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Editor’s Corner

Factors and consequences of hypertension

Alberto Zanchetti

he articles published in the current issue of the BP variability has recently emerged as a relevant risk
Journal of Hypertension focus on risk factors for factor for cardiovascular diseases. In the current issue,
the development of hypertension and on the Wang et al. (pp. 10–17) publish a meta-analysis of 23
relationship of hypertension with cardiovascular disease. publications reporting a significant, albeit moderate, associ-
Two articles illustrate the role of early-life exposure to risk ation of visit-to-visit SBP variability with all-cause mortality,
factors for development of hypertension and vascular cardiovascular mortality, cardiovascular disease, coronary
disease in adulthood. Yu et al. (pp. 63–68) report data disease and stroke. In another article, McDonald et al.
from the Dongfeng–Tongji cohort of participants born or (pp. 140–147) have explored the role of 24-h ambulatory
having spent their childhood during the Chinese famine of BP variability on cognitive function changes over a 5-year
1959–1961, the largest in recent human history, showing that follow-up in community-dwelling people aged over
exposure to famine in early life increased the risk of hyper- 65 years, finding increased daytime BP variability to be
tension prevalence in adulthood. In an accompanying associated with poorer performance in various cognitive
editorial, Banegas (pp. 29–32) carefully reviews all studies functional indices. A third article focused on BP measure-
reporting the late health consequences of the Chinese famine ments has assessed the accuracy of the SphygmoCor XCEL
and concludes that, despite inconsistencies among studies, device (Atcor Medical, Sydney, Australia) in measuring
practically all studies show that early-life environment is central BP (Shoji et al., pp. 69–75).
critical for the role of hypertension in adult life. This suggests A considerable number of articles are devoted to path-
that, to control the major diseases of adult life, it may be ophysiological and clinical aspects of hypertension-related
necessary to improve not only the nutrition and environment vascular disease. Suvorava et al. (pp. 76–88), working on
of adults but also the nutrition and environment of pregnant mice, find that oxidative stress generated by endothelial-
mothers and small babies. Another study from China, how- specific expression of genetically destabilized C101A-endo-
ever, reminds us that not only starvation but also overweight thelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) selectively prevents
in childhood influences blood pressure (BP) and vascular the BP-reducing activity of vascular eNOS, while having
damage in adulthood: investigating the Beijing Blood no effect on aortic endothelium-dependent relaxation.
Pressure Cohort, Yan et al. (pp. 47–54) found that BMI In a cohort of hypertensive women, treated with hydro-
and SBP in childhood predicted carotid intima–media thick- chlorothiazide, and randomized either to magnesium
ness in adulthood, and childhood BP predicted adulthood supplementation or placebo for 6 months, Cunha et al.
pulse wave velocity. Another article from Brazil (Silva et al., (pp. 89–97) found that magnesium supplementation was
pp. 39–46) shows that the obnoxious effects of excessive associated with better BP control, improved endothelial
BMI and waist circumference are maintained during function and amelioration of subclinical atherosclerosis. In
adulthood: in a longitudinal study in south Brazil, being an elegant technical study, Spronck et al. (pp. 98–104)
overweight, maintaining an elevated waist circumference show that, although the arterial stiffness index ß and the
or having an annual rise of these measurements above cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI) are often considered to
expected values increased the incidence of high BP. be pressure-independent indices of arterial stiffness, they
Another major risk factor for hypertension, excessive salt are inherently BP-dependent, instead. In an accompanying
consumption, is the topic of a systematic review and meta- editorial commentary, Segers (pp. 33–35) remarks that this
analysis of studies on dietary salt intake in Indian adults: dependency had gone unnoticed until now, despite its
Johnson et al. (pp. 3–9) have calculated an overall obviousness. The good news, according to Segers, is that
mean salt intake of almost 11 g/day. Although the available Spronck et al. propose a very simple way to correct index ß
data leave some uncertainty, there is little doubt that popu- and CAVI for their pressure dependency. By no means, in
lation salt consumption far exceeds the recommended Segers’ opinion, the study by Spronck et al. is a reason to
maximum of 5 g/person/day.
The impacts of hypertension and diabetes on mortality
have been investigated by Oh et al. (pp. 55–62) in the Journal of Hypertension 2017, 35:1–2
community-dwelling older adults of the Rancho Bernardo Istituto Auxologico Italiano and Centro Interuniversitario Fisiologia Clinica e Iperten-
sione, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy
study in California: they report the novel finding that
Correspondence to Alberto Zanchetti, Istituto Auxologico Italiano and Centro Inter-
hypertension is more strongly associated with all-cause universitario Fisiologia Clinica e Ipertensione, Università di Milano, Milano, Milan, Italy.
and cardiovascular mortality than diabetes. However, E-mail:
having both risk factors confers some increase in the hazard J Hypertens 35:1–2 Copyright ß 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
particularly of cardiovascular death. DOI:10.1097/HJH.0000000000001186

