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Touchstone 2nd Edition • Language summary • Level 1

Unit 10 • Lesson C: Congratulations!

have an interview (v)
get a job (v)
go swimming (v)
pass a test (v)
take (my) driver's test (v)

Other words
bad (adj)
exhausted (adj)
relaxing (adj)
birthday (n)
cold (have / get a cold) (n)
driver's test (n)
interview (n)
hospital (n)
all week

Conversation strategies
You did?
You can say You did? or Did you? to show you're interested, surprised, or just that you're

A I passed my driver’s test.

B You did? / Did you?

© Cambridge University Press 2014 Unit 10, Lesson C, Page 1

Touchstone 2nd Edition • Language summary • Level 1

Appropriate responses
There are lots of different expressions you can use to respond to people's news.

Say Congratulations! when someone does something good:

A I got a new job.

B Congratulations!

Say Good for you! when people do nice things for themselves or other people:

A I had a really good week. I had to write a big essay, but I finished it.

B You did? Good for you.

Say Thank goodness (for that)! when a good thing happens after a bad thing, or if a bad thing
doesn't happen:

A I got the job.

B You did? Thank goodness! I know you really wanted it.

Say Happy birthday! when it's someone's birthday:

A I'm twenty-one today!

B Happy birthday!

Say Good luck (with the interview)! before someone has an exam, interview, or game:

A I have a job interview this week.

B Good luck!

Say I'm sorry to hear that. when someone is feeling tired, sick, sad, or has bad news:

A I had a cold all week.

B I'm sorry to hear that.

© Cambridge University Press 2014 Unit 10, Lesson C, Page 2

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