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Pe aad lcd sm) e eo Steg Ely GUIDE The Never-Before, All-Essentials-Included “Save-Your-Life” Survival Belt a TGRTWEIING ariosntan ey never eaves your ‘even when swimmi th all components hermetically sealed so you can coum on ix to twelve days of survival in every weather condition. The “Save Your Life” Survival Belt Corporation 201 North Main, Suite 107, Pueblo, Colorado 61008 1 1 Survival Batt @ $2008 plus $250 for shipping and hanling, Autnorzeds itoisedSignetone (D2 Survival Betts @ $85:95 pus $5.00 for shipping ana handing Spotty bat sz0s (20-48) 1) << a ‘Agoress 1 Volume orders accepted @ $28.95 each tor more then two. = 7 Phase soe guar ane nse bas at $280 cash lor ane and Maing . ead ie 844 ae ex Alow Comes orca. onaregeer 7310, OOOBELTKIT 800:288'3185 SF, ta. Tryst ecto aided “sees orm 4 Spacer da oa oe fl 5 aan Sree “naam 32001 Maga, Smemmameennmein ie sa Sere Soe SNe on PRPIRELLEX eet ee resco om| nwoen | onscnnowszecovon BR wD STRAT oR CS 5 Wa owen Com aE MN ExgLOse) MONEY ou cnwocsiao-enet wit onuen C'SewEnaLDe anaLne ‘iho me rom 8 on_ eae sooness___ ANCA VOLUME 8, NUMBERS —- MAY, 1986 POOR Bro eee we GUIDE 2OpeE 46 eos good ual. rpecee year 22.82 Ses) 3| AB oe enee trom Browning. thea escllons 24 srcetimter 51 a 19 River es Seen eee 25 wre | O2 Berman 6 ete «| 26 rec, | 54 eee. 8 Sunijal Line ; 28 oe ration Snow 66 EAL Acc ssories: (weather disasters, faccoscoies for iusioar re tones. vour Hake, sc 32 stores | 68 curets, tural ito Survival knives Surplus canvas bags 10 tem” | gq tna | 74 cesar 1D Book Reviews ene Quick Jack Seusie | 36 germ | 79 16 testes | 19 comcusns | 76 Sacro, 18 Siecen' AA resvcnncs — | 78 arcs forsoniaite steapane tort Imery Sara ie haa ee" fuehiysumion Ube Sasi ‘bepsnman. PO. Botta" Santa” Ana Cm SaMOSO8H EDIT ONAL Steen write shuts sn com arenes ut oman by capone oto megs ‘is e eraar ose rales crgunied by sal ata sts ory ABVERTIOMG™ Csi ate orcenare {MAY 1986/AMERICAN SURVIVAL GUIDE EDITORIAL, PUBLISHER. EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Boo Om EXECUTIVE EDITOR Payton Milt MANAGING EDITOR. Sim Benson CCONTRIAUTING EDITORS. Eaward Bromn Wisnael Cammiss Es Chatin Tony Losce Bonean Long ger Pryor Chain Wal Somy Yourtine PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICES GRAPHICS DESIGN DIRECTOR Sm Tetgen ‘ART DIRECTOR. Christine Per DESIGN ASSISTANT Key Gre ADVERTISING ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER Bruce Bogen ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVES Gary wottson ‘ohn Nething ‘rev gi ADVERTISING COORDINATOR Loraine Ertish (McMULLEN. PUBLISHING, INC. CHAIRMAN Thomas M MeNuiien PRESIDENT Kenneth 8. Yo cover: ‘Anti-Gun Propaganda In response to the “antigen propaganda” segment of “Survival Line” in the Novem- ber 1985 issue, Handgea Control Inc claims that U.S. produetion of rifles and Pistols is down due to their efforts and 20,000 local gun laws. That statement is lot of nonsense, U.S. gun production is, down due to several reasons. First, about five years ago there was a paranoia through the country and everyone overstocked on rifles and pistol. Now a better sense of security through a different goy:enment has caused fots of people to sel off some of the extras, Also, American made guns, with exceptions, have had a fack of quality Control and imported guns have hau better ‘quality and # heck of @ it lower atice. 1 think these reasons offer a better explans- tion than the one given by Handgun Con: trol Inc. Don't give them eredit for hurting, the gun sales. Tt only gives them more cexeuses to continue, Robert L. Kienietz Canon City, Colorado We di’s think we were giving them credit for a drop in US. pun production by ‘merely. passing along. thelr statements Robert. And just because they make this claem and we printed it doesn't mean we boliove it. We merely wanted readers to know whar Handgun Control Dre. 1 say- ing. Thanks for your views. Economie Breakdown "Your response to the letter in yeur “Mail Call" section in the January 1986 issue (CHitting Home"), in which the writer anticipates a national economic collapse, almost blew me off the couch! Please realize that the underlying factors. of ‘ economie/fimanclal situation. are radically different f:om those of "28, 29, land the subsequent "Great Depression, ‘True, we survived that period of eriis, but ‘the chances of surviving the upcoming economic mess are fat less, for the simple reason that the structures holding things together back then are no longer present, You say, "We are hopeful that the prob: Jems facing our financial institutions today can be worked out.” What is your hope ‘based on? I feel you are essentially refusing to see the facts that exist, despite aliberal- loviented desire to have those facts go away. CALL You hope thet “the problems can ve worked out.” By whom? The very same financial institutions that created the problems? By the government that has supported those institutions over the years in their shenanigans and evasions of eco- nomic rules? By the “brightest and smartest” men who have migrated to Washington, D.C., motivated by their awareness that there were large amounts of wealth to be had by alding and abetting the shenanigans? There is literally no one, anywhere, who has the desite or the power to “work out” the problems, Denny Evans Medford, Oregon We're puzzled by where your economic knowledge comes from, Denny. What ‘makes you such an expert on world or national economic affairs that you care be 450 certain of impending economic doom? You say the “structures holding things together back then (during the Depres- sion) are no longer present.” What do you ‘mean? In fact, there were numerous laws passed and institutions created after the Depression precisely to deal with the erists ‘and to insure that the financial abuses that Ted to the Depression would not recur. Of ‘course, the situation today ie much differ ‘emt than in 1929, Indeed, there may be large-seale economic collapse. which we said in oue answer to the reader you refer to. We can't say. But we haven't noticed ‘our local banks closing down yer. Last year was another record year for bank failures and there have been larger-seale crises, such as in Ohio. But we're not convinced the entire economy al follow suit. AI this fs, to be sure, of litle comfort to the thou sands of people across the land yeho ve lost ‘money in bank and savings institution fail- tures, ad we don't mean to minimize the ‘magnitude of the financial problems out there. Bu we do believe itis quite possible that this country would survive another large-scale economic erisis just as it sur- vived the Great Depression. Economic cot apse may occur and sursivalsts should repare for such a possiblity as they would for any other catastrophe. But we don't see things being as bad as you do. Praise for SL | would like to comment on the November Contino pepe 4 Herd-hitting RWS "Magnum" Models 24, 36. 