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Kale and Kane Textiles and Clothing Sustainability (2016) 2:4

DOI 10.1186/s40689-016-0015-4
Textiles and Clothing

RESEARCH Open Access

Colour removal using nanoparticles

Ravindra D. Kale* and Prerana B. Kane

Nickel nanoparticles were synthesized and used to decolourize dye effluent. C. I. Reactive Blue 21 was taken as a
reference dye, and polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) was used as a stabilizer to prevent agglomeration of nanoparticles.
Characterization of nanoparticles was done by a laser light scattering particle size analyzer, X-ray diffraction (XRD)
analysis and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Various parameters like pH, dye concentration, nanoparticle
concentration, alkali addition, salt addition and duration studied for dye decolourization. To confirm the attachment
of degraded products of dye on the nanoparticles, FT-IR analysis was done. About 98 % colour removal with
simultaneous reduction in chemical oxygen demand (COD) was achieved.
Keywords: % Decolourization, Nickel nanoparticle, Polyvinyl pyrrolidone, Effluent

Background agglomerated nanoparticles with a well-controlled mean

The effluent discharged from textile dyeing mill is a size and a narrow size distribution is not yet achieved.
highly concentrated coloured wastewater and consists of Tagar et al., (2012) have carried out reduction of dyes
a mixture of various dyes. Most dyestuffs are complex by using gelatine stabilized gold nanoparticles (GNPs).
aromatic structures which are difficult to be disposed. Nanoscale nickel particles (NiNPs) were used for deco-
Moreover, the colour in water resources poses aesthetic lourization of Congo red dye by Kalwar et al. (2013).
problem. They also cause serious ecological problems Nickel oxide has also been used for oxidation of a wide
like significantly affecting photosynthetic activity of range of organic compounds (Lai et al., 2007; Wang et al.,
aquatic plants due to reduced light penetration and may 2008; Nateghi et al., 2012, Kalwar et al., 2014). In a
be toxic to some aquatic organism (Zollinger, 1987). study conducted by Saadatjou et al. (2008), 80 % deco-
Many methods used for dye removal include chemical lourization of dye basic red 46 was achieved using hard-
coagulation, flocculation, chemical oxidation, photo- ened pieces of Portland white cement as adsorbent. In a
chemical degradation, membrane filtration and aerobic research conducted by Asgari and Ghanizade (2009),
and anaerobic biological degradation. These methods methylene blue dye could be completely decolourized
have one or other limitations, and none of them is suc- after 2 h treatment time using 1 g/L bone ash. Song et al.
cessful in complete removal of dye from wastewater (2009) carried out decolourization of reactive dye using
(Dizge et al., 2008). nickel oxide nano-sheets at acidic pH after 6 h.
Metal nanoparticles are also employed for decolouriza- Among all the magnetic metallic nanomaterials, nickel
tion of the coloured effluent. The size and shape of the nanostructure materials are difficult to synthesize be-
nanoparticles play an important role in the decolouriza- cause they are easily oxidizable. Ball milling, electrode-
tion and can be controlled by various physical and chem- position, thermal plasma, polyol process, chemical vapour
ical routes. These particles show tendency to aggregate deposition (CVD), decomposition of organic-metallic pre-
and thus lower the activity. Hence, to prevent the ag- cursors, chemical reduction in the liquid phase and many
gregation irreversibly, researchers have coated the par- other methods (Degen and Macek, 1999; de Caro and
ticles with low molecular weight polymeric compounds Bradley, 1997; Steigerwald et al. 1988; Yurij et al., 1999;
(Hergt et al., 2006; Naoki 2008; Sakulchaicharoen et al., Zhang, et al., 2006) have been applied to obtain pure metal-
2010; Shen et al., 1999). However, the need for the non- lic nickel nanoparticles. Chemical reduction of cations from
the solution of metal salts using strong reducing agents is
* Correspondence:
the best way to prepare nickel nanostructure materials.
Department of Fibers and Textile Processing Technology, Institute of
Chemical Technology, Mumbai 400 019, India

© 2016 Kale and Kane. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
Kale and Kane Textiles and Clothing Sustainability (2016) 2:4 Page 2 of 7