Journal of Hypertension 1

Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

discourage the use of the ß stiffness index or derived report a significant, but quantitatively small, SBP decrease
indices, once adequately corrected. In another article (about 2 mmHg) compared with placebo, but a larger effect
(Maloberti et al., pp. 154–161), arterial stiffness (pulse wave (5/3 mmHg SBP/DBP) in patients with impaired glucose
velocity) in treated hypertensive patients was found to be tolerance and obesity. In their accompanying editorial,
significantly associated with annexin A5 plasma levels. In a Thomopoulos et al. (pp. 27–28) underline that, although
study of 125 families in the southeast of Brazil, carotid– the number of selected studies was large (26 studies), the
femoral pulse wave velocity was found to have intermedi- total number of individuals was rather small (n ¼ 4113), and
ate heritability (Alvim et al., pp. 105–110). Another genetic BP assessment was not the primary purpose of the inves-
study (Thomsen et al., pp. pp. 132–139) has identified the tigators in most of the studies. Because of these and other
antihypertensive methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene limitations of available evidence, Thomopoulos et al. point
polymorphism rs17367504-G as a possible novel protective out that additional and appropriately designed clinical trials
locus for preeclampsia in a Norwegian cohort, although this are required before the antihypertensive effect of metfor-
association did not replicate in an Australian preeclampsia min in individuals without diabetes is clearly established.
case–control cohort. Chuang et al. (pp. 170–177), analyzing the National
In a longitudinal study in a multiethnic cohort of Health Insurance Research Database in Taiwan, report that
middle-aged men in United States of America, Guo et al. spironolactone is associated with a significant lower risk of
(pp. 111–117) report that progression of brachial–ankle prostate cancer in male patients and of bladder cancer in
pulse wave velocity is positively associated with the annual women. In his editorial, Teo (pp. 36–38) comments that
change in SBP, but not its baseline level. In the authors’ the androgen receptor blocking properties of spironolac-
opinion, this implies that, regardless of initial BP, effective tone may be involved in cancer suppression, as suggested
control of BP may be important to slow arterial wall by the demonstration of antiandrogenic therapy benefits in
stiffening and hence reduce cardiovascular risk. the treatment of prostate cancers. However, in Teo’s
A few studies focus on sleep disturbances in hyperten- opinion, whether or not spironolactone can actually reduce
sion. Janssen et al. (pp. 118–124) have used the endothelin urinary tract cancers needs further confirmation, preferably
antagonist, bosentan, in a randomized, crossover, double- by randomized controlled trials.
blinded, placebo-controlled study to show that endothelin Bokrantz et al. (pp. 188–197) have analyzed data of
contributes to the rise in systolic pressure, but not to the 57 822 hypertensive individuals in the Swedish Primary
increased muscle sympathetic nerve activity, in response to Care Cardiovascular Database and confirmed that thiazide
acute hypoxia in patients with severe obstructive sleep therapy is associated with a reduced risk of osteoporotic
apnea. Tagetti et al. (pp. 125–131) have also investigated fractures. The effect was more pronounced in men and
endothelial function and arterial stiffness in obese children increased with longer treatment, but treatment discontinu-
with sleep-disordered breathing and found a significant ation increased the risk of fractures.
relationship between the apnea–hypopnea index and car- Finally, Kulchaitanaroaj et al. (pp. 178–187) have made
otid distensibility, but not flow-mediated vasodilatation. an estimation of long-term costs and outcomes attributable
Obesity has also been the focus of the Moli-sani study, to a physician–pharmacist collaborative intervention for
investigating ECG criteria for defining left ventricular hyper- treating hypertension in community-based medical offices
trophy in obesity (Muiesan et al., pp. 162–169). Another in the Midwest United States of America (compared
study in patients with treatment-resistant hypertension with physician management alone) and conclude that
associated with obstructive sleep apnea reports significant team-based care appears to be a cost-effective strategy
BP reductions at 6 months from renal denervation in the for treating hypertension, particularly in high-risk patients.
Global Symplicity registry (Linz et al., pp. 148–153).
Finally, four articles focus on important therapeutic ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
problems. Zhou et al. (pp. 18–26) have made a meta-
analysis of all randomized controlled trials assessing Conflicts of interest
the BP effects of metformin in nondiabetic patients. They There are no conflicts of interest.

2 Volume 35  Number 1  January 2017

Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

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