38 — join the classic 45 to represent the elite of the RWS High-Velocity Family. All ‘our fil the requirements of the serious air The only ane of its kind curranly available In the free wor The Beatie Knife bath nol knife and on Innovative. cose range ddolensive system. W can be ved co's ihresing rod. shat o3 0 Bolan with shock Intact ed 98 @ fighting knife ort con Se ired'up to afecive range a thi fae! The typical penetration of this knife Iecbett fee limes Hoe c marual tab = BIONIC EAR™ & BOOSTER Blonie kart electronic string device for indoor ond outdoor use, Magnities Sounds beyond naman range yet hos sn sulomatie shatat to hormi sunde Gd adjustable headset with volume core Tol, Booster inereanee listening surface of Bionic Eer'™by 37 times ond reduces Background: noise. Hond held dith with connecting pate cord BIONIC EAR W/TAPE JACK... 879.95 Booster 338.95 Iwo ror ‘89% @ ‘A wireless wonder! Communicate with a Companion Up to 14 mile away. Just talk limo tho. boom-mounted, Hexibie: mike Your 'iriend's receiver wil turn ot automatically by the sound ot your voice, To reduce stale, fine tune wilh the sen sity contrl. Easy-Tolk is evaluable 2oy adatom forhuntr Beye {ogge’s, soilgr or anyone who Yke fe Communicatel-Ataches ta your bell with 2 Temewable dip, Operates’ on 9V balver Sela seas Such st Swarouskl Low Light Binocs, ‘Spring knives ond MLRE. Send for our Btalog listing over 24,000 fame, To order: cr TI ony dr] ard I ‘cheige Card #. Signavure: Nome (Print Address haa 2 FRANKS SURVIVAL CENTER, INC. BOX $30 - 127 W. CHERRY NEVADA, MISSOURI 6472 PH, 417.667.9190 oF 7975 {6 MAY (046/AMERICAN SURVIVAL GUIDE coma ~obees Soviet strategic defense, weather disasters take their toll, higher Army fitness standards, nuclear-free zones .. N 1938 Orson Wells caused @ panic throughout the U.S. with his ra broadcast of “The War OF The Worlds. Recently in Finland a radio broadcast of the award winning play “The Next War— ‘An Imaginative Documentary" had much the same effect. The play chronicles the escalation of tensions and the first nuclear exchanges between the Soviet Union and the U.S. Despite announcements during the broadcast that what they were hearing ‘was only a dramatization, thousands of panic stricken Finns flooded the radio sta tion and police and government offices with calls requesting information and sur vival instructions, Soviet SDI—While the Soviet Union continues to marshal all its propaganda ‘machinery in efforts to end President Reagan's SDI program, i at the same cime continues to move ahead with its own SDI program. In an effort to increase U.S. public awareness of Soviet SDI. efforts, the Defense Department and the State Department have cooperated inthe release of a booklet entitled Sovier Strategic Defense Programs, In its 30 color ‘lus: tated pages, the booklet details the many efforts the Soviets are making inthis fel. ‘The booklet is free and can be had by wr ing to: Department of Defense, Public Correspondence. Division, DISA-OASD. (Public Affairs), The Pentagon 2E777, ‘Washington D.C. 20301-1400. Weather Toll—Statistics released by the U.S. Weather Service provide graphic evidence that those who share the survival ist belief in preparedness should not ignore the threat’ of weather related natural catastrophe. During 1985, 374. people ‘throughout the U.S. were killed in weather related incidents. Floods took the greatest tall in lives—166, followed by tornadoes— 92, lightning—74, hurricane—30, and miscellaneous causes (thunderstorms, high wind, ete.)—12. 1985 was the worst year for weather related facilities since 1974. Fight’n Machine—The U.S. Army is raising the physical fitness standards on ‘the semiannual test required for all troops. Under the old standards a male aged 17 to 21 had to doa minimum of 40, pushups, 40 situps, and run 2 miles in tunder 17 minutes 5S seconds, in order to pass, Women in the same age group needed 16 pushups, 27 situps, and a time ‘of no more than 22 minutes 1d seconds for the 2 mile run, The new standards will Fequire for men: 42 pushups, 52 situps, and a maximum time of 15 minutes 43 Seconds in the 2 mile sun; for women: 18, pushups. 50 situps, and completion of the 2 mile ran in under 18 minuces 45 seconds Terrorism—Two Appronches—Senior U.S. military authorities in Europe have announced the formation of 16 special ‘medical teams intended to care for c#suah ties of terrorist incidents, Creation of the special response medical teams vas prompted in part by the problems that Aarose. in handling casualties from the bombing of the U.S, Matine barracks in Beirut in 2983) ‘According to sources in Britain, the recent abduction of Soviet diplomats in Lebanon was delt with by the Sorists in a rather direct fashion. When four Soviet diplomats were abducted and one of them executed the KGB reportedly retarned the favor by kidnapping twelve Lebanese extremists and executing one ofthem. The KBG then dumped the body along with the message that the other cleven hostages would be executed one at 2 time if the Soviet diplomats were not returned. A short time later the remaining Soviets were Feleased! unharmed, Nuclear Free Zone Fallout—The anti- ruclext movement, much weakened of Tate, is none the less still active. One ofthe disarmament lobby’s pet projects, the creation of “nuclear froe zones," has ‘become more of a coucern to local officials than to national policy makers “There are now 104 cies and counties in the US. that have declared themselves “nueleat free zones.” This status generally forbids production, storage, oF transports tion of nuclear weapons or components within the “nuclear free” jurisdiction, Often included is 9 prohibition against local governing authorities doing business with any companies involved in nuclear ‘weapons work. This last provision has led to some bizarre problems. In Hoboken, New Jersey, for instance, the city fathers are wondering how to keep the lights on, since all the bulb manufacturers also do work on nuclear weapons, Also in Ho: bbokeo there is doubt as to the legality of buying spare parts for police radios since the Motorola’ corporation is involved in rnucleor weapons work, In other “nuclear free cities, the legality of medical research that uses radioactive materials is being questioned, @ PALADIN PRESS p GET EVEN The Complete Book of Dirty Tricks This ultimate work in do-it-yourself justice makes other harassment books look lke ‘Sunday schoo! pierie. You'll never again have to “gtin and bear i" when inconsiger. fe creeps do you dirty Learn how to get even when you're wronged by an enemy, \itimized by a creat card company, or sipped off by any menacing organization. Here 62 ‘manca) waten by amaster of revenge whose wisdom wil put you on top of ary situation \ahnere you used to fee Relples. Methods of revenge range rom simple pranks to sophis- ates achniques of devastation. Knowing these ngerioustacicsofvtorantickstey, you"! {an now respector yourselt. You'l never again feel ikea powerless underdog Of cource {his is for ortatainment purposes only! 9Y4 x 8, hardcover, 180 pp. $1495 t/ t) estoy ai are ARs moneweroNsststo Toe oan wang matt Eimear te | Su oesce ans ony 8 21S, Soecbiee tio. OTHER FASCINATING TITLES tettimant ey srt aes tole LE ert ronces aeancai'” RIAA 8090 | ia Haat teeter a pee wone-tcx cunts — orm squint Mss ————_——____Ste g PAIADDLTAESS © P.0. 