Fig. 1 Synthesis of Ni-PVP nanoparticles

Phthalocyanine reactive dyes are metallic complexes; Synthesis of Ni-PVP nanoparticles

mostly copper based gives turquoise colour shade. They Synthesis of the Ni-PVP nanoparticles was carried out as
are potentially mutagenic and have special toxicity con- per the procedure discussed in a previously published art-
cern because of metal Cu content. These dyes are not icle by Kale et al. (2014). 3.3-mM solution of NiCl2·6H2O
easily dischargeable and also have resistance towards oxi- was prepared in 200-mL ethanol and was added to a 500-
dative degradation, which makes its decolourization a dif- mL round bottom flask at room temperature. 0.125 g of
ficult task. They are highly water-soluble, shows resistance PVP was then added to this solution and was stirred
to adsorption and non-biodegradable under aerobic until complete dissolution of PVP. Hydrazine hydrate
conditions resulting in permanent coloured effluent was further added, followed by 1 M NaOH under con-
(Mathews et al., 2009). stant magnetic stirring. The solution was heated at
Souza et al. (2007) have achieved 59 % decolourization 60 °C with stirring until the solution turned black.
of Reactive Blue 21 (RB21) dye using horseradish peroxi- When hydrazine hydrate reacts with nickel ion, it re-
dise as oxidizer. Degradation of dye RB21 using soybean leases nitrogen gas; hence, no additional nitrogen at-
peroxidase as biocatalyst was evaluated by Marchis et al. mosphere was needed during synthesis. The scheme of
(2011), and they achieved approximately 95–96 % deco- the nanoparticle synthesis is shown in Fig. 1. During
lourization at pH 3.0 with 4 h treatment time. formation of nickel nucleus, the hydrophobic part of
In this current work, the problem of agglomeration of PVP molecules gets attached to nickel nucleolus redu-
nanoparticles has been successfully approached. The cing its surface energy and preventing its agglomer-
colour removal of the dye solution was carried out by ation (Gao et al., 2001). The solution was then cooled
using chemically synthesized disperse nickel nanoparti- at ambient temperature. After the solution is cooled,
cles in a non-aqueous solution using polyvinyl pyrroli- acetone was added to precipitate out the nanoparticles.
done (PVP) as a stabilizer. The various parameters such The solution was vacuum filtered, and particles were
as time, nanoparticle concentration, initial RB21 dye con- washed repeatedly with chloroform-methanol (1:1) solu-
centration and pH were studied. Addition to colour re- tion. Synthesis of nickel nanoparticles without addition of
moval, the effect of presence of salt and alkali in the dye
solution and chemical oxygen demand (COD) reduction
was also investigated.

C. I. Reactive Blue 21 was purchased from Colourtex In-
dustries Limited, Mumbai. Nickel chloride (NiCl2.6H2O,
≥ 98 %), hydrazine hydrate (N2H4.H2O molecular weight
50.06), acetone (molecular weight 58.08, 99 %), polyvinyl
pyrrolidone (PVP K-30), sodium hydroxide (NaOH, mo-
lecular weight 40), acetic acid, ethanol (99.7 %), chloro-
form, methanol, soda ash and Glauber’s salt were supplied
Fig. 2 Chemical structure of C. I. Reactive Blue 21
by S D Fine-Chem Limited (SDFCL, Mumbai).
Kale and Kane Textiles and Clothing Sustainability (2016) 2:4 Page 3 of 7

