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Medical Hypotheses 80 (2013) 264–270

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Hypothesis for a systems connectivity model of autism spectrum disorder

pathogenesis: Links to gut bacteria, oxidative stress, and intestinal permeability
Colin A. Heberling a, Prasad S. Dhurjati a,⇑, Myron Sasser b
University of Delaware, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, 150 Academy Street Newark, DE 19716, USA
MIDI, Inc., 125 Sandy Drive Newark, DE 19713, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Autism Spectrum Disorders are neurodevelopmental disorders with symptoms that include cognitive
Received 10 September 2012 impairments, stereotyped behaviors, and impairments in social skills. The dramatic increase in incidence
Accepted 29 November 2012 of autism in recent years has created an increased need to find effective treatments. This paper proposes a
hypothesis for a systems model of the connections between Autism Spectrum Disorder pathogenesis
routes observed in recent studies. A combination treatment option is proposed to combat multiple path-
ogenesis mechanisms at once. Autism has been cited as being linked to gastrointestinal symptoms and is
thought to be caused by a combination of genetic predisposition and environmental factors. Neuroin-
flammation as a result of increased gastrointestinal permeability has been noted as being a likely cause
of Autism Spectrum Disorders, with possible primary causes stemming from abnormal intestinal bacteria
and/or sulfur metabolic deficiencies. Our pathogenesis model proposes a circular relationship: oxidative
stress and sulfur metabolic deficiencies could cause changes in colonic bacterial composition; and envi-
ronmental bacterial contaminants could lead to elevated oxidative stress in individuals. It would thus be
a self-perpetuating process where treatment options with single targets would have short-lived effects. It
is believed that bacterial toxins, oxidative stress and dietary allergens such as gluten could all lead to
increased epithelial permeability. Therefore, we propose a combination treatment to combat intestinal
permeability, abnormal bacteria and/or bacterial overgrowth, and sulfur metabolic deficiencies. It is
our hope that the proposed model will inspire new studies in finding effective treatments for individuals
with Autism Spectrum Disorders. We suggest possible future studies that may lend more credibility to
the proposed model.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction be more now. ASDs are about four times more prevalent in males
than females, for reasons that are still unclear.
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) are neurodevelopmental Gastrointestinal problems have been implicated in people with
disorders that include Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, and Pervasive ASDs by some, but there is much discrepancy on this topic: some
Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS). It studies seem to confirm this correlation as significant when com-
has implications in cognitive impairments, sociability impair- pared to healthy, age-matched controls [2–4], and yet others state
ments, impairments in language and communication skills, re- that the differences in gastrointestinal problems in ASD patients
stricted interests, and stereotyped behaviors [1]. Currently, are not statistically significant [5–7]. Despite these discrepancies,
observations of these behaviors are the best and only way to diag- when ASD patients are put on gluten and casein exclusion diets
nose ASDs. A diagnosis is usually made before a child reaches age 3, there is usually a partial alleviation of symptoms soon afterwards
and diagnoses have dramatically increased in the past several [2]. Gluten allergies are pervasive in Celiac Disease and type 1 dia-
years. Current estimates state that 1 in 88 (11.4 in 1000) children betes [8–10]. It is an autoimmune condition, thought to be aggra-
in the US in 2008 had some form of autism, up from 9 in 1000 in vated by a weakening of the small or large intestine’s epithelial
2006 and 6.4 in 1000 in 2002. Incidence of autism could possibly barrier function, intended to limit trafficking of cells and molecules
between the gut and blood circulation. This suggests that there is a
link between the gut and autism pathogenesis. Gastrointestinal
problems (such as diarrhea, constipation, ulcerative colitis) might
⇑ Corresponding author. Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, 150
Academy Street, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, USA. Fax: +1 302 831
not be present in all people with ASDs, but there does seem to
1048. be a link between gastrointestinal symptom severity and autism
E-mail address: (P.S. Dhurjati). severity, which gives more evidence for the gut-to-brain link [2].