808 D9? * BOLLDER, CO 8806 © 30 40-7250 cay. MAY 1986/AMERICAN SURVIVAL GUIDE 7 KATADYN POCKET FILTER o™ Instantly purifies water anywhere! y ‘The Katadyn Pocet Fitri a Swies mage vice hat elarifes ra ter an instantly Femoves sit harmful cocel, bacteria, protozoa, fungl, eyste snluing Garda and parasites by mirotitaion trough 3 1.2 micron meroprous cera fier ele ment No chemicals ae axed or removed ‘iver ining fed tothe nse fhe cera tementprovens the growth of algae or bac teria inf the surlace, keeping tree om co "arunain Wi operate may years with daly use Ful flow s quickly restores by wiping ot brushing of ne iter etment and can te Fepesied hunoreds of times belore replace ments necessary The Pocket Filer is standara issue with he Intematora Red Cross and NATO. Essel quipnentforbacknskers,glaeteirs and survival kts. Buin pump padueas | ua? minute o sale inking wate. Incudes carry Ing case, ceaing brush and instrucions 10" tong, 2° eurter, 23 ounces, Full money back guarantee ‘PROVISIONS UNLIMITED 0, Box 456, Dept 400 (akiane Maine 04963 Gaon een? atcyn Pocket Firs at $180.00) ah posta ("Check ox money order enclesed Gl visa. Cl Mastrcars cues xp. Date Signature ee Name ‘sess oy State rallanceprodets, [MAY 1990/AMERICAN SURVIVAL GUIDE Refined, processed foods: avoid them whenever possible . WENT out with some fiends to eat lunch the other day. We went to one of the local eateries near where we all work. Tt was a nice little restaurant, as these places 0, ~ ‘When we ordered, I decided on a turkey and provolone cheese sandwich. The food was served and mine came with two large slices of white French bread, processed turkey roll slices and cheese slices, mayon- raise, tomato slices and letuce. There was, also some macaroni sslad and a couple of Slices of carrot on the side, ‘Twas hungry, not having taken the time to eat a good breakiast that morning, ass, the case with many working people on a typical day. The sandwich tasted great and filled me up. I was able to put in a good afternoon of work and did not feel very hhungry later that evening at dinner time. This kind of midday meal is something nillions of Americans eat every day. Y've been going out to lunch and eating meals like this more often in recent years mainly for the convenience and the need for a litte sustenance to get me through the work day. I know this fastfood is not realy healthy—for me or anyone else. And yet, such food is just about all that’s avail- fable at so many restaurants and delis ‘across the land. ‘What's wrong with the meat 1 ate? Fer fone thing, i's very fattening. I mean that French bread with its refined, processed white flour—that's concentrated carbohy- rates stripped of the nutrients you need to ‘convert those carbohydrates to energy and ‘burn them off. Then there's the mayon- raise. No doubt there was sugar init and a lot of oil and some preservatives and salt. ‘There was likely alot of selt and sugar in the processed turkey, not fo mention sodium nitrate preservative which has been found. to cause cancer in. laboratory animals. [Now if this stuf is so bad for vou, why is it sold everywhere? Why Is this the only type of food available at many restaurants ‘and delis? Well, this stuf is much cheaper than more nutritious food and it keeps longer. Thus it's mere profitable to use— profits are the bottem line. I's as simple as that. OF course ic also tastes good and many people prefer it, too Tn my early 206," when I was just beginning to seriously study nutrition in hopes of relieving some health problems T was suffering from, Ib sively on the evils of lubiquitous white flour. I got more and ‘more concerned about my—up 10 that point—bad diet, realizing 1 had virtually Brown up on this kind of food. ‘To my friends and acquaintances I must hhave sppreared at least a little fanatical when | began to refuse to go out for a bite toceat at a restaurant. [a feet, for atime T refused all together to eat ia any restau: rant, not trusting the food ingredients oF the hygiene of the food handlers, Needless tosay, this attitude did aot do wonders for ‘my social life, and eventually gave in and conformed to what was considerd ‘normal” behavier and ‘esumed eating out, Today, looking back at what 1 did, 1 realize | was quite correct in my thinking. hhave continued to avoid restaarants—most of them anyway—whenever possible, tak- ing time to eat a good horsemade meal before rushing eff to work in the morning and taking my own food to eat at lunch when working, if possible. I think on the whole that I am healthier because of this. Still, i¢s not always practical to eat only ‘your oxen food. You tun low on groceries land don’t have time to restock, you get up lateand rush off without eating or forget 0 bring your lunch, ete So once ina while, more often these days ‘han years ago, 1 got out to a local eatery and chow down on what Lean pick out oo the menu that appears to be more autr tious than some other itoms (sted. It's not good to be such « fanatic that you never compromise. Often it's better to be able to accomplish your work tasks on a full stomach than to go huxgry and per hhaps sce your work suffer. The important thing is to eat good quality whole foods whenever possible. Try to get the Best natrtion from your foods possible. Seeking variety and moderation in one’s diet i a good policy ‘And ty to eat whole, unprocessed, unre fined foods as much as possible. Stsy away from high fat, high sugar, high salt foods these are usually the most refined and processed foods. If you're serious about improving your health, you'l see a difference if you switch to whole grains, fruits and vegetables, dairy produets and meats, fish and poultry products, Vitamin and mineral. supple ‘ments can be very beneficial also if taken carefully in accordance with the U.S. Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) land not used as a substitute for good foods. If you want to be healthy, survive, over ‘come problems and prosper in this highly demanding, complex and stressful world of furs, pay attention to your diet—it can make & world of difereace in your health Jim Benson. Unpredictable Occurrences: Lifekit A personal insurance policy, should the occasion of need arise... Staff Evaluat URVIVAL KITS are the ortdoors- ratn's personal insurance _polic Should the occasion of need arise, the eo tenis of such a kit can provide a hedge ‘against snpredictable occurrences, If, however, we were asked to pack all of the equipment necessary for survival under all conceivable circumstances, more than. likely it yould take a container so lange as {0 render the kit completely useless. Portability is the key word, when it comes to the overall design of any survival kit, The contents of such a kit should be Useful in a wide range of situational demands, yet fit iaco 4 pocket size storage ‘The new “LIFEKIT,” by LIFEKNIFE, Ine, the people who ato make the "LIFE KNIFE," is just sueb a functionally designed prodsct. The LIFEKIT is so ‘copact and sleek that you will never leave it at home, (One of the most striking features of the LIFEKIT is the ragged aluminum eon. finer wit stainless steel fasteners that ‘makes this kit both air and water tight, Resealable, s0 that you ean add your own personal survival items, this is one kit has room for expansion, The aluminum ‘container can be used for cooking, carry: ing water, signaling and storage. The unique stainless steel fasteners require no delicate manipulation or man- tual dexterity. 4 child or even someone that has suffered loss of finger movement can LEFT_No larger tha other outsaoro8 the FEKIT ts easly ito pockel or pace [ABOVE The conten ofthe UFEKIT ean be uset {era wide range of outdoor acti still easly open and close this kit. When sealed, however, the rubber gasket in the lid maies the kit so impervious to moisture intrusion that i floats when placed in ‘While the container may be nify, it is, what the container holds that makes this little kit $0 useful. Compass, wire matches, fishing kit with “cam action hooks, snare/utlty wire, needles, antibio- tic eream, butterfly closures, bandages. aspirin, sait tablets, sealpel blade, tourni= quet, disinfectant, antiseptic, collapsible water container, energy bar, and tea are all sealed within this five-ounce, 12,T5-cubie- inch package. There is even a separate, removable storage compartment inside of the LIFEKIT that can be used to fold the smaller ifems such as hooks, fine, split shot, needles, and a supply of matches. Many survival kits are so fragile as to he Impractical in a hostile situation. Others require additional sealing to be watertight and some are contained in fabric covers that provide little provection for the contents. What the LIFEKIT does provide is well thought out, designed to assist you in a wide range of emergency situations, and it is packaged ina light, tough container, LIFEKIT fs available from LIFEKNIFE Ine, Dept. ASG, P.O. Box 771, Santa Monica, CA 90406, and selected sporting ‘goods dealers and backpack shops. The CIFEKIT retails for $19.95, @ ( CMENTERPRISES P.O. BOX 460 FLAT ROCK, N.C. 28731 704 692 1921 eeenimeen te atinc oa tere | aE FLAT ROCK, Kc. 26731 704 692 1921 nt tae ay 2am oy —— ms ay 38 $200 hon an aig Doreen cetencca Test Dvn ict MAY I98\/AMPRICAN SURVIVAL GUIDE # Buy KNIVES Wholesale! a SAVE UPTO Major 50%! Brands , and Patterns Huge ast Service Selection 100% Guarantee Catalog - Send $2.00 Ei. Smoky eta hi i at rin P.O. Box 7IUASG © Sevierville, TN 37862 THE SIGHT-AID KIT ‘The SIGHT-AID Kit ls ado-t-yourselt kit giving you any sight picture; write outline, 2dot, etc, plus flourescent red-orange orlime front sights for pen= hes par gun. It adheres super, wort Chip or fall away and is brighter than plastic inserts. To order specily red- Grangeorlimeandsends7 plus $1.25 S/H 10 THRIFTY BUYERS SERVICE, Dogt ASG, P.O, Box 733, Middletown, Nv 10940. WANT TO SURVIVE Read AUSTRALIA'S only Survivel magazine. Prepare for the coming had times of economic collapse, nuclear war, ecological disaster. The “AUSTRALASIAN SURVIVOR” will show you how. Six issues per year, $18 U, Funds. Fourth year in publica- tion, ail back issues in stock. PO Bos £457, Queen Victoria , ACT 2600 Australia (20 Kingston St) 10. MAY 1884/AMERICAN SURVIVAL GUIDE Rimfire Test: Anschutz Woodchucker This compact, rimfire import just may be the prefect survival/sporter. ABOVE—The Woodehuckar's accuracy improved considerably ‘ath the addition a Willams EPGR recelver sight Ts {oanat, aya proup wih femnaton Vipers shows RIGHT ~The alminutive sis of te site would make Ma perfect chovce for backache HE CONCEPT of 2 .22 rifle for sur- vivalists is not a new one. A rimfire for foraging purposes makes a lot of sense certainly more so than a high-powered sifle, The rationale here is that a 22 1s probably better suited to shooting deer st short range than a 308 would be for knocking off qual, rabbits, and squirrels A bigh-powered hunting arm, for food gathering purposes, is rather limited. ‘Over the years we've seen the Charter ‘Arms AR-7, the Remington Nylon 66. the Springfield “Armory Mo Scout, and. the Savage Model 24, touted as “survival” ‘The AR-7 and the Nylon 66 are semi autos, while the other two are single shot break-open. combination guns, All are rolestly priced and reliable. “There are some who would prefer bolt action repeater as a 22 hunting/ foraging arm, and this particular bias is not without merit. Bolt actions do have certain advan tages over other action types, They're gen- erally less prone to malfunctioning than an auto, although most current 72 autos are Quite reliable. Ifa box magazine is lost, or a tobe magazine is bent, a bolt action can function fatty well as a single shot—more s0 than an auto, Soave of the newer bullet SMyles—such as the Remington Yellow: jacket's “Truncated Cone” loads can ‘reate feeding problems in an auto, A bolt action, with its positive manual earring action, generally has a better chance of hhandling a wider range of bullet styles. ‘One other area in which a bolt-action Fimfire is usually superior is in the trigger pull—which is usually superior 10 most futos—anid certainly better than break ‘opens with external hammers such as the Springtield and Savage. Multi purpose superlight “survival rifles," are certainly nifty, appealing and easy to sll, yet, the primary purpose of a rifle is to ir'a target, and the main employment of a rimfire rifle is to hit a tomall target. Whether or not the rifle in Auesiton s capable of withstanding immer- som in salt water for 20 years exis capable of folding up to fit in a wallet shosld be of secondary consideration ‘Anyway, we've always been on the Jovi out for « compact, reliable 22 bolt action repeater, so when we first saw the An- schutz Woodchucker, we knew we had (0 {get our hands on one, The brand name, ‘ust confess, was what originally ateacted us (othe rifle. That company’s top-of-the: line .22 sporters have been long acknow!