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1. A cellular metabolic process which produces organic compounds is known as________.

A. Respiration B. Photosynthesis C. Digestion D. Transpiration

2. Which one of the following cellular part contains a green pigment called chlorophyll?

A. Chloroplast B. Stomata C. Mitochondria D. Epidermis

3. Which one of the following is true about photosynthesis process?

A. It is an energy requiring process. C. It converts light energy to chemical energy

B. one of its byproduct is oxygen D. All

4. Which one of the following organ involves in photosynthesis process?

A. Leaf B. Stem C. Sepal D. All

5. The part of a leaf where large number of chloroplasts are found is__________.

A. Upper epidermis B. Lower epidermis C. Mesophyll D. None

6. __Are openings that are commonly found in the lower epidermis and are a site for gas

A. Lenticels B. Stomata C. Pores D. Petiole

7. The light energy during photosynthesis is absorbed by_________.

A. CO2 B. H2O C. Chlorophyll D. All

8. During photosynthesis process the source of hydrogen for making glucose is_________.

A. Chlorophyll B. H2O C. CO2 D. Sun light

9. The primary source of energy in a community is__________.

A. Sun light B. Plants C. Animals D. All

10. The raw materials for photosynthesis process are________.

A. CO2 B. O2 C. H2O D. A and C

11. What is the role of light during photosynthesis?

A. Splitting CO2 in to carbon and hydrogen.

B. Splitting H2O in to hydrogen and oxygen.

C. Combining hydrogen and CO2 to make glucose.

D. A and C

12. During photosynthesis process the source of oxygen and carbon is_________.

A. H2O B. Atmospheric CO2 C. Chlorophyll D. A and B

13. _________is a simple sugar which is formed during photosynthesis process.

A. Starch B. Protein C. Fat D. Glucose

14. If a plant is kept in a complete darkness for more than 48 hours:

A. The plant produces little amount of starch.

B. The plant produces large amount of starch.

C. Starch cannot be formed by the leaf cells.

D. None

15. An insoluble complex sugar and the form in which plants store their food is called________.

A. Fatty acid B. Glycerol C. Starch D. Glucose

16. A leaf that has reduced or lack completely the green pigment in some of its parts is called__.

A. Variegated leaf B. Frond C. Scaly leaf D. Slender leaf

17. Which one of the following water plant(pond weed) can be a good experimental plant for
production of O2?

A. Endod B. Elodea C. Sun flower D. pine

18. As the rate of photosynthesis process increases:

A. Production of O2 increases. C. Amount of CO2 in the atmosphere increases

B. Production of sugar increases. D. A and B

19.________is the extent at which the process of photosynthesis is done.

A. Rate of photosynthesis C. Rate of CO2 production

B. Intensity of light D. Rate of H2O production

20. Blue black coloration on leaves during test for photosynthesis is___________.

A. Confirmation of the formation of H2O molecules.

B. Confirmation of release of oxygen.

C. Confirmation of carbohydrate formation.


21. The products of photosynthesis are______,______and_______.

A. CO2,H2O and Glucose C. H2O,O2 and Glucose

B. Glucose,O2 and CO2 D. CO2,O2 and H2O

22. Which one of the following factor affects the rate of photosynthesis?

A. Light B. Temperature C. Mineral D. All

23. The amount of light that falls on the surface of the leaf is called_________.

A. Light energy B. Chemical energy C. Intensity of light D. Mechanical energy

24. A plant living for several years is called__________.

A. Perennial B. Annual C. Shrub D. None

25.Plants which are native to a given locality are called_________.