0306-9877/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C.A. Heberling et al. / Medical Hypotheses 80 (2013) 264–270 265

Proposed pathogenesis blood circulation of molecules and cells normally contained within
the gut and subsequent neuroinflammation after breach of the
Fig. 1, depicted below, represents a summary of our proposed blood–brain barrier. The relationships after an increase in intesti-
systems connectivity model for autism spectrum disorder patho- nal permeability are simply linear. The chief new theory that we
genesis. A review of the recent literature is necessary to under- propose involves the inter-relationship between the first two
stand the full implications and reasoning behind the model and pathogenesis routes: sulfur metabolic deficiencies and intestinal
will be addressed after the introduction of the model. The model bacterial composition imbalance. We hypothesize a connection
is quite complex, involving both linear and cyclic relationships. between various intestinal bacteria involved in ASD. Overgrowth
The model can be broken down into three main sections or patho- of Clostridia and/or Desulfovibrio and a decrease in Bifidobacteria
genesis routes: oxidative stress and subsequent sulfur metabolic could be involved in ASD pathogenesis, and sulfur metabolic
deficiencies; abnormal intestinal bacteria and/or bacterial over- deficiencies found in individuals with ASDs may be causing over-
growth; and increased intestinal permeability leading to increased growth of Desulfovibrio. The sulfur metabolic deficiencies may be

Fig. 1. Proposed pathogenesis model. Note: ‘‘Met’’ and ‘‘Cys’’ are abbreviations for amino acids Methionine and Cysteine respectively. ‘‘SAH’’ is an abbreviation for S-
adenosylhomocysteine, a metabolite in the transsulfuration cycle.
266 C.A. Heberling et al. / Medical Hypotheses 80 (2013) 264–270