- edged as some of the most accurate, well mace riesfires in existence. The quality is reflected inthe price of the premicm models—which range from 250 on up 19 around 700 bucks. A¢ first glance, ii seems ‘that Anschutz doesn’t have nich interest in the “utility gun” concept. When we saw the price om the Wood- cchucker, we were more than a dit sur prised. This litle German import is being brought in by RSR Wholesale Guns (P.O. Box 27009, Orlando, FL 32867) and retails for around $130, What's even more inter ‘esting are its dimensions, I has a 164% inch barrel, a 32%-inch overall length, and a “whopping” 3. pound, 4 ounce weight, Pretty compact, no? As for the price, there mag be less expensive .22 tur bolts around, but it's doubtful if any of them are in the class of this one. ‘Our test sample strived in two pieces stock and barreled setion, ‘The rifle takes down quickly by means of a single forend sores, and would fit easily into a pac ‘The stock, while attractive i walaut-fin ished hardwood —dewid of any checkering, «at all. It was supplied with a S-shot box ragazine, slthough there isa 10-shot ver sion available. The rear sight is a simple step adjustable open affae with « U-eotch. The front sight is a hooded post. It's & sturdy enough arrangement, to be sure, ‘but one hat isn't really capable of bringing the best out of the rifle. “The obrious solution would be to stick a scope on the grooved receiver, but we Gecided against doing anything that would screw up the tim lines, and compact character of the rifle AS a compromise, we stuck om a Williams FPGR receiver sight, This is an excellent aperture peep affair that can be mounted direatly omto a grooved receiver without dsiling oF tapping. We were forced to miount it in front of Yee aston because of bolt clearance problems, but the sighting radius difference on the little rifle wasn't realy big enough to matter much. We simply serewed out the target ise and wore Ie with w nice big aperture thar stuck an excellent compromise between speedy target acquisition and precision. ‘The FPGR sight, incidentally, is fully adjustable for windage and clevation in positive increments. It beats the hell out of rifting an open reat sight for windage, and provides afar bettr sight pictare than, anything short of a scope, Shooting the Woodehucker was quite u bit offun. The triguer pull was excellent, a crisp 34 pounds with just the tiniest bit of takeup. At 25 yards, using Remington's hnyper-velacty Viper ammo, we got 10-sht groups of around an inch and a half, Hf you threw out 3 flyers on one of ‘em, seven shocs practically fell into one ragged hole. ‘AC 50 yards, the 10-shot group had barely ‘spread out to around 1% of an inch That’s pretty yood shooting-—and a pretty ‘good endorsement of the rifle/sight ‘Sombination, ‘The rifle was “new gun sticky” for about ‘the First 50 rounds, and then settled downs to flawless feeding and ejection, Our only ‘malfunction vecurred when attempting to remove the magazine, we yanked the plastic base off, and were treated to an Mastane disassembly,” with springs and Hlooryiate doing a “bombs away” on the bench. That heavy plastic base fits on the ‘bottom of the magazine by means of a mete tngue-and-proave arranigen and while t's gute easy to disassemble for clezning purposes, we'd be happier with something that cone apart a little mote reluctantly, We were very pleased with the Wood: chucker. Its first-rate choice for a small game/survival tool. If this rile had a Compact, adjusiable peep sight built on, and was supplied with a synthetic stock itd give a lot of "survival 22s" a run for theis money. @ ANSCHUTZ WOODCHUCKER, TECH SPECS: ‘cater 22tonghitle ation rnbatt Capacity 50 Bere! anath 4 inches vert engen Sri inches ion ‘ios oe Signe ‘top saustabioopen rar hooded post font Stw2x vsnyttitabaet hatdooe spore IRSA Whales Guns PO Gox 2009 ontango, FL S288? Petain Price ‘AppIOK. S10 Far trom orginary ‘stneoniaytacescrbo tmenow STARFIFE Easy © nance andamazngy wa balan. he STARFIRE wa se any shooter Toadthatcuslom uch he STARFIRE sports anaqustablechesk pec. = Feature fos only or the ost ext cute Sossbows Wit suncardleaweatratinoude ‘ew PSE Sure Fre Cables, new Fe FIQhL 8 Brows wih new aesied PSE Supe Nocks land ur "Ao Sale” Bgue, the STARFIRE Ses Me slandaré for Slateot he A. oss bow design. ‘See your PSE Dealer for ne complete Stare Stave wil be avaiable » Gano or Satin Black Siver Hannes bis PRECISION SHOOTING EQUIPMENT, INC. Sarvival/Fighting Knives, by Leroy Thompson: Paladin Press, Dept. ASG, P.O. Box 1307, Boulder, CO 80306; (303) 43-7250; 101 pages, sofleover; $14 plus $3 postage and handling, This book is meant as a guide to the reader {or deciding which type of knife would best ‘uit his or her needs, "I make no claim to ‘the completeness of this book,” the author states. “On the contrary, though I've tried to those with which I've had experience (with a few exceptions) and which know to be of acceptable quality and design,” Nevertheless, there are quite 4 few knives covered and the book is illus: trated with more than. 80- photographs, “Thompson, who has taught hand-to-hand combat 10 special. operations military units, knows his subject. There are ‘chapters on the knife as tol and weapon, utility and general purpose knives, com: mercial and custom-made hollow-handle survival knives and substitutes, survival Knives and kits, folding and’ general purpose blades, fighting knives, street sur Vival knives and a list of knife makers Many of the world’s most famous Fighting knives are shown and discussed as are many of the top hollowhandle and full tang survival knives, even the highly useful Swiss Army Champion by Vietorinx, You can read about Al Mar, Applegate-Fair bairn, Bali-Song, Buck, Cold Steel, Gerber, Ka-Bar. Lifeknife, Randall and sutlery. This is most enjoyable read ‘4 good reference soutee for kai enthusiasts, COMBAT as A ; Gepeee '-==5 eee RES ca be eee Comba: Annunition, Everything You Need ‘To Know, by Duncan Long; Paladin Press, Dept. ASG. P.O. Box 1307, Boulder, CO 180306, (303) 443-7250; 127 pages, hard- cover, $19.95 plus $3. posiage and handling Towin against ane ya involy ing firearsm sou need a reliable firearm “Deafness is something you put beside you not in front of you.” LINDA HOVE/ ACTRESS Linda Bove performed with ‘The National Theatre of the Deaf tor nine years. She has also stared in the Tony Award winning show, Childe of a Lesser God. eo — Believe in them. Break the barriers. PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE ON EMPLOYMENT OF THE HANDICAPPED, WASHINGTON D.C. 20210 12, MAY 1986/AMERICAN SURVIVAL GUIDE and the right ammunition, says the author, a respected authority on survival And a regulue contributor to this magatzne. ‘And this book tells you just about every- thing you'd like to know about plastie to keep it shacp. The belt itself is Digh quality aston broadcloth with a vere sip designed to open completely tor easy access to the contents. The opening is on the inside of the belt which rests against the wearer ‘The contants of the belease 3 56. by SLinch waterproof phistic space Blanket: 12 waterproof matches: 4 2.