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Thesis Statement: Rampant Online Hate

I. Impact of online hate

A. Harm done to its targets
1. Cyberbullying
2. Anxiety and depression
3. Doxing
B. Othering and Dehumanization
1. Inhumane
C. Radicalization and Youth
1. Young People
2. Anomie
II. Victims
A. Islamophobia
B. Sexist
III. Countering
A. End Impunity
B. Education
Thesis Statement: Rampant Online Hate

I. Impact has the values and culture of the online spaces in which it happens.
A. Harm does personal harassment from online spaces being experience as
1. Anxiety and depression targets young people who have been
2. Doxing is the act of publishing a target’s personal information as a
way to harass them
B. Othering and Dehumanization portrayed as being both inferior, to
establish the hate group’s superiority, and threatening, to establish the
need to take action against them.
1. Inhumane  is one of the basic mechanisms of radicalization and is
a necessary one for hate groups to successfully promote their
ultimate message: that annihilation of a particular group is justified
C. Radicalization and Youth
1. Young People are especially vulnerable to the mechanisms
described above because many are looking for groups or causes
that will give them a sense of identity.
2. Anomie is the term that describes the state of mind in which
family, social, or cultural values appear worthless.
II. Victim’s threats, abuse and intimidation posted on social media can go viral
within seconds and wreak havoc on his/her life.
A. Islamophobia is the fear, hatred of, or prejudice against
the Islamic religion or Muslims especially when seen as a geopolitical
force or the source of terrorism.
B. Sexist forms of hate speech are also direct manifestations of violence
against women and girls.
III. Countering tribalised hate speech begins by a realization that while freedom of
expression is a fundamental human right,
A. End Impunity can be tackled by establishing monitoring and evaluation units
in newsroom
B. Education Education on media ethics should focus on the rights and
freedoms of journalists and their role in creating and promoting peaceful

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