorbed technology to the degree that ernment succeeds in targeting resources, but because
East Asian countries have. richer households send their children to private
schools. Public expenditures on secondary and ter-
Social Indicators tiary education are very badly targeted to the poor.
Brazil’s human development statistics compare For scholarships—chiefly to graduate students—
unfavorably with many other middle-income coun- four-fifths of the money goes to the richest fifth of
tries such as Costa Rica and quite a few low-income the population.
countries, let alone with the advanced industrial- In fact, with public universities offering free tuition
ized countries. As of 2007, Brazil ranked just 85th to mostly high-income undergrads as well as grad
on the United Nations Development Programme’s students, the distortion is even greater. Moreover,
2013 Human Development Index (explained in corruption and waste limit the effectiveness of gov-
Chapter 2), eight positions lower than would be ernment expenditures. And the quality of primary
predicted by its income, and below such countries schools in poor areas remains low.
as Peru, Mauritius, and Azerbaijan. So while the persistence of poverty in Brazil is
In Brazil, life expectancy at birth in 2011 was undoubtedly due in part to mediocre growth rela-
73 years, compared with 81 in South Korea. Brazil’s tive to East Asia or to Brazil’s potential, the most
under-5 mortality rate is 16 per 1,000 live births, an important explanation is the highly concentrated
impressive improvement from its 2000 rate of 36 distribution of income, worsened by inequitable
per 1,000 but still high compared with 10 in similar- social spending.
income Costa Rica and just 5 in Korea (World Bank Development depends on a healthy, skilled, and
data). But about 7% of all children under the age secure workforce. Ultimately, a slower improve-
of 5 still suffer from malnutrition in Brazil (World ment in health, education, and community devel-
Bank data). opment can feed back to a slower rate of growth,
Brazil suffers from a high incidence of child a process that has plagued Brazilian development.
labor for its income level, as a World Bank study A hopeful sign is the role played now in Brazil by
and reports by the International Labor Office have a free press, strengthened basic rights, and a very
underlined. As many as 7 million children still work active but peaceful political competition. These
in Brazil, despite the country’s having officially elements can be a precursor of expanded capabilities
made the eradication of child labor a priority. (For an in Amartya Sen’s analysis.
analysis of the problems of child labor and appro-
priate child labor policies, see Chapter 8.) In the Poverty
education sphere, Brazil’s officially reported adult Perhaps the most important social indicator is the
literacy rate has now risen to 90% (independent extent of extreme poverty among a country’s people.
observers have concluded that Brazil’s effective liter- Poverty has been high in Brazil for an upper-
acy is under 50%), while that of similar-income Costa middle-income country. There has been progress; a
Rica is 96%. Helping explain this difference, in Costa World Bank study found that Brazil’s average per
Rica, six years of school attendance are mandatory, capita income grew by 220% in the high-growth
and 99% attendance is reported. years from 1960 to 1980, with a 34% decline in the
The UNDP concluded that share of the poor in the population. On the other
the unequal distribution of social spending is no hand, similarly sized Indonesia grew 108% from
doubt a major factor in maintaining inequality and 1971 to 1987, with a 42% decline in poverty inci-
thus poverty.…The bulk of the benefits go to the dence. And some of the ground gained on poverty

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was subsequently lost in Brazil in the 1980s and bottom 40% receive just 10%. The UNDP concludes
1990s. According to World Bank estimates, in 2009, that high inequality is the reason for the high level
some 10.8% of the population of Brazil lived on less of extreme poverty and the very slow rate of poverty
than $2 per day. And according to the most recent reduction. Inequality in assets is also high. In recent
data, 6.1% actually lived in extreme poverty, with years, inequality in Brazil has moderated some-
incomes below $1.25 per day (World Bank, 2013 what, although it remains among the highest in the
World Development Indicators), worse than some world. In addition to Bolsa Familia and other social
low-income countries such as Sri Lanka. But this program innovations, Brazilian analysts generally
may actually be an underestimate. According to a conclude that a recent increase in (and enforcement
Brazilian government research institute cited by the of) the minimum wage also has reduced inequality;
United Nations Development Programme, an even this has had, wide impact as many local government
more shocking 15% of Brazilians have incomes of workers receive the minimum wage.
less than $1 a day. However, poverty is now fall-
ing, and the recent Bolsa Familia (family stipend) Land Reform
government program has received high marks for Land is very unequally distributed in Brazil, and there
addressing poverty through its “conditional cash is both an efficiency and a social equity case for land
transfers” of resources to poor families, provided reform (a subject discussed in Chapter 9). But land
that they keep children vaccinated and in school; it reform has been repeatedly blocked in Brazil by the
is similar to the Mexican Progresa/Oportunidades political power of large plantation owners (fazenderos).
program that is the subject of the end-of-chapter In response, impoverished farmers in the “landless
case study for Chapter 8. It must also be mentioned movement,” or MST, have increasingly seized land,
that physical security remains a pressing problem often arable but unused land within large plantations.
