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When and where was your last vacation? Make a brief introduction about yourself.

My last vacation was last year on a beach. I am a civil engineering student, I like to do sports
and learn new things.

Would you like to travel abroad? Why yes? Why not?

What are the things you like best about your job?
Yes, because I like to do sightseeing.
I do not work.

What things do you like to do in your free time?

What do you think you should do to improve your
I like to play basketball and poker. English?

I should practice more often.

What countries would you like to visit? Why?

I would like to visit the United States and China, Do you like english? Why or why not?
because they have many tourist places.
Yes, because it provides many benefits.

If you feel depressed, how can you feel better?

What do you do?
I can feel better hanging out with friends.
I am having an interview.

What courses are you taking?

What is your favorite place to go on vacation? Why?
I am taking thesis and seminar.
my favorite place is the beach, because that's where
my friends go.
How long have you been working at your current job?

I do not work yet. How do you usually feel when you get up in the

Still sleepy.
What are your plans for your education?

I will finish college next year.

Describe your work.

I do not work.
What language would you like to learn? Why?

I would like to master English well, because it is the

universal language. What are some things you can do to relax?

I like to watch series.

Where will you go on your next vacation?

I will go probably to Lima. What is your dream job? Why?

My dream job is work for a private company, because

they pay well.
What is the most interesting city to visit in your
country? Why?
What makes you feel better? Why?
Cuzco, because it is a wonder of the world.
do sports, because I focus my energy on that.

Where do you work?

What are your plans for your career / professional
life? I do not work.

finish university and study a mestria.

How do you plan your vacation?

Describe yourself. (What do you look like?) I plan them with my friends.

I am tall, with dark eyes, with black hair and a beard.

What do you hate doing in your spare time?

What topic is your favorite? Why? advance my thesis.

my favorite topic is eating out, because it is used

When you travel, who do you usually go with?

I usually travel alone.

What countries would you not like to visit? Why?

Venezuela, because it currently has many problems.

What was the most enjoyable thing you did during
your vacation?

What do you need before you can travel to another stay in a good hotel.

get my passport.

What makes you nervous?

travel by airplane.

In which country would you like to study English?


in America, because they speak fluently.

Where are you studying?

at the Señ or de Sipan University

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