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Lisa goes to London

Why does Lisa go to London?

Who is Diana?

What does Diana think of London?-

Where are Lisa and Diana?

Where can Lisa take pictures?

What can Lisa see from the hotel room?

Where must Lisa and Diana go?

Where does Lisa meet the other finalist for the first time?

How do the children go to Trafalgar Square?

Why does Lisa say Wow when is she in her hotel room?

What is the big monkey doing?

Tell me the parts of the theater

What do the children do in Trafalgar Square?

Who are the Beefeaters?

What do the children see in the Tower of London?

What does Lisa lose in London?

How long is the tube?

Who´s taking Lisa’s pictures?-

Where are the children in chapter 7?

What is Nadia eating? What do English people like eating?

Why is Lisa sad?

What are the children doing in chapter 9?

Where are the children relaxing?

What’s on Sergio T shirt?

Who´s afraid of snakes?

What pet has Sergio got?

Where are the tigers from?

What do the children do in Madam´s Tussah Museum?

What kind of museum?

What does happen in the Chamber of Horror?

What does Lisa buy from Harrods?

What is Harrods?

What does Lisa imagine when she closes her eyes

Why is one of the girls sad?

Where do the children go on Friday morning?

What is the first prize of the competition?

Who is the winner?

What does the judge say?

What can Lisa do again?

Why are the children at Heathrow Airport?

What does Lisa do quickly in the plane?

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