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Coolies: How British Reinvented Slavery

Coolies, also referred to as slaves, were originally picked up from all corners of globe, mainly
India, by the Britain empire in the early 19th century. British deceivingly got Indians on board as
they knew that they were illiterate and needed money for survival. India was then targeted for
cheap slaves. The man behind this was John Gladstone, father of future prime minister and a
member of parliament with the intention of greed and growth. Many Indians died on board and
others could not understand that life will get limited by them working as units for production.
People were beaten and traumatized. Insanitary and malnutrition caused death of babies. Life
was hard and people could not complain about it. If one did, he would be punished or his
contract would be extended. ‘’For the indentured immigrants, life on the estates was bound by
the terms and conditions of the contract which they had signed; though most were illiterate in all
of the three languages in which the contract was formulated. In effect, the Indians were not free
during their periods of indenture. They could not demand higher wages, leave the estate without
permission, live off the estates, or refuse the work assigned to them’’(Singh, S.-A. (2013)).

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