self-perpetuated by decreased levels of total and reduced intermediate changes in gut bacteria compositions, though the dif-
glutathione, and a decrease in Bifidobacteria. ferences were not statistically significant from individuals with
The inter-relationships between these three major pathogenesis ASDs or controls. Therefore, Finegold hypothesized that clostridial
routes suggests that a combination treatment may be the best op- spores as an environmental contaminant were largely to blame for
tion for those with Autism. Assuming that the proposed cyclic rela- the dramatic increase in regressive autism [21]. Clostridium difficile
tionship is true, then treatment of only one of these problems may is the cause of hospital-contracted ulcerative colitis and is a known
only have short-lived effects. Treating all three problems at once toxin producer [22]. Other members of Clostridia are known toxin
may have better efficacy. The pathogenesis mechanism would then producers as well, such as C. perfringens. Finegold et al. cite evi-
be ‘‘knocked out’’ at three different places, which would minimize dence for clostridial pathogenesis in that infants who have ear
the mechanisms’ inter-related effects. infections are typically prescribed the antibiotics sulfamethoxazole
The following descriptions involve more explicit details of the and trimethoprim [17,18,21]. Clostridia are Gram-positive bacteria
systems connectivity model, which will become clearer in the liter- that are usually resistant to these antibiotics, whereas Bacteroides
ature review sections of this paper. Impairment in the gut epithe- and Bifidobacteria are Gram-negative bacteria that are susceptible
lial barrier function is proposed to be critical in development to such antibiotics. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the
of autism so that toxins, bacterial products, lymphocytes, pro- result would be a shift in gut bacterial composition in these indi-
inflammatory cytokines, and neurotransmitters can reach blood viduals. They would also be much more susceptible to contracting
circulation and breach the blood–brain barrier, such as through more harmful bacterial strains from their environments, and their
endotoxin (otherwise known as lipopolysaccharide, or LPS) [11]. immune systems would be compromised.
In the systems connectivity model, three items lead to increased Finegold et al. cite additional evidence in that individuals with
epithelial permeability: gut inflammation, increased zonulin levels ASDs respond well to the antibiotics vancomycin and metronida-
such as from an allergic reaction to gluten, and from cell morpho- zole, which are able to target Gram-positive bacteria. Vancomycin
logical changes from clostridial toxins. Furthermore, six factors is also minimally absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, providing
are proposed as leading to gut inflammation in autism pathogene- maximum efficacy to antibiotic activity in the colon. However,
sis: clostridial toxins, hydrogen sulfide from Desulfovibrio, dietary after termination of antibiotic treatment, patients have recurring
allergens such as gluten, reduced removal of toxic heavy metals, symptoms a few weeks afterwards [23]. Clostridia produce spores:
reduced sulfation detoxification of xenobiotic compounds, and dormant organisms with copies of their DNA that vegetate, or acti-
an inflammatory cytokine imbalance skewed towards pro- vate, when the environment is favorable for growth again [21,24].
inflammatory cytokines. These spores are thought to cause the recurring symptoms. Spores
It should be noted that particular mechanisms for environmen- are highly resistant to a number of factors that would ordinarily
tal exposure to Clostridia and Desulfovibrio are not addressed in the kill vegetative cells, such as antibiotics, heat exposure, changes in
connectivity model below because that is not the model’s main fo- pH, substrate starvation, or physical pressure. They can thus exist
cus. Use of antibiotics that Clostridia and/or Desulfovibrio are resis- outside of the host and stay dormant on the surfaces of our exter-
tant to as well as poor diet choices may be factors that lead to nal environments until they are able to contaminate another host.
environmental contamination with pathogenic Clostridia and Des- This is thought to be an important factor in the increased incidence
ulfovibrio. More information on this topic is given in the following of ASDs.
sections, but for a more comprehensive coverage (including rela- In the most recent study by Finegold et al. [19], more advanced
tional diagrams), see the 2011 and 2012 papers written by Fine- pyrosequencing technology was used to analyze fecal samples of
gold et al. [12,13]. ASD patients. The results of this study have conflicted with the past
studies of Finegold et al. and of many others. Amounts of Clostridia
were not statistically higher than controls although relative
Literature review amounts of Bacteroides and Desulfovibrio were higher than controls.
Desulfovibrio was of special note, because even though it repre-
Abnormal gut bacteria sented a very small proportion of the total bacterial population
(less than 0.3%), its proportion was 10 times higher in individuals
Given the gut-to-brain link in ASDs, there have been numerous with ASDs versus healthy controls. Finegold wrote a paper [2]
studies on intestinal bacteria composition in relation to ASDs. hypothesizing that Desulfovibrio was in fact responsible for the
Anaerobic bacteria naturally reside in the human large intestine autism pathogenesis originally thought to be caused by Clostridia.
(and similar mammals) acting as another collective ‘‘organ’’ of Desulfovibrio produces hydrogen sulfide as its main metabolic
the human body [14–16,8]. They ferment polysaccharides from product, which is toxic to humans, and it is highly resistant to
the diet that are indigestible by human enzymes and produce short many of the same antibiotics that Clostridia are, originating at least
chain fatty acids (SCFAs), mainly acetate, propionate, and butyrate. in part from beta-lactamase inhibitors produced by the organism.
The main bacterial genera responsible for SCFA production are Bac- Common antibiotics such as penicillins rely on the activity of
teroides, Lactobacillus, and Bifidobacterium. SCFA production is ben- beta-lactamases. However, it is hard to neglect the number of
eficial for the human host, providing energy for gut epithelial cells studies pointing to Clostridial species as being a part of ASD patho-
and influencing the immune system. Human infants are born ster- genesis, so perhaps both Clostridia and Desulfovibrio contribute.
ile, and quickly gain bacteria that are essential for natural develop-
ment of the immune system. A proper balance of gut bacteria Sulfur metabolism deficiencies
composition is important as some induce the production of anti-
inflammatory cytokines such as Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, In the quest to find reliable biomarkers for ASDs, samples taken
and others are known to induce production of pro-inflammatory from blood sera and urine have revealed much about the possible
cytokines, such as members of Clostridium and Ruminococcus. pathogenesis of autism. Among the results are evidence that many
Studies where fecal samples from ASD patients were analyzed individuals with ASDs have deficiencies in the transmethylation
for microbial composition have had differing results. Many showed and transsulfuration metabolic pathways, associated with the
presence of abnormal Clostridia taxa and increased growth of Clos- metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids methionine and cys-
tridia in general along with decreased numbers of Bifidobacteria teine [25,26]. Methionine is an ‘‘essential’’ amino acid, meaning
[17–20,4]. Siblings of individuals with ASDs were shown to have that it must be supplied in the diet, and it is then required to
C.A. Heberling et al. / Medical Hypotheses 80 (2013) 264–270 267