in Brazil, with violent gangs having extensive sway. Thousands of families have taken part. Farmers have
This problem can have the greatest negative impact also settled in fragile rain forest areas, finding them-
on people living in poverty. selves unable to acquire land in areas that are more
agriculturally suitable and less ecologically sensi-
Inequality tive. In response, the government has initiated a land
For decades, Brazil’s inequality in income (as well reform program, but the results to date have been
as in land and other assets) has ranked among the modest in relation to the scope of the problem.
worst in the world. High inequality not only pro-
duces social strains but can also ultimately retard Sustainability of Development
growth, as examined in detail in Chapter 5. The As described in Chapter 10, growth that relies on
degree of income inequality in Brazil is reflected in running down the natural environment is con-
the low share of income going to the bottom 60% trasted with sustainable development, which pre-
and the high share to the top 10% of the population, serves the ecology on which future income and
as seen in the following income distribution data for people’s health vitally depend. But Brazilians
Brazil (2009 survey data, from the 2013 World Devel- across the political spectrum appear determined not
opment Indicators): to acknowledge destruction of forests as a genuine
or pressing problem. Deforestation of the Brazilian
Fraction of Population Share Received (%) Amazon rain forest displays conflicts between short-
Lowest 10% 0.8 and long-term development goals and the conse-
Lowest 20% 2.9 quences of huge inequality and state intervention
Second 20% 7.1
Third 20% 12.4 on behalf of the rich. Despite their destructiveness,
Fourth 20% 19.0 economic activities in the Amazon often benefited in
Highest 20% 58.6 the past from ill-conceived subsidies, now curtailed.
Highest 10% 42.9 Grandiose showcase development projects and
schemes, such as subsidized ore mining, charcoal-
As these figures show, the top 10% of income earn- consuming industries, and cattle ranching, were car-
ers receive about 43% of national income, while the ried out on a large scale.

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The encouragement of rain forest settlement in the region. Black representation in government is
seemed to be a politically inexpensive alternative shockingly rare, even in the states where nonwhites
to land reform. In the end, the best lands became make up a majority of the population. Univer-
concentrated in the hands of large, powerful farm- sity places are overwhelmingly claimed by whites.
ers. Rights of indigenous peoples were flagrantly Some progress has been made, but Brazil may need
violated, with some terrible atrocities committed by a stronger movement comparable to the U.S. civil
settlers. Ecological campaigners and activists among rights struggle of the 1960s. But in the absence of
rubber-tappers whose livelihoods were threatened overt Jim Crow laws, it is sometimes hard to iden-
were attacked and sometimes murdered. In the tify the appropriate target. Some form of meaningful
meantime, much of these fragile lands appears to affirmative action may be the only way to begin to
have become irreversibly degraded. Many of the overcome the problem.
subsidies have now been withdrawn, and at least
some protections and “extractive reserves” have Conclusion
been put in place, but rain forest destruction is hard It might be most accurate to say that Brazil has
to reverse. Forest management in other tropical rain experienced some economic growth without as
forests has led to a rapid growth in ecotourism and much social development as could be expected
very high, profitable, and sustainable fruit yields. from its income level, rather than the more blan-
Products that can be harvested without serious eco- keting “growth without development,” which
logical disruption include fibers, latex, resins, gums, applies better to countries such as Pakistan, Gabon,
medicines, and game. However, it is clear that this and Equatorial Guinea. But continuing racial dis-
cannot protect land on the vast scale at risk. Because parities, unjust treatment of indigenous peoples,
the rest of the world benefits from Brazil’s rain lack of access of the poor to fertile land, extremely
forests through prevention of global warming, eco- high inequality and surprisingly high poverty for
logical cleansing, and the irreplaceable biodiversity its income level, and the danger that growth will
needed for future antibiotics and other medicines prove ecologically unsustainable all mean that
and goods, the international community should be Brazil will have to continue its recent efforts to
prepared to pay something to ensure its continua- make social inclusion and human development,
tion, such as paying forest dwellers to preserve and as well as environmental sustainability, top priori-
protect natural resources. Financial support for land ties if it is to resume and maintain rapid economic
reform outside sensitive areas is one clear direction. growth, let alone achieve true multidimensional
Problems of Social Inclusion Part of the explanation for high rates of income
Few discussions about poverty in Brazil pay much poverty and poor social indicators in Brazil is the
attention to race. But about half of the population relatively slower growth that has prevailed since the
of Brazil is of African or mulatto heritage. As a early 1980s, excepting its recent spurt. But a major
result, it is sometimes noted that Brazil is the world’s explanation is that government social spending on
largest black nation after Nigeria. And most of the health, education, pensions, unemployment ben-
poor in Brazil are black or mulatto. Although racial efits, and other transfers are going to the well-off, fre-
discrimination is a crime in Brazil, no one has ever quently to those in the top 20% of income distribution.
been sent to jail for it. According to one estimate, Government policy has often had the effect of wors-
the average black worker receives only 41% of the ening inequality rather than softening it. The Bolsa
salary of the average white worker. Most of the Familia program is an important recent exception that
millions of Brazilians living in the worst favelas, or has made a substantial impact in Brazil. Bolsa Familia
shantytown slums, are black. The endemic extreme transfers income to poor families on the condition that
poverty of the Northeast, which has lagged develop- their children stay in school, thus providing current
ment standards of the Southeast for decades, afflicts consumption as well as the potential of future higher
indigenous and mulatto populations. Although the earnings for families trapped in chronic poverty.