Fig. 3 TEM image of Ni-nanoparticles a without PVP and b with PVP

PVP was done in the same way. The reaction can be de- The presence of degradation products on the nanopar-
scribed by the following equation (Kalwar et al., 2014): ticles was identified using FT-IR 8400S (CE), Shimadzu,
2Ni2þ þ N2 H4 þ 4OH− → 2Ni þ N2ðgÞ þ 4H2 O COD was measured using USEPA-approved dichro-
Characterization of nanoparticles mate COD method using Hach DRB digester and ana-
The size and morphology of the nanoparticles was esti- lysis with DR 900 colorimeter, USA.
mated using transmission electron microscope (TEM)
(Model CM 200, Philips) operated at an accelerating
Results and discussion
voltage of 200 kV. The mean diameter of the prepared
Nanoparticle characterization
Ni-PVP nanoparticles was determined using a laser light
The structure and morphology of nickel nanoparticles can
scattering particle size analyzer (SALD 7500 nano,
be seen from Fig. 3. When dispersing agent was not added,
Shimadzu, Japan). Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) was
agglomerated nanoparticles having size 29–243 nm were
recorded on Simadzu XRD-6100.
obtained in self-assembled flower-like structures (Fig. 3a).
But when dispersing agent i.e. PVP was added during
Batch decolourization studies
synthesis, Ni nanoparticles were well dispersed within
RB21 dye was selected due to the fact that it has com-
the PVP matrix. And particle size reduces to 20–44 nm
plex structure with less % exhaustion i.e. more unex-
(Fig. 3b).
haust dye is in drained effluent which is not easily
The XRD of the synthesized Ni particles is shown in
dischargeable. The structure of the dye is shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 4 having peaks at Theta-2Theta value of 15.08°,
Dye stock solutions of different concentrations were pre-
22.12°, 31.22°, 33.35° and 51.06° confirming the presence
pared in deionized water, and decolourization experi-
of Ni (0) nanoparticle (Sulekh et al. 2014).
ments were performed in an open batch system at room
The particle size distribution of Ni-PVP nanoparti-
temperature, 28 ± 2 °C. Dye solutions were stirred using
cles as determined on laser light scattering particle size
a shaker machine (Rossari Labtech, Mumbai) at a speed
analyzer shows that the particle size is 112 nm (Fig. 5).
of 70 rpm to keep the nanoparticle powder suspended.
We observed narrow particle size range and stable
Samples were withdrawn at fixed intervals of time and
were subsequently centrifuged for 5 min at 3000 rpm.
The clear solution was then pipetted out, and the rate of
decolourization was measured by the absorbance at
maximum wavelength (622.4 nm) using UV-VIS spec-
trophotometer (UV-VIS 8500, TECHCOMP Limited,
Hong Kong). The percentage of dye decolourization
was found out from calibration curve of the dye solu-
tion, using different dye concentrations and measuring
its absorbance at 622.4 nm. % Decolourization was
calculated as per the following equation:

ðinitial concentration − final concentrationÞ

% Decolourization ¼  100 Fig. 4 XRD patterns of PVP stabilized Ni-nanoparticles
Initial concentration
Kale and Kane Textiles and Clothing Sustainability (2016) 2:4 Page 4 of 7

Fig. 5 Particle size analysis for Ni-PVP nanoparticles

dispersion of nano-Ni particles when PVP is used as increase in duration of treatment, the more time is given
stabilizer; these particles are further taken for the dye for the reaction of dye decolourization. In Fig. 7, one
decolourization study. can actually see the decolourization progress.

Effect of initial dye concentration

Dye decolourization It can be seen from Fig. 8 that as the initial dye concen-
The effect of time on % decolourization of dye (100 mg/L) tration taken for the study was increased from 100 to
at different nanoparticle concentrations is shown in 200 to 300 mg/L, the decolourization efficiency got de-
Fig. 6. The plot proves that as the concentration of creased for the same amount of nanoparticle concen-
nanoparticles was increased from 0.5 to1.5 g/L, the % tration. However, this difference is insignificant as the
decolourization also increased up to 98.97 %. For the percentage decolourization was always between 96 and
same concentration of nanoparticles taken, % deco- 99 % for all the dye concentration taken.
lourization increased with treatment time. Thus, max- The rest of the dye decolourization study was per-
imum decolourization was seen at 120 min compared formed using 1.5 g/L nanoparticle by taking 100 mg/L of
to lesser duration of treatment time. the dye for 120 min.
It is but obvious that the more number of nanoparti- Figure 9 shows the absorbance spectrum of the dye so-
cles, the more is the availability of catalyst for attacking lution before and after decolourization. It can be clearly
the chromophoric system of the dye. Similarly, with the seen that the absorbance of the dye solution has drastic-
ally reduced after decolourization with the characteristic
peaks at maximum wavelength (622.4 nm) disappearing
completely (Nath et al. 2007).

Effect of pH
The pH of the aqueous solution is a complex parameter
since it is related to the ionization state of the nanopar-
ticle surface and that of the reactants and products
such as acids and amines. In this work, we studied the
effect of pH on dye degradation in the range of 2–7
(Bokare et al., 2008). Figure 10 shows decolouration of
the dye at different pH values. It can be seen that max-
imum % decolourization was observed at pH 7 (99.01 %
in 120 min).

Effect of alkali
Fig. 6 Effect of time on % decolourization of dye (100 mgpl) with
Reactive dyeing requires salt and alkali for good exhaus-
nanoparticle concentration
tion of dye onto substrate. The effect of decolourization
Kale and Kane Textiles and Clothing Sustainability (2016) 2:4 Page 5 of 7

