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Subject Biology
Instruction: Choose the best answer from the suggested options and blacken the letter of your Choice on the answer sheet.
NB. Your answer mark should be heavy and dark, covering the answer space completely (use only pencils
to mark you answer). Make sure that this exam contains 40 questions.

I. Choose the correct answer and write the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided.

1. ________________and ______________are words that express “the reaction of the organisms to

environmental changes” and “the change in the environment” respectively.
A. Response and Receptors C. Receptors and Stimuli
B. Response and Stimuli D. Stimuli and Receptors.

2. Muscles that attach the eye ball to the wall of the socket are called_________________.
A. Smooth muscles B. Extrinsic muscle C. Cardiac muscles D. Skeletal muscles

3. Which one of the following pair is correct in relation with carrying impulse from the specific organ to the
A. Eye _____Optic nerve C. Ear _____Auditory nerve
B. Nose _____Olfactory nerve D. All

4. Part of the eye that controls the amount of light entering the eye through pupil is called______________.
A. Iris B. Retina C. Cornea D. Sclera

5._____________and__________are photoreceptor cells found in the retina that are sensitive to dim and
bright light respectively?
A. Cornea and rods B. Rods and Cons C. Cons and Rods D. Rods and Cornea

6. Long sight and short sight problems are corrected by wearing ___________and_________ lenses
A. Converging and Diverging C. Diverging and Converging
B. Concave and Convex D. None

7. The part of the ear that equalizes air pressure between the middle and inner part of the ear is
A. Ear drum B. Eustachian tube C. Semicircular canal D. Cochlea

8. Taste in human tongue is detected by receptor cells called________________.
A. Cochlea B. Cons C. Taste buds D. Rods

9. Which one of the following neurons is found only in central nervous system (Brain and Spinal cord)?
A. Sensory neuron B. Motor neuron C. Association neuron D. None

10. Part of the brain that controls speech and intelligence is called________________.
A. Medulla oblongata C. Mid brain
B. Hypothalamus D. Cerebellum

11. A master gland that secretes many hormones that interact with and control the other endocrine glands is
A. Thyroid gland B. Pituitary gland C. Pancreas D. Adrenal gland

12. The mixture of sperm cells and seminal fluid is called________________.

A. Epididymis B. Spermatic fluid C. Semen D. None

13. Which one of the following hormone involves in menstrual cycle?

A. Luteinizing hormone C. Follicle stimulating hormone
B. Progesterone D. All

14. The ending of pregnancy before birth is called_______________.

A. Menopause B. Abortion C. Mutilation D. Delaying sex

15. Which region of the world is worst affected by HIV?

A. Sub-Saharan Africa B. North Africa C. Asia D. Middle east

16. An assertive person is a person:

A. Respect self and other people C. Express positive and negative feelings
B. Confident D. All

17. Which one of the following contraceptive method contains an artificial hormone similar to those produced
by female reproductive system?
A. Diaphragm B. Condom C. Pills D.IUD

18. Proper timing method of controlling insect pests is called________________.

A. Chemical control B. Biological control C. Cultural control D. Physical control

19. Which one of the following is the intermediate host for the larvae which causes Bilharzias?
A. Snail B. Cow C. Man D. Pig

20. An immunity that results from having had a disease is called__________________.

A. Passive immunity B. Active immunity C. Natural immunity D. B and C

21. The part of the leaf where photosynthesis process takes place is called_________________.
A. Petiole B. Leaf blade C. Margin D. Apex

22. The process of transfer of pollen grain from the female Anther to the stigma of the female is
A. Pollination B. Fertilization C. Reproduction D. None

23. Which one of the following is the unique characteristic feature of flowering plants?
A. Presence of pollen grain B. Presence of stem C. Double fertilization D. All

24. Which one of the following is the raw material of the photosynthesis process?
A. Water B. Oxygen C. Carbon dioxide D.A and C

25. During respiration process the end products are:

A. Glucose and O2 B.H2O and Glucose C.CO2 and H2O D. Glucose and Energy

26. A particular place where an organism lives and grows is called________________.

A. Niche B. Community C. Ecosystem D. Habitat

27. Plants adapted to live in dry regions and able to survive long period of drought are called___________.
A. Annuals B. Xerophytes C. Perennials D. Deciduous

28. The intentional or accidental contamination of the environment with harmful substances is
A. Deforestation B. Overgrazing C. Pollution D. Sodding