Northeast has only about 30% of Brazil’s population, In November 2002, the left-leaning labor leader
an estimated 62% of the country’s extreme poor live Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, known universally as

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Lula, was elected president of Brazil on a platform Binswanger, Hans P. “Brazilian policies that encourage
promising greater equity. This generated a lot of deforestation in the Amazon.” World Development
excitement in the country, with renewed hopes for 19 (1991): 821–829.
greater social inclusion; his first term saw some Dinsmoor, James. Brazil: Responses to the Debt Crisis.
renewal of growth and a greater public policy focus Washington, D.C.: Inter-American Development
on poverty, with some improvements in the favelas Bank, 1990.
and better rural nutrition, for example, but the rate Downing, Theodore E., Susanna B. Hecht, and Henry
of progress on social inclusion was disappointingly A. Pearson, eds. Development or Destruction? The
slow for many Brazilians. Lula was reelected in Conversion of Tropical Forest to Pasture in Latin
2006, and the general view is that the following four America. Boulder, Colo: Westview Press, 1992.
years went well, with steadier growth and signifi- The Economist, Special Report on Brazil (November 14,
cant improvements in many social indicators; and 2009):
Lula’s Worker’s Party successor, Dilma Rousset— /displayStory.cfm?story_id=E1_TQRNJQRV.
who was imprisoned and tortured during military Erber, Fabio Stefano. “The development of the elec-
rule—won the 2010 presidential election to become tronics complex and government policies in Brazil.”
the first woman to lead Brazil. But substantial World Development 13 (1985): 293–310.
unrest emerged in the country in 2013, and many Fields, Gary. Poverty Inequality and Development.
questions remain. Many Brazilians find the contrast New York: Cambridge University Press, 1980.
between slum neighborhoods and gleaming new Hausmann, Ricardo, Dani Rodrik, and Andrés Velasco.
sports facilities that can be seen from them a grating “Growth diagnostics.” In One Economics, Many
reminder of dubious development priorities. Can Recipes: Globalization, Institutions, and Economic
steady progress be made on the racial divide, physi- Growth, by Dani Rodrik. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
cal security, environmental decay, poverty, inequality, University Press, 2007.
high borrowing costs, needed diversification of exports, Hausmann Ricardo. “In search of the chains that hold
and high and inefficient government spending? If so, Brazil back.” October 31, 2008. http://papers.
the outlook for Brazil is bright.
INCRA (Brazilian agency for land reform), http://
Anderson, Anthony B. “Smokestacks in the rainfor- Sercovich, Francisco Colman. “Brazil.” World
est: Industrial development and deforestation in Development 12 (1984): 575–600.
the Amazon basin.” World Development 18 (1990): Siddiqi, Faraaz, and Harry Anthony Patrinos. Child
1191–1205. Labor: Issues, Causes, and Interventions. World
Anderson, Anthony B., ed. Alternatives to Deforestation. Bank, n.d.
New York: Columbia University Press, 1990. United Nations Development Programme. Human
Assunção, Juliano, “Land reform and landholdings Poverty Report, 2000–2009 (annual). New York:
in Brazil,” UNU-WIDER Research Paper No. United Nations, 2000–2009.
2006/137, November 2006. World Bank. Eradicating Child Labor in Brazil.
Baer, Werner. The Brazilian Economy: Growth and Washington, D.C.: World Bank, 2001.
Development. Boulder, Colo.: Rienner, 2008. ———. Global Monitoring Report, 2007. Washington,
Bank Information Center. Funding Ecological and D.C.: World Bank, 2007. (See in particular Table
Social Destruction: The World Bank and the IMF. A.1, p. 226.)
Washington, D.C.: Bank Information Center, 1990. ———. World Development Indicators, 2010. Wash-
Bauman, Renato, and Helson C. Braga. “Export ington, D.C.: World Bank, 2010.
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export performance in Brazil.” World Develop- Developing Countries. Washington, D.C.: World
ment 16 (1988): 821–833. Bank, 2001.   ■
Notes: The Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) provides data on Brazil that supplements that found in the World
Development Indicators and other international sources. See This case study benefits greatly from annual
exchanges on evolving policies and conditions with Brazilian civil servants.


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