synthesize cysteine. Fig. 2 taken from James et al. [25] depicts the years still have remarkably similar gut bacteria compositions. With
transmethylation and transsulfuration pathways. The metabolites this evidence it would then seem possible that methionine defi-
adenosine and SAH (S-adenosyl homocysteine) were found in ele- ciencies could cause shifts in intestinal bacteria compositions in
vated amounts compared to controls, and methionine, SAM (S- individuals with ASDs, which may lead to other problems.
adenosyl methionine), homocysteine, cystathionine, and cysteine Individuals with ASDs have also been shown to have impaired
were found in depleted amounts compared to controls. The results capacity to detoxify certain xenobiotic compounds, especially phe-
suggest that there is a metabolic bottleneck at SAH and adenosine. nolic compounds [31,26]. One such example is paracetamol (more
Oxidative stress is thought to be the cause, as oxidative stress is commonly known as acetaminophen). Detoxification of these com-
known to inhibit methionine synthase activity, and adenosine pounds requires transfer of a sulfate moiety to the xenobiotic com-
takes up active sites on SAH to protect against oxidative stress, pound. Cysteine is required for synthesis of sulfate, so oxidative
inhibiting the conversion from SAH to homocysteine. Homocyste- stress may be causing this impairment as well. Individuals with
ine is required for re-methylation back to methionine and for ASDs are thus often more susceptible to the toxic effects of oxida-
transsulfuration conversion to cysteine. A metabolic bottleneck at tive stress, heavy metals, and phenolic compounds as result of ini-
SAH would account for the depletions seen in the other tial oxidative stress.
metabolites. Testosterone has been shown to impair the transsulfuration
This metabolic deficiency has several harmful implications. Cys- pathway as well, which may be a reason why ASDs are so much
teine is the rate-limiting step in glutathione production, the body’s more prevalent in males than in females [26]. Those with ASDs
natural anti-oxidant and a major player in excretion of toxic heavy have also been shown to have increased levels of testosterone
metals. James et al. also found decreased amounts of glutathione in compared to controls.
ASDs and a lower ratio of reduced glutathione to oxidized glutathi-
one, indicating oxidative stress. As glutathione is the body’s major ‘‘Leaky gut’’ syndrome
anti-oxidant, the metabolic inhibition would then self-perpetuate
and cause further deficiency. With the dual responsibility of gluta- ‘‘Leaky Gut’’ Syndrome is a term given to the condition where
thione to help in removal of toxic heavy metals, individuals with the epithelial barrier function of the small or large intestine is im-
ASDs and the metabolic deficiencies would be more susceptible paired, causing less discrimination in the numbers and types of
to the toxic effects of heavy metals. Additional evidence for im- molecules and cells that are able to pass from the gut to the circu-
paired heavy metal excretion in individuals with ASDs is that urine latory system and vice versa [32–34]. Tight junctions are responsi-
samples taken from those with ASDs studied had significantly less ble for the epithelial barrier function, and consist of a system of
amounts of mercury than controls [27]. several proteins in the paracellular space between each cell in
Methionine is required for methylation of key body molecules, the gut lining. Increased gut permeability has been implicated in
such as DNA, RNA, proteins, and lipids. For example, methylation ASDs, and is thought to be the link between the gut and brain in
of DNA results in ‘‘silencing’’ of specific genes, inhibiting expres- autism pathogenesis. For example, propionic acid, which is benefi-
sion of those genes [28]. A deficiency in methionine would there- cial in the colon when fermented by intestinal bacteria [35], has
fore disrupt gene expression and could possibly cause problems been shown to cause neuroinflammation when injected into the
associated with autism or other ailments. Studies on intestinal bac- brains of rats and cause symptoms similar to ASDs [36]. The study
teria and genetics have revealed that genetics can dictate bacterial was conducted because food preservatives containing propionic
compositions [29,30]. Even identical twins separated for several acid have anecdotally resulted in increased symptoms in individu-

