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Damage Device

5.1 Usability
we are keeping a simple and user-friendly design in order for a customer to have
an enjoyable usability. Keeping facts like no need for unnecessary logins, having a
minimal yet not too simple design, things like promotions will be upfront in the
home screen. We are trying to keep everything balanced as it is seen that the
necessary stuff like "Add to Cart" button are not strategically placed where
customer can just get easy access. We are also trying to keep the products
categorized so that it is easier for a customer to locate something he is looking
for. The top priority here is Customer Satisfaction and A Good User Experience.

5.2 Performance
Now it is obvious that a website with multitude of hi-rez images, assets, java
scripts, and html files, can slow a website down reducing the performance of it.
Being a startup we are to face slowing down of our site as it is an e-retail shop for
second hand or damage device. Keeping these fact in mind we have decided to

5.2.1 Reduce Number of Requests

Combine scripts and images using concatenation
Combine images and CSS with sprites
Employ data URIs
5.2.2 Reduce Asset Weight
Use Gzip
Minify scripts
Use lossy and lossless image compression

5.2.3 Employ Parallel Processing

Load 3rd party assets asynchronously
Use domain sharing
Use intelligent script loaders

5.3 integrity
This non-functional requirement assures that all data inside the system will be
protected against unauthorized access. To ensure this quality attributes we have
used an experienced security software developers to identify and resolve security
issues. A security software developer is someone who develops security software
as well as integrates security into software during the course of design and
development. For develop the system we Selected Appropriate System and
Service Providers.

5.4 Reliability
This quality attribute specifies how likely the system would run without a failure
for a given period. The high complexity of software is the major contributing
factor of Software Reliability problems. We have used agile process during our
system development. The Agile methodology deliver software faster and more
reliably through an iterative approach to development. And our system is almost
failure-free for a specific period of time.

5.5 Maintainability
Maintainability is the ability of the system to support changes. This quality
attribute defines the time required for a solution. The purpose of maintainability
is to improve effectiveness and efficiency of maintenance. For an example The
system has a maintainability of 1-exp(-10/9.4) = 65.5%. The maintainability value
is the probability of completing the repairs in the allowed interval of 10 hours.

5.6 Technical Issues

This system will work on client-server architecture. It will require an internet
server and which will be able to run HTML application. This system should support
some commonly used browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet

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