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A mother and her young daughter had travelled far to reach their new home in the

village which was sheltered by seven hills beyond. As they approached the village,
the scent of vanilla filled the air. The mother looked around with complete
satisfaction. She was home, she thought. Her daughter was excited and eager to

The seven hills that rose above the village were soft green like a velvet blanket. The
wind gently tickled the grass and the clouds lightly kissed them from above. You
could hear the trees daydream as they stretched their slender limbs up to the sky.

Halfway up the hills, was a strip of purple and pink heather. It was believed that this
was the heart of the hills. Even when it rained, it seemed this patch of land was
vibrant and trusting.

At the foot of the hills, there was a dark and gloomy cave and you had to descend a
steep path to reach its depths which was an exhausting journey, so much so that you
often felt like sleeping after the treacherous trek. It was therefore avoided unless
absolutely necessary.

The mother turned to her daughter and said,

“You may explore, my darling girl, but keep to all things bright and beautiful for a
life of comfort and safety.”

And so the daughter explored with enthusiasm and exuberance. Up on the peaks of
the hills, the girl felt the warmth of the sun like her mother’s embrace. She learnt the
value of light and colour. She watched how the wind moved through the grass like an
invisible brush, changing the hues of green. Olive. Sage. Jade. Teal. Emerald. She
felt the light change according to the seasons, time and weather. She met the heather
pickers who made lucky posies from their pickings and she learnt the wisdom of the
folk through their stories, songs and poems. She like all the other villagers, did not
step into the cave for she had all she needed out here in the sunshine.

The daughter lived like this for many years, happy and content with what life had to
offer. But as she grew older, she longed to visit the cave. She did not tell anyone of
her desires for she knew she would be punished if she disrespected her mother’s

One morning she awoke, and could resist no more. With flushed cheeks and wearing
her crimson dress, she stepped into the darkness of the cave. She began to descend
the steep and rocky path into its hidden depths, full of anticipation for what lay ahead.

The floor beneath her felt uneven as if she would stumble on the invisible ridges or
find her foot trapped in the black holes in the rock. She reached out to touch the
walls, to find support, but they were wet and slimy as if the cave was crying. It was
so dark and she was alone.

From below she heard someone sobbing. She could not see who it was, but she felt
moved by the sound of the despair. She felt compelled to help whoever was weeping,
but as she moved further into the darkness, her mother called her name. Immediately,
she turned and ran up the stone pathway to see her mother standing at the mouth of
the cave with her hands on her hips and her mouth tight with anger. She expected a
scolding, but her mother just let out a sigh and said,

“I think it is time for you to journey into the forest and find the woman whose eyes
are the colour of cornflowers and whose hair is the colour of snow falling from a
raven’s beak. I have taught you all I know, but now it is time for you to learn more.
This wise woman will guide you on to the right path.”

With her heart full of trust, the girl began her journey into the forest. Tree branches
nipped and jabbed at her like witch’s fingers and their were no signposts to help her
find her way. She had to trust her instincts and use all her senses to understand her
place in this world with each and every step she took.

After what seemed like a lifetime, the girl finally found her way to the heart of the
forest where she met the wise woman who lived there. Her blue eyes sparkled and
her snowy hair draped over her shoulders like shimmering moonlight. She seemed
alive with an energy, yet calm as a still pond and she knew just why the girl had

“Let us go back to the cave, my dear and we shall know just what to do.”

Together, they made their way back, learning the ways of nature as they walked hand
in hand and soon, the entrance of the cave loomed before them. The girl reflected on
the journey home and thought,

“A companion made the journey back much easier and quicker.”

As they descended the steep pathway into the darkness, the path felt smoother and it
felt as though the girl could see better now she had a hand to hold as she walked.

“A companion made the pathway so much safer,” she thought.

It was not long before the sound of weeping filled their hearts with sorrow, but the
girl felt certain that together they were stronger and this experience would soon be
understood. She squeezed the wise woman’s hand for reassurance and her hand was
squeezed back to acknowledge her fears.

“Who are you?” the wise woman called out gently. “Tell us your story.”

“I am the forgotten one. I was abandoned by those who I loved and those who loved
me. I have been lost and misunderstood since then. Once I lived a life that was full
of hope and health. I changed and I was not myself and I was not cared for in the
way I should have been. I was shamed and beaten as if this would restore me to my
former self, but what I needed was patience and understanding. What I got was fear,
mistrust and disrespect. I have spent years wandering, wondering and waiting. I was
rootless. No safety, no security. So, I crawled into this cage which keeps me bent
over with no one to help me and no where to go. Oh the pain in my stomach and my
back. But the worst pain is in my heart. My heart, you see, shattered long ago from
the pressure of loneliness, and my throat has been choked since my voice was
suppressed. My mind has been numb for what seems like an eternity. I have been
literally stripped of my human crown. You are the first person willing to hear my
story. Can you help me?”

“Your story is one of pain. Your tears have been healing. You were wise to tell your
story to us for all our stories must be heard. We wish to release you to the light. The
shimmering diamonds on the crest of a wave are waiting for you. The light between
the darkness of your heart and the deep dark ocean is their for you to find and you
will shine once more. You will inspire once more. Take courage, my friend. Have
faith, my friend. Breathe deep, my friend. Now fly.”

As the wise woman’s prayer like tones filled the spaces where the shadows could not
reach, the abandoned one, once forgotten by so many, took flight with eyes wide and
heart strong to seek the light that had been missing for so long.

The wise woman turned to the girl and said,

“Always be rooted. Know your place in this world. Be flexible and bend like the
grass in the breeze. Listen to your gut and trust your instincts. Follow your heart
and speak up when you feel your desires are mere whispers on the wind. Lift your
head up to the sky above and feel the wisdom from the world guide you and let your
crown shine.”

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