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Gambar Radiologi Semester 5

1. Impaksi Caninus
2. Impaksi Molar 3
3. Acute Osteomyelitis

Acute osteomyelitis can stimulate either bone resorption or bone formation. Very early in the
disease, no changes may be identifiable. The bone may be filled with inflammatory exudate and
inflammatory cells and may show no change in the diagnostic image.

4. Chronic Osteomyelitis

Panoramic film demonstrates chronic osteomyelitis of the right mandible; note the increase in
density and size of the right mandible compared with the left side. Chronic osteomyelitis often
stimulates the formation of periosteal new bone, which is seen radiographically as a single
radiopaque line or a series of radiopaque lines (similar to onion skin) parallel to the surface of
the cortical bone.
5. Diabetes Melitus

Severe Progressive Periodontitis on diabetic patient. Diabetes mellitus exhibits no

characteristic imaging features of the jaws or teeth. Periodontal disease associated with
diabetes is indistinguishable from periodontal disease in patients without diabetes.
6. Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis evident as a loss of the normal thickness and density of the inferior cortex of the
mandible. Osteoporosis results in an overall reduction in the density of bone. This reduction
may be observed in the jaws by using the unaltered density of teeth as a comparison. There may
be evidence of a reduced density and thinning of cortical boundaries, such as the inferior
mandibular cortex
7. Trauma
a. Dental Trauma
i. Concussion

a crush injury to the vascular structures at the tooth apex and the periodontal
ligament resulting in inflammatory edema. The imaging appearance of a dental
concussion may be subtle. No changes may be visible, or there may be localized
widening of the apical periodontal ligament space. Konkusi yaitu trauma yang
mengenai jaringan pendukung gigi yang menyebabkan gigi lebih sensitif
terhadap tekanan dan perkusi tanpa adanya kegoyangan atau perubahan posisi

ii. Luxation

Intruded maxillary central incisor after trauma. Note the fractured incisal edges
of both central incisors. Radiographic examinations of luxated teeth may
demonstrate the extent of injury to the root, periodontal ligament, and alveolar
Extruded maxillary lateral incisor after trauma. Note the localized increase to
the width of the apical periodontal ligament space.

iii. Avulsion
The term avulsion is used to describe the complete displacement of a tooth
from the alveolar process. Teeth may be avulsed by direct trauma when the
force is applied directly to the tooth or by indirect traumaIn a recent avulsion,
the lamina dura of the empty socket is apparent and usually persists for several
In some instances, new bone within the healing socket may be very dense and
simulate a retained root tip.   Bone formation during healing of a first premolar
tooth socket. Note how the bone is developing from the lateral walls of the
socket. The central radiolucent line (arrow) may have a similar appearance to
that of a pulp canal, falsely giving the impression of a retained tooth fragment.

iv. Fracture
b. Facial Bone Trauma

Two images demonstrate an alveolar process fracture extending from the distal aspect
of the mandibular right cuspid in an anterior direction (arrows) and through the tooth
socket of the right central incisor.
8. Fibrous Dysplasia
Unilateral fibrous dysplasia involving the
left maxilla and mandible.

Fibrous dysplasia in the mandible. A,

Early radiolucent stage. B, Same case 18
years later shows a more mature
radiopaque appearance. (Gambar paling
9. periapical osseous dysplasia/cementoma
POD is a localized change in normal bone metabolism that results in the resorption of normal
cancellous bone and replacement with fibrous tissue and amorphous bone, abnormal bone
trabeculae (similar to that seen in fibrous dysplasia), or a mixture of the two.
Maturation phases correspond to the early phase, where the normal bone has been resorbed
(radiolucent stage); developing phase, where abnormal bone is manufactured within the lesion
(mixed radiolucent and radiopaque stage); and late or mature stage, where the internal
structure is dominated by abnormal bone.

Radiolucent stage of POD. A, The lamina dura around the central incisor has been lost. B, The
periodontal membrane space can still be seen around some of the teeth.

A and B, Portions of panoramic views of the same patient taken 3 years apart. Note
development of a solitary lesion of POD in the apical region of the first molar extraction site.
Synonyms. Periapical cemental dysplasia, periapical cementoosseous dysplasia, cementoma,
fibrocementoma, sclerosing cementoma, periapical osteofibrosis, periapical fibrous dysplasia,
and periapical fibro-osteoma are synonyms for POD.
10. Florid Osseous Dysplasia
FOD is a widespread form of POD. Normal cancellous bone is replaced with dense, acellular
amorphous bone in a background of fibrous connective tissue. The lesion has a poor vascular
supply, a condition that likely contributes to its susceptibility to infection.

Panoramic film of a different case shows multiple, very mature, almost totally radiopaque
lesions in edentulous jaws. The epicenter of all lesions is above the inferior alveolar canal.

FOD associated with multiple simple bone cysts. multiple simple bone cysts in lesions of FOD.

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