29. The modern binomial system of nomenclature was developed by ___________________.

A. Aristotle B. Robert Koch C. Carl von Linnaeus D. Pasteur

30. The most inclusive unit of the modern classification system is_______________.
A. Species B. Class C. Kingdom D. Phylum

Kingdom Plantae
Class Magnioliopsida
Family Anacardiaceae
Genus Magnifera
Species Indica

31. According to the above table the scientific name of mango is__________________.
A. IndicaMagnifera C. IndicaAnacardiacae
B. Magnioliopsidaplantae D. Magniferaindica

32. The branch of Biology which studies about classifying organisms based on their similarities and
differences is called__________________.
A. Botany B. Physiology C. Taxonomy D. Morphology

33. The part of a microscope which can be used to rotate the desired objective lenses is called____________.
A. Body tube B. Nosepiece C. Course adjustment D. Ocular

34. Which one of the following is the idea of the cell theory?
A. All living organisms are made up of one or more cells.
B. Cells are the basic structural and functional units of life.
C. Every cell comes from pre-existing cells
D. all

35. Which one of the following organelle is found mostly in animals but not in plants?
A. Centrosomes B. Mitochondria C. Golgi bodies D. Endoplasmic Reticulum

36. Which one of the following is the correct level of organization of organisms from simple to complex?
A. Cell Organ Tissue System Organism
B. Organism System Organ Tissue Cell
C. Cell Tissue System Organ Organism
D. Cell Tissue Organ System Organism

37.___________ and____________ are the locomotive structures of Euglena and Paramecium respectively.
A. Pseudopodia and Flagella C. Flagella and Cilia
B. Cilia and Pseudopodia D. Cilia and Flagella

38. An artificial pond or tank used for keeping and studying aquatic animals and plants is called___________.
A. Aquarium B. Vivarium C. Pitfall trap D. Quadrate

39. At the base of every food chain there must be always_________________.

A.10consumers B. Predator C. Producer D.20consumer

40. _____________is a simple path way of energy and material through a community?
A. Food web B. Decomposition C. Preservation D. Food chain

41. Which one of the following is different from the other?

A. Spirogyra B. Volvox C. Corallina D. Chlamydomonas

42. Fungi cell wall is made up of_____________________.

A. Cellulose B. Protein C. Chitin D. Fat

43. Which one of the following multicellular fungi is called field fungi?
A. Mucor B. Yeast C. Mush room D. Bread mold

44. The biological name of the female reproductive structure of mosses plant is called_______________.
A. Archegonium B. Antheridium C. Ovary D. None

45. The leaves and underground stem of ferns are called___________ and____________ respectively.
A. Archegonium and Antheridium C. Rhizoid and Rhizome
B. Fronds and Rhizome D. Fronds and Rhizoid

46. Which one of the following structure is a balancing organ in house fly?
A. Proboscis B. Halter C. Hooks D. Claws

47. Malaria is a wide spread disease transmitted by:

A. Locust B. House fly C. Female anopheles mosquito D. Honey bee

48. Which one of the following insects has incomplete metamorphosis development?
A. Locust B. House fly C. Honey bee D. Mosquito

49. Which one of the following castes of honey bee are sterile females?
A. Drone B. Worker C. Queen D. All

50. Which one of the following organisms are social insects?
A. Termites B. Honey bees C. ants D. All

51. The winged reproductive individuals (male or female) of termites are called________________.
A. Soldier B. King C. Alate D. Queen

52. Which one of the following is the function of skeletal system?

A. Protection B. Movement C. Support D. All

53. Where does protein digestion starts?

A. Mouth B. Small intestine C. Stomach D. Large intestine

54. Food is prevented from entering the trachea by___________________.

A. Pharynx B. Epiglottis C. Larynx D. Wind pipe

55. Which one of the following breathing structures are sites for gas exchange?
A. Trachea B. Bronchus C. Bronchioles D. Alveoli

56. The blood circulation process which takes place in between the heart and the lung is called____________.
A. Pulmonary circulation B. Systemic circulation C. Cardiac circulation D. Renal circulation

57. The vein which carries blood from the alimentary canal to the liver is called______________.
A. Iliac vein B. Hepatic portal vein C. Pulmonary vein D. Venacava

58. Which one of the following circulatory disease is hereditary?

A. Pernicious anemia B. Elephantiasis C. Hemophilia D. Hypertension


59. The part of the long bone represented by the letter ‘C’ is called___________________.
A. ligament B. Compact bone C. Periostum D. Marrow cavity

60. The portion of the long bone which gives strength for the bone is represented by letter___________?

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