> by 2S+toot section of visqueen plaste for use 8S a solar water sill; four water purificw tion tables; 12 waterprovf packers cach containing natural, organic mineral and viarnin tablets with wore than the Feeow mended daily allowances, and a unpru- cased wheat bran wafer giving sour Stomach & full feelings and Finally, a survival manoal explaining earrect wie of each item in the belt, The Save-Your-Life Beit can be purchased for $29.95 each plus 32.50 postage and Rancling (specify sizes 2810-48), ar two belts for $55.95 plus $5 p&h. from the Saye Your Lite Belt (Corpuration, Dept. ASG, 301 North Main, Suite 167, Pueblo. CO $1003; oF eal tl ‘ree (800) BELT-KIT, Solar Battery Kecharger ‘Now you can charge your AA, C or D bat teries with the sun! Solar Electric Engine fring has lutroduced a fal ine of portable solar battery chargers. They allow the user to charge two size C ot D batteries at a time, and up to four AA batteries at a times Costing $19.95 each, this line of battery chargers. replaces SEE's original AA batty charger. Hundreds of te changes ean be performed quickly, simply and safely. The units weigh less than pound and measure 2% by 3% by % Inches. For more information, contact Solar Electric Engineering, Inc. Dept. ASG, 405 East D Street, Petaluua, CA 94952. Adjustable Holster This new patented bolster is adjustable, So is practically all your handguns: autos ad wrolvers alike. Right handed or left it’s ambidextnass. It even combats “holster wear” wid a specially treated voolskin inneriniay, Works ualike any thing you'te eer sees. Fitst you choose fone of three Det {oop austments. So i fits small, mediume or large frame hand: suns (regardless of barrel length), ‘Then [you use the woolskin's Velo adjustment for « tight sustont Tt. Rig it For a cross draw oF conceal it in the saul of your hack. 1s small and lightweight so it's con- cecalable and extremely comfortable. The A.G.P. adjustable holster comes in black fr brown with a 30-day moneyback guar ante. They vost S22 cach iroat Tabler Marketing, Dept. ASG, 2854 Lincoln Blvd, #585, Marisa Del Rey, CA 90291 Barnett Panzer Barnett International has introduced a ney version of their popular Panzer cross: bow. It features a rugged computer designed alloy frame. The stock can be interchanged with an optional pisto! aking it an ideal survival weap new Panzer IL is the most versatile cross ow available and offers dependability under even the harshest conditions. For additional information on Barnett’s ‘complete line of erossbows and accessories write BARNETT. INTERNATIONAL, INC,, P.O. Box 934, Dept. ASG, Odessa, FL 33556. Leupold 247 Compact Leupold has introduced a new 2x7 Com- pact into its growing fine of sub-sized siflescopes. Two ounees Tighter and a full tne inch shorier than a standard 247, the ‘ew Scope is one of the world’s most com pact variables, Like the sbx other seopes that meke up the Leupold Compact line, the now 2x7 was designed peimarity with the new generation of scaled-down and featherweight rifles in mind. Compared with fulsized scopes, the Leupold 2x7 Compact offers generous eye elie, nagni- fication and field of view, yet is smaller Inside and out. According to Leupold, the new variable's smaller eyepiece «liameter ‘rill accommodate virtually any bolt action Fifle made today, regardless of bolt lift And, in some cases, permits the scope to be ‘mounted lower, For more information on the Leupold 2x7 Compact and other Leupold Golden Ring! seopes, write: LLeupald & Stevens, Ine. P.O. Box 688, Dept. ASG, Beaverton, OR 97075. Camo Belt Michels of Oregon introduces the popular SIDEKICK® nylon web holster belt in new eamouflage color as well as brown and black. The belt is designed to match the color and pattern of SIDEKICK holsters and the new line of holster accessories. The belts are a full 54” long, accommodating shooters of every size, and will fit over heavy or bulky hunting clothes. A sturdy ccamtype buekle fastens firmly, yet releases instantly. Suggested retail price of the SIDEKICK camouflage holster belt is $7.95 and, like all “Uncle Mike's" pro- ducts, itis available only at gun and sport- ing goods dealers. For a full color catalog, send $1.00 to Michaels of Oregon, P.O. Box 13010, Dept. ASG, Portland, OR 97213. Police Duty Rig, Assault Systems Police Duty Rig is ready for just about anything. Designed by and for professional police and law enforce: ment agents it provides unprecedented Lightweight comfort and strength in a complete belt rig. All items made of bal- ie nylon and unconditionally guaran- teed. Police holster features § layers of bal listic nylon sewn with heavy duty nylon thread, made to last a lifetime. For more information call or write: (800) 325-3049, Assault Systems, 869 Horan Drive, Dept. ASG, St. Louis, MO 63026. MILITARY WOODLAND CAMO-COMPAG: sumo camo comPac Camo Compac Towa-based Hunter's Specialties, ‘America’s camouflage experts, has Geveloped for 1986 the new MILITARY WOODLAND CAMO COMPAC (#00278) camouflage makeup kit. Based on Hunter's original and highly successful CAMO COMPAC for hunting, this mil tary version has a pocket size, imp resistant plastic case with five non-glare colors and an unbreakable metal mirror in the hinged cover. Colors include fat black, ‘bark gray, mud brown, leat green, and forest green. This makeup won't un in the tain oF sweat away, yet washes of? with soap and water or wiih Hunter's Special: ties CAMO-OFF makeup remover wipes, For more infuersation on the MILITARY WOODLAND CAMO COMPAC and a FREE catalog, contact: Hunter's Special: Bes, Inc., 5285 Rockwell Dr. NE, Dept. ASG, Cedar Rapids, 1A 52402: phone (319) 395-6321, Bleepsereen Now Doublewide SleepSoreen is the unique personal sized, bugproof enclosure that sets up in seonds over your bed or slesping bag to protect you from mosquitoes, gnats and no-see tims. Introduced in 1988, thousands were sold to campers and Cavelers tired of Shpping at the whine of mosquitoes, ot itching from the bites of no-see-ums. New for 1966, SieepScreen is now available ina doublewide model with shock-corded iberglass poles. The new model, dubled ‘SleepScreenit,” is still ultralight at 23 ‘ounces, and “ultrasmall—easily fiting packs and carry-on luggage, Quick to set up, SleepScreentt offers a roomy 55 inches