A. Indigenous B. Local C. Exotic D. Foreign

26. In Ethiopia tree planting is important for_________.

A. Live stock forage B. Timber production C. Erosion control D. All

27. Replanting trees in a given area land to cover again with forest is known as________.

A. Reforestation B. Deforestation C. Terracing D. Ploughing

28. A large perennial woody plant is said to be___________.

A. Tree B. Shrub C. Vine D. Grass

29. The main woody stem of a tree as distinct from its branch is called__________.

A. Trunk B. Twig C. Wood D. Branch

30. Tree can be grown from_______.

A. Seeds B. Seedlings C. Soil D. A and B

31. Which one of the following is very important in tree growing project?

A. Identifying the purpose of tree planting. C. Choosing the site of tree planting

B. Selecting the type of plant to be planted D. All

32. A glass or plastic building in which plants are protected while growing is known as________.

A. Farm site B. Aquarium C. Green house D. Terrarium

33. A mass of leaves, bark or compost spread around the plant for protection or to enrich the
soil is known as_________.

A. Dung B. Mulch C. Root ball D. None

34. In the late 1900 the land of Ethiopia was covered by 30% forest,but currently the forest
coverage reduced to 4%.The reason for this can be due to:

A. Clearing of land for agriculture. C. Cutting trees for timber

B. Cutting trees for fuel. D. All

35. Over grazing causes____________.

A. Deforestation B. Reforestation C. Development of green area D. None

36. Which one of the following plant is not indigenous for Ethiopia?

A. Sholla B. Zigba C. Wanza D. None

37. Indigenous trees are important for__________.

A. Medicine B. Fence C. Furniture D. All

38. The process of growing of shoot and root from the seed is called_________.

A. Sprouting B. Thining C. Germination D. Transplanting

39. The first step in tree growing project is_____________.

A. Transfering the seedling C. Giving care of seedling

B. Planting trees D. Identifying the purpose

40. The correct balanced equation of photosynthesis process is:

A. 6H2O + 6CO2---------------------C6H12O6 + 6O2

B. 6H2O + 6O2 ---------------------C6H12O6 + 6CO2

C. 12H2O + 6O2---------------------C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O

D. A and C
41. The simple body form of algae is called__________.

A. Thallus B. Stem C. Sporangia D. Prothallus

42. Which one of the following organisms are vascular non flowering plants?

A. Mosses B. Ferns C. Liverworts D. Algae

43. Which one of the following organism contains ribbon(Spiral) shaped chloroplasts?

A. Yeast B. Chlamydomonas C. Spirogyra D. Volvox

44. Which one of the following is a brown algae?

A. Polysiphonia B. Corallina C. Sargassum D. Corallina

45. Fungi cell wall is made up of___________.

A. Lipid B. Protein C. Cellulose D. Chitin

46. __________are a multicellular organisms known as field fungi.

A. Yeast B. mush room C. Mucor D. None

47. During fermentation process yeasts convert sugar in to______,_______and________.

A. Alcohol,CO2 and Energy C. Energy,Alcohol and O2

B. CO2,O2 and Energy D. O2,H2O and CO2

48. Which one of the following yeast type is used to produce one of the well known antibiotic?

A. Mucor B. Penicillium C. Yeast D. mush room

49. The underground stem of ferns is known as____________.

A. Rhizoid B. Rhizome C. Protonema D. Prothallus

50. Which one of the following organisms are indicators of air pollution?

A. Ferns B. Lichens C. Mosses D. Gymnosperms

51. The germinated spore of mosses is called____________.

A. Archegonium B. Rhizoid C. Protonema D. Stalk

52. Some fungi digest the dead body of organisms and this mode of nutrition is called________.

A. saprophytic B. Parasitic C. Photosynthetic D. None

53. Volvox moves by the help of_________.

A. Cillia B. Flagella C. Pseudopodia D. None

54. Which one of the following is not the importance of algae?

A. Used as food B. Used as fertilizers C. Used for cosmetic production D. None

55. A thread like structure which made the body of many fungi is called_________.

A. Stalk B. Stipe C. Hyphae D. Collar

56. Which one of the following is the harm full aspect of fungi?

A. They spoil food B. They cause disease C. They destroy products D. all

57. The root like structure of mosses is called__________.

A. Rhizoid B. Rhizome C. Protonema D. None

58. The egg producing sex organ of mosses is called_________.

A. Archegonium B. Antheridium C. Sporangium D. Capsul

59. Lichens are composed of_______and_______.

A. Algae and ferns B. Mosses and Ferns C. Algae and Fungi D. Fungi and Mosses

60. The young leaves of ferns are called_________.

A. Frond B. Cone C. Capsul D. sporophyte

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