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Ma'am Ma. Victoria Valenzuela


Activity No.1

1). In your own way, illustrate how the following characteristics of culture work in you

a.)CULTURE IS LEARNED- Culture is a set of beliefs, attitudes, and practices that an individual learns his
or her family, church, school, and other social institution.

b.)CULTURE GRATIFIES HUMAN NEEDS -Culture is a system for satisfying the social and psychological
needs of human. The need to loved, to feel important and needed, to nourish and be nurtured, and to
extend oneself to another people are basic human needs.

c.)CULTURE IS A PRODUCT OF SOCIAL INTERACTION -ways and means by which by human interact with
each other within the confines of a society.

d.)CULTURE IS INTEGRATED -The different parts of a cultural system revolve around common theme.
They form a meaningful whole and give each cultural system a distinct and unique quality from that of
other cultures.

d.)CULTURE IS IDEATIONAL - Culture is a body of values, symbols, meanings, philosophies, and

worldviews. Only human has the intellect and emotions to create ideas on both the concrete and
abstract levels of understanding. Behind material inventions and creations, human attaches and
interprets meanings and symbols to represent his/her beliefs and values.

2). Identify the following:


-are the behavior patterns of society which are organized and repetitive. For example, you have
to practice of raising one’s hand to take turn in speaking.


-are customary patterns or folkways which are taken on a moralistic value. For example, are the
religious doctrines?

- considered under the behavioural component of Filipino culture and are often referred to us


- are general guidelines in social living and may differ based on the desire of a person to do things
good or bad. It is more like moral.


-may include superstitious beliefs and/or religious beliefs.

3).Why is culture considered as the soul of our people and the blueprint for living?


Culture is often referred to as a blueprint or guideline shared by a group of people that specifies how
to live culture teaches us how to live in a society and allows us to advance because each new
generation can benefit from the solution found and passed down from previous generation.

4).Differentiate the norms from values and ritual.


Norms and values are at many times used inter changeably in our day to day discourse but social
scientist use them is a specific sense social norms are standards rules, guides, and expectations for
actual behaviour. Whereas values are abstract convention of what is important and worthwhile.
Honesty is a general values material forbidden by the codes in the examination is a norm.

5).What is crazes, fads, and fashions? Give examples for better understanding.


Fashions and fads are everywhere; in things as diverse as food, furnishings, clothes, flowers,
children's names, haircuts, body image, even disease symptoms and surgical operations. Apparently,
even the way we see Nature and frame questions about it is affected to some extent by fashion; at least
according to those who would like to throw cold water on somebody else's theory. (In the current
discussion, Paul Davies says, "Of late, it is fashionable among leading physicists and cosmologists to
suppose that alongside the physical world we see lies a stupendous array of alternative realities.

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