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I, as a human being and an Indian, felt deeply hurt upon seeing my ancestors breathing as

trapped slaves with brutality. I felt resentment towards the British empire for such miserable
actions. While some victims of British slavery were among us, mentioned how terrified and
helpless they were. How could men be so inhumane that they continuously show cruel towards
the weak for their betterment and not have a bit of mercy? But then again, greed and growth was
necessary. Thus, the authorities decided to treat the poor people as units of production. As much
as anger and disgust I felt towards the white, I emotionally realized, how bad the situations were
and how harshly the weak suffered to earn a survival. The video moreover, relates to the state of
post-colonialism which shows how the societies dealt with issues of race, class, identity and
representation. India was targeted because its class n identity was not powerful enough to grasp
the white people’s intentions.

The most important aspect of this video was seen in the form of ethics. The ethics of character of the
British people won on the negative side, showing traits of greed, cruelty, not showing

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