Fig. 2. (From James et al., 2004, with permission): Methylation and transsulfuration pathway. The methionine cycle involves the remethylation of homocysteine to
methionine by either the folate-vitamin B-12-dependent methionine synthase (MS) reaction or the folate-vitamin B-12-independent betaine homocysteine methyltrans-
ferase (BHMT) reaction. Methionine is then activated by methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT) to S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM), the major methyl donor for cellular
methyltransferase (MTase) reactions. After methyl group transfer, SAM is converted to S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH), which is further metabolized in a reversible reaction
to homocysteine and adenosine. Adenosine may be phosphorylated to adenosine nucleotides by adenosine kinase (AK) or catabolized to inosine by adenosine deaminase
(ADA). Homocysteine may be permanently removed from the methionine cycle by irreversible conversion to cystathionine by vitamin B-6-dependent cystathione b-synthase
(CBS). Cystathionine is converted to cysteine, which is the rate-limiting amino acid for the synthesis of the tripeptide glutathione (Glu-Cys-Gly). THF, tetrahydrofolate; 5-CH3
THF, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate; SAHH, SAH hydrolase.
268 C.A. Heberling et al. / Medical Hypotheses 80 (2013) 264–270

als with ASDs. With increased gut permeability, it would then hydrogen gas. Individuals usually have one or the other, but if sul-
seem logical that propionic acid produced by gut bacteria would fate-reducing bacteria are present, they will usually out-compete
then be able to leak into the bloodstream and through some mech- methanogens as their reaction for removal of hydrogen is more
anism breach the blood–brain barrier thermodynamically favorable. The end product of methanogens is
There are several mechanisms that can cause increased gut per- methane, which is non-toxic, whereas the end product of sulfate-
meability, such as intestinal inflammation [33]. Intestinal inflam- reducing bacteria is hydrogen sulfide, which is toxic to humans.
mation can result from a response to toxins, such as those from Unlike most intestinal bacteria that have limited ability to
Clostridia, Desulfovibrio, lipopolysaccharide (LPS, or endotoxin) catabolize sulfur-containing compounds [39], sulfur metabolism
from the cell walls of Gram-negative bacteria like Bacteroides, or is quite extensive in Desulfovibrio, similar to that of humans [40].
quite possibly heavy metals and phenolic compounds that haven’t Sulfate is its terminal electron acceptor (in place of oxygen as in
been sulfated. With the increased prevalence of Clostridia and de- aerobic organisms), and given access to a metabolite in the methi-
creased prevalence of Bifidobacteria found in some individuals with onine and/or cysteine pathways it can synthesize cysteine and then
ASDs, pro-inflammatory cytokines would be more abundant. This through a few more conversions synthesize sulfate. With the sulfur
imbalance in inflammatory cytokines results in an impaired capac- metabolic deficiencies found in individuals with ASDs, it may be
ity to resolve inflammation after a threat [8]. This would allow in- that those with ASDs have an increased need for Desulfovibrio. This
creased gut permeability for a longer amount of time, and possibly coupled with the elevated amounts of SAH (with limited use be-
cause tissue damage, another cause of increased gut permeability. cause of the metabolic bottleneck) found in individuals with ASDs
Food allergens like gluten can also cause increased gut perme- (which Desulfovibrio can use to foster its own growth) may be a
ability. In fact, it was found that a molecule termed ‘‘zonulin’’ possible cause for the increased amounts of Desulfovibrio found
was pinpointed as being a part of the cell signaling mechanism in- in Finegold et al.’s study.
volved in the loosening of tight junctions [10]. Zonulin was found In a study on Desulfovibrio desulfuricans conducted in two
to be in elevated amounts in sera of individuals with autoimmune anaerobic bioreactors (chemostats) with 14 common intestinal
conditions such as Celiac Disease, Crohn’s Disease, Irritable Bowel bacterial species, it was found that Desulfovibrio could cause signif-
Syndrome, and Type 1 Diabetes. First-degree relatives had moder- icant changes in the bacterial ecosystem [41]. Introduction of Des-
ately elevated levels of zonulin. Watts et al. showed that a compet- ulfovibrio and sulfates in the growth media to one of the
itive inhibitor of this mechanism, larazotide acetate, was shown to chemostats resulted in a ten-fold reduction in Bifidobacterium lon-
nullify the effects of gluten on rats predisposed to development of gum and B. pseudolongum, thought to be two of the most important
type 1 diabetes. After exposure to gluten, the control group devel- and most beneficial Bifidobacteria species (B. longum and B. adole-