of protection (the full width of a double bed). SleepSercens were. developed and extensively tested in Alaska and the Yukon. They are manufactured with fi retardant grey novsce-um netting, burgundy nsion stutt sacks, and black fiberglass poles. ‘Their dimensions are: ‘SleepSereen: 34 inches on a side by 24 inches high. Folds to 17 by 2.5 inches, Weight 16 ounces. SleepSereenll: 58 Inches wide by 28 inches high. Folds to21 by 3.5 inches. Weight 23 ounces. Sleep- Sereen zt $19.85 and now SleepSereenl! at $29.95 are the most affordably priced, truly dependable insect protection on the Imatket. SleepScreens keep the high pitched whine far away from your ears while protecting your skin, thus insuring a 00d night’ seep. ‘They make good sense whether you're caraping under the stars oF staying at a fizst class resort, SlegpSsreens are sold in outdoor specialty stores nation: wide. They ate also available from such rajor mail order companies 2s Cabela's Campmor, Gander Mountain, LL. Bean, and Recreational Equipment inc. MAY 2500/AMERICAN SURVIVAL GUIDE 17 SURVIVAL TOOLS td Daco The Crossbow of Champions WASP CXB_ 8225.00 Compound Crossbow foe latest a cronsow elgg he eget pci pera 50 aie — sib “Hn este al tk “pace tena — 2506p HORNET II For Top Value °'°°-°? ‘The new improved Hornet I, designed for the avid crossbow hunter and precision target shooter + Sculptured hardwood stock with col pad + Machined limb mounting bracket 16° arom = satya tp aw wes the Trident Pistol Crossbow $85.00 16”, 50 Ib. prod. suitable for taking small game (rabbits, squirrels, ete.) 12” long only 1% Ibs. We have the most complete crossbow catalog available. $1.00 for Catiog M & M ENTERPRISES. 0. Bex 54, Dont. $86 {SUAMD LAKE, 1 60002 FROM NEW EXCALIBER WAX PELLETS ~-e[{__D- '¢ No gun powder oF landing tools are ead Shotgun primers provide the [Power Pellets and primers are loads) Into re-usable brass cases rth finger 19 curacy 1 25 feet (2 group, 1 Speed: epprosimatelyhathevelacky "© Oi-based wat sharess 0 gun. which ‘eanscleaning easier thant lead bles 1 Safer than piatc or eubberbullots ~ pra rcocheting, Specity caiber.38 spl 9mm Luger ASLC45.ACP 380 41 mag 44 nog © 500 War Peles w/ 6 cases12.95, 100 War Pallets w/ 6 cases $6,00 Com Bow Sling over —-—~ 200 FPS. ae a SS et ‘Twice The Power Of A Standard Slingshot. $49.50 Each Com Bow Sing comes with era W/riedii pet bare 25 Ral Ene a erst oa ee trand 3 shor erows alan wrench ie ULTRA TOUGH LETTER OPENER laste 7" long. 3% blade Ce THE KNIFE $5.00 each SURVIVAL STRAW | ntl safe driskeg watar The Pocket Purter 100% germ-free drinking wo ter. Wate Iz purfid a6 you draw it tough the straw No pillsorshomicals Weighs ess than 1 02, ‘Special $10.00 each ‘A TRAVELER'S ANSWER 1K MAY 1980/AMERICAN SURVIVAL GUIDE SURVIVALIST DIRECTORY AT HS 18 8 CONFIDENTIAL titi f sor vivaliste sho. wish ta become. known sithers of lke mind. Armeicen Sureiva! Guide wil accept properly coded ral and forward to the ended addresses without charge, Amer an Suro! Guide accept na responsi for the contents or result of thee confidential communications. Mays. matings. are. not permits 435.030" Sinieate a foro ine Banc, Vig, tees omandorchene anes acter ats {car Cocoon or moter earth ye pr onwastorn Nah earns fons Continued ae 32 ‘La Sentinetla SPRING LOADED STEEL WHIP Compact Security 8° closed Z4P1 18" coiled STEEL pr ur Palee $24.95 poupeia, and that includes @ FREE Teather holster. Mage Jn France, Handsome black. AUTHENTIC HAT mat hee tare Pr i CAMOUFLAGE SUN GLASSES 100% American made. No two pairs alike, Hancpainted camoufiage. Come complete with carrying case. Complete your camo outit.. don't give your position away because your glasses reflected sun- light! Specify grey, brown, green, yellow or clear lens. Ruggéd, hi.impact plastic frames. $24.00 each, two for $4400 ($2200 each) and four for $80.00 ($2000 each). ‘CAPS CAPS CAPS $750 each postpaid ‘cpa made under Henan et spsceatone Cape equity 8040 ctornoyeter ABC WIDE, Ug Aly, US NAVY. US MAR US AIR FORCE woeycs pao DISTANT SOUND DETECTOR MULTIPLES SOURD S000 TOES The VanSleek FARFOON 2 Receptivty plus convenient size. ‘The Vansleak Favfoon combines the parabolle dish Sound Mirror ol the Double Farfoon with the handy size oF he emaller Hunters Ear, The results a superior direc: tional teceptor without. the widespread large dish receptors which in many applications. ae cumbersome to use and trans; $148 port. The VanSleek Fartoon uses ; the same type retrograde sound POStPaid asthe ‘Double. Fattoon. ‘Take evs Vansieek into tight places. Enjoy Tanioon : the mirrored sound gathering not ijg~ sive made of 35 percent cvtton-65 percent polyester yarn with ripstnp reinforcement ribs ina lightweight poplin weave, The cloth is wind resistant yet breathes and also is resistant to tearing. We took a suit to professional seamstress for evaluation of Sewing and construction and was assured that both were of high and consisant quality ‘The overpant is also cut very large allow- ing you to ship in over a pair of winter pack boots and regular pants and. still have room {0 move without consteiion. ‘The Zipper fly has another sturdy zipper and there are passthrough pocket openings allowing access to your inner pockets. On the woodland side there are two large bel: lows pockets and a single rear pocket, pro tected by velero flaps. ‘The snow camo side hhas one rear pocket protected by fap, ‘There is & shoek-cord style elastic draw: string at the waist which expands or con: ts with your motions for freedom of “Together the Snowtimber Anorak and Overpant are state-of-the-art outdoor wear. They ate avaliable exclusively from Brigade Quartermasters, Led, The anorak retails for $99.95 and the Overpant for $69.95. They may be ordered from Brigade ‘Quartermasters, Ltd, Roswell St, Marietta, GA 30060-0988, @ Sniperscope: A superbly functional, rugged instrument . By Loe Upchurch HE JEWISH state of Israel isa nation of survivalists, They have endured ‘many trials and tribulations forced upon ‘them by their adversaries, At times, even the threat of total destruction has loomed overhead, Israel's success in overcoming its menacing foes can be attributed to un vielding courage, exceptional leadership, the backing of a super power, and when it ‘comes to fighting, it has one of the best trained and equipped armed forces in the region. israeli military hardware is yastly superior to that ofits enemies. This is not only possible because of the transfer of ced States high tech weapons from the U aang other Western counties bi fan outstanding ralitary ind fown, Tt has produced many suceessul innovative and robust designs for its defense Fores. ‘One such “war machine,” = sniper- scope, known as the Nimrod 6X40, is a Superbly functional and rugged instru ‘ment, This same