Fig. 7 Decolourization progress at different time intervals

using nanoparticle was thus studied in the presence of It was found that % decolourization efficiency reduced
salt and alkali. from 98.1 to 65.09 % when both soda ash and Glauber’s
Twenty grams per litre of soda ash was added in the dye salt were present in the dye solution. This could be be-
solution which increased the pH of solution to 11.3. The cause of oxide formation on the surface of these nano-
pH was brought down to the value of 7 by addition of particles reducing its reduction capacity.
acetic acid, and then % decolourization study was done.
From Fig. 11, it can be seen that when soda ash is FT-IR measurements
added in dye solution, % decolourization was reduced After 120 min of decolourization reaction, particu-
from 98.09 to 68.09 %. After adjusting pH to basic con- late materials which were nothing but nanoparticles
dition, the decolourization rate of nanoparticles was were collected by centrifugation and removed from
found to be decelerated because the oxide precipitated the supernatant solution. Vacuum drying of the col-
onto the surface occupying the active sites, soon ter- lected particles was done at 60 °C for 6 h and was
minating the reaction (Mu et al. 2004). further characterized by FT-IR spectroscopy. By FT-
IR technique, we can identify the groups that got
Effect of salt and alkali
Figure 12 shows the combined effect of soda ash (20 g/L)
and Glauber’s salt (40 g/L) addition on % decolourization.

Fig. 8 Effect of initial dye concentration on % decolourization using Fig. 9 UV-visible spectra recorded before and after decolourization
nanoparticles (1.5 gpl) for 120 min of RB21
Kale and Kane Textiles and Clothing Sustainability (2016) 2:4 Page 6 of 7

Fig. 12 Effect of soda ash (SA) 20 gpl and Glauber’s salt (GS) 40 gpl
Fig. 10 Effect of pH variation on % decolouration with nanoparticles
addition on % decolouration with nanoparticles (1.5 gpl) and
(1.5 gpl) and dye (100 mgpl) for 120 min
dye (100 mgpl)

absorbed on the Ni-PVP nanoparticle surface after effluent (Golder et al., 2005). COD value for treated ef-
degradation of dye. The infrared spectra of nanopar- fluent was 61 ppm while the same for untreated one was
ticles before and after the decolourization process 125 ppm. It can be inferred that Ni-PVP nanoparticles
were recorded in the range of 4000–400 cm−1 on a not only eliminates the colour from the effluent but also
FT-IR-8400S, Shimadzu (Fig. 13). As compared with the reduces the COD indicating degradation of the dye.
original Ni-PVP nanoparticles, some new bands were
found on the Ni-PVP nanoparticles after decolouriza-
tion including vibrations at 3282 cm−1(N–H bending), Conclusions
3228 cm−1 (–CH2– bending), 1604 cm−1 (–C=O– bending), PVP stabilized nickel nanoparticles were successfully
1164 cm−1(–SO3 bending) and 979 cm−1(–C–H– bending), synthesized and used for decolourization of recalcitrant
respectively. Thus, some amount of degraded prod- dye effluent. These nanoparticles gave decolourization
uct got attached on the surface of the nanoparticles efficiency of 98.97 % at optimized condition. Decolouri-
(Dizge et al., 2008). zation also led to the reduction in COD of the effluent.
Both of these were achieved with minimum generation
COD reduction of sludge which is a major problem in case of conven-
Dye reduction results reported in this study were based tional methods which are used for decolourization such
on the spectrophotometric analysis of the dye solutions. as coagulation and flocculation.
But the spectrophotometric evaluation cannot be inter-
related to reduction of COD as we wanted to know the
effect of presence of nanoparticles on COD value of dye

Fig. 11 Effect of soda ash (20 gpl) addition on % decolouration with Fig. 13 FT-IR spectra of nanoparticle and dye-loaded
nanoparticles (1.5 gpl) and dye (100 mgpl) nanoparticle sample
Kale and Kane Textiles and Clothing Sustainability (2016) 2:4 Page 7 of 7

Competing interests Yurij, K, Asuncion, F, Cristina, RT, Juan, C, Pilar, P, Ruslan, P, Aharon, G. (1999).
The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Chemistry of Materials, 11, 1331–1335
Zhang, HT, Wu, G, Chen, XH, Qiu, XG. (2006) Materials Research Bulletin, 41,
Authors’ contributions 495–501
RDK guided in carrying out the practical work (synthesis, optimization, Zollinger, H. (1987). Colour chemistry-synthesis, properties and application of
characterization, testing etc.) and editing of the manuscript. PK carried out organic dyes and pigments. NewYork: VCH.
the complete research work including synthesis, optimization, characterization,
application, testing etc. and drafting of the research paper. Both authors read
and approved the final manuscript.

The authors would like to acknowledge DST-FIST programme of Indian
government for providing the testing facilities and University Grants
Commission (UGC) for fellowship in successful completion of this research work.

Received: 29 December 2015 Accepted: 14 March 2016

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