oped type 1 diabetes and the group given the zonulin inhibitor did scentis predominate in adults) [41]. No changes were seen in Bacte-
not. This suggests that increased gut permeability is a factor that roides, and mixed results were seen in Clostridia; one clostridial
determines and precedes the development of type 1 diabetes. As species increased ten-fold, while another one decreased ten-fold.
individuals with ASDs have also been shown to have an impaired The results seen in changes on Clostridia seem inconclusive, given
epithelial barrier function and allergies to gluten it is not unrea- the diversity of Clostridia seen in humans and individuals with
sonable to assume that zonulin may be important in autism path- ASDs especially. Further studies including more diverse popula-
ogenesis as well. It would then be especially useful to test tions of Clostridia would be useful.
individuals with ASDs for abnormal zonulin levels and study the The inclusion of Desulfovibrio in one of the chemostats also re-
effects of its inhibitor. sulted in the formation of a biofilm on the walls of the chemostat,
Clostridial toxins such as those from Clostridium difficile have dominated by Desulfovibrio and Bacteroides. This suggests that fecal
been shown to be able to cause gut permeability by inducing analysis of gut bacteria compositions may not be sufficient in indi-
changes in morphology of gut epithelial cells [37]. Epithelial cells viduals with ASDs. Intestinal biopsies are usually avoided if possi-
are rectangular, with very little paracellular space between them. ble because they are much more invasive than fecal analyses, and
Clostridium difficile toxins cause epithelial cells to ‘‘round-up’’, therefore patient compliance is decreased. In at least one recent
through inhibition of the effects on the host’s Rho-GTPases (i.e. study on ASDs, intestinal biopsies were elected for measurement
guanosine triphosphatases), creating a substantial increase in para- of bacterial composition instead of fecal analyses [20]. The authors
cellular space. Other less-studied clostridial species found in indi- cited that fecal matter only has about 50% viable cells, and may be
viduals with ASDs may have similar virulence factors that impair a better representation of what cells are excreted from the body
the epithelial barrier function. rather than the true bacterial composition within the colon. Wil-
Endotoxin from cell walls of Gram-negative bacteria has been liams et al. cited this as to why they found lower levels of SCFAs
shown to be able to breach the blood–brain barrier [11]. Thus if in individuals with ASDs (seemingly contradicting MacFabe et al.
there is a means for endotoxin to leak out of the large intestine, on effects of propionic acid in the brains of rats) and why they
then it could allow molecules and cells to enter the cerebrospinal found lower levels of Bacteroides in the biopsy and Finegold et al.
fluid, causing neuroinflammation. These molecules and cells could found higher amounts of Bacteroides in their pyrosequencing fecal
include: any of the toxins that induced an immune response in the analysis. The technique used in the study (Williams et al.) may not
first place; pro-inflammatory cytokines; or host immuno-regula- have been able to detect individual species and less common gen-
tory cells themselves (i.e. lymphocytes). era (such as Desulfovibrio) as well as the pyrosequencing technique
used by Finegold et al. [19], but the general results thus may be
Background on Desulfovibrio more representative of individuals with ASDs. The biopsy revealed
increased amounts and diversity of Clostridia over controls and de-
With Finegold et al.’s finding of increased incidence and abun- creased amounts of Bifidobacterium and Bacteroides. There very
dance of Desulfovibrio in those with ASDs it becomes imperative well could have been increased abundance of Desulfovibrio that
to learn more about this organism’s physiology, background, and went undetected in this study. Intestinal biopsies should be
ecological effects on other intestinal bacteria. Desulfovibrio is a nat- encouraged to study this further and see if there are significant dif-
urally occurring organism in the human gut [38]. Fermentation of ferences in bacterial composition observed between the two meth-
polysaccharides produce large amounts of hydrogen gas as a side ods in ASD patients.
product. Through similar biochemical reactions, sulfate-reducing From the chemostat study [41], it seems likely that elevated
bacteria such as Desulfovibrio and methanogenic archaea consume growth of Desulfovibrio could cause compositional changes in at
C.A. Heberling et al. / Medical Hypotheses 80 (2013) 264–270 269

least Bifidobacterium that could lead to autism pathogenesis. In an- Acknowledgement

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