sniperscope was success fully utilized by Israel's elite shiper units during the recent combat action in Lebanon and it proved 10 be a very effee- tive optical device for enhancing pression shooting. It also proved that could with- stand the torture of combat use ‘The Nimrod rifle scope is now being imported and made available from Mag- ‘usm Research, Ine., (Dept. ASG, 7271 Commerce Citcle West, Minneapolis, MN 5432) for commercial use by American civilian shooters, ‘A quick inspection of the Nimrod scope reveals that itis an excellent design and built to be tactically sound as was expected. The clarity of the opties is very sharp and one of the best around. Overall, the scope appears to be an impressive piece of equipment. Characteristics of the Nimrod are that it weighs 21 ounces, is almost 13.5 inches long (without the glare sleeve extended and ‘eyeguard attached), and has a black ano- dized blue finish. {tis a monopower type Scope with a magnification power of six and the diameter of the objective lens is 40mm, A monopower scope was chosen by the Israelis instead of a variable type because the later have not demonstrated the desired ruggedness and reliability as have monopower telescopes, “The rationale behind selecting a 6X magnification was because it is an opti- mum setting for observation and sniping ‘when utilizing 7.62mm NATO ammun tion at effective ranges. Diopter—A fixed ciopter setting is incorporated on the Nimrod. The setting is average for most persons but it can be adjusted by a technician, if needed. ‘The uunadjustable feature of the diopter is to Tock the eyepiece, thereby preventing “The Ninvod snperscopa is supplied with tw Colored ters 2 anaparent lene cover and & Noxibie rubber eyepiece (tne Gal moun snot Included. {an be used for this operation. adjustment of it to enhance a proper seal of the scope. ‘The reticle is a constant-centering and graduated crosshair, Irrespective of the amount of windage or elevation adjust rent made to 7270 the weapon, the con: Stantly. centered feature eliminates the possibility of an off-centered reticle whch ean hinder quick and easy aiming through the scope, ‘Also the measuring grid is located beneath the crosshairs to easily and Quickly obtain the correct range of the target. Five graduated stadia lines are Continued on pope 89 [MAY IS66/AMERICAN SURVIVAL GUIDE. 2 Four Basic Items: Many of us don't have the money to pay for expensive, prepared storage foods, but there is an alternative... By Roger Pryor Yy RVIVE without food, I in any true survival situation food storage is one of the most important items fon your list, Yet Because of the cost itis most often found Jacking in survival pro- grams, Problems abound, such as proper containers, forage space, temperature requirements, shelf fife, and others, Some of ts eat afford the option of com- mercially prepared feods, but even then we may not be getting foods that we realy would enjoy eating. Although commercial preparation and packaging of food is much Detter than anything we can do at home, somo of us berause of economies may not have that option open to us. If you have run up against these and other problems don't despair. Yes Virginia, there really is sun affordable survival diet This storage program is built around four basic items, wheat, powdered milk, ‘honey an¢ salt. The extent to which these our substances can be changed, combined and recombined to give a variety of good ‘tasting meals seems endless. All of these ‘tems have an extremely long shelf ife, ad 2% MAY I9M6/AMERICAN SURVIVAL GUIDE may be kept at a wide range of tempera tures, Its also ice that they can he stored Jn bulk, therefore using less space, The best part isthe price. A diet built around these four substances will cost about half fof what you normally ray for food. Yet, it can coniain all the calories you need and can be fairly nutritionally sound, This is not a fad but the diet of our forefathers. ‘Wheat is constantly referred to in written history as the staff of lie. Salt with good savor was a continual dream of the ancients. A land flowing with mill and hhoney is mentioned several times ia the Bible, The ancients did not have our dis- tractions. They bed « constant awareness ‘of the hardships in obtaining sufficient food. They knew what was important, We ‘can truthfully say that man owes a great ‘deal of his existence to these particular foods. But more than this, we can say that time has proven their adaptability to the nutrition of man, (Wheat, the staf of life. As ong as you keep it dry and protected from insects, it will last indefinitely. Any con- tainer that is airtight can be used to store wheat. Weevils can be controlled by ABOVE and RIGHT—These are candies mada fm wheat gllen and honey, and ‘wth wheat pluton removing the air from containers used to store the wheat. One simple way you can do this isto place dry ice at the bottom of the container and as the dry ice melts the icy fog it gives off will cover the wheat and replace the air in the container. When this air has been replaced you simply seal the container. Another method that can be used is to store your wheat at minus 14 degrees Fahrenheit for 2 petiod of about ‘wo weeks, This method is simple if your community has 2 cold. storage faciliy ‘When you purchase your wheat be sure to {get hard red wheat with a moisture content ‘f 10 percent or less. Your wheat will need to be this dry for storage. Wheat is about 12 percent high quality protein. Wheat protein differs from meat protein in that it Contains less ofthe amino acl lysine, how fever, it contains more of the amino acid phenylalanine and the increased consump: tion of wheat fleur sill more than compen- sate for the difference, There are many ways you can use wheat, Besides the ‘obvious use of grinding it into flour, what ‘can be eaten rave, It can be cracked and cooked for cream of wheat, Itis used for textured vegetable proteia to steteh meats ‘and other foods, of to make gun i0 chew fon—no joke. ‘The flour is used to make gluten. This process is fairly simple and ean be done in, your kitchen with very litte trouble. Flour is also used as the main ingredient in eLOW—Propety stored the four bosic Roms espace. an important means of ‘souroe of miners. cakes, cookies, breads and noodles. It is also used to make gravies, white sauces ‘and many more things too numerous to smeation bere. ‘A five-gallon can will hold 27 pounds of wheat, five pounds of powdered milk, three pounds of honey end ane Pound of salt. This is enough to feed one person for month, Stored in this manner the food- ‘stuffs would tend to be used in their proper Proportions, —The status of powdered milk in unquestionable. On a chart of the biological value

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