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NAME: Fatima Nicole Ferandez

DATE: June 23,2019

SUBJECT: Math 01
Write 5 statements using logical statement symbols

1. If you do all the chores that I asked you to do then you’ll go out with your friends

P= you do all the chores that I asked you to do

Q= you’ll go out with your friends

2. To eat breakfast at Tim Hortons if and only if I Have enough money for Trendsetters

P= To eat breakfast at Tim Hortons

Q= Have enough money for Trendsetters Bazaar

3. Eating right or Milktea everyday

P= Eating right
Q= Milktea everyday


4. Going to the gym for healthy living or not drinking milk tea to get thinner

P= Going to the gym for healthy living

Q= Drinking milk tea to get thinner


5. Eat Takoyaki before going home and Having enough money for beep card

P= Eat Takoyaki before going home

Q= Not having enough money for beep card


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