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Difference between Switchwords CLEAR &

CANCEL with Detailed Explanation

By Sharat Sir - January 21, 2018

Table of Content

Meaning & Usage of Switchword CLEAR

Illustrations of Switchword CLEAR

Meaning & Usage of Swithword CANCEL

Illustrations of Switchword CANCEL

Comparison between Switchwords CLEAR & CANCEL

We have discussed earlier in our previous article, the importance of knowing the actual meaning of every
switchword and use of correct switchword for a specific problem to achieve our desired results. We must
also be aware of the little difference carry between all the switchwords with similar or close meanings to
avoid distraction, confusion or disturbance of our goals which may lead to our failure or delay in
achieving our results. Today, we will discuss about two similar switchwords – ‘CLEAR’ and ‘CANCEL’.

Meaning & Usage of Switchword CLEAR

The literary meaning of word ‘CLEAR’ is shine, bright, easy, pure, transparent, completely, at a distance
and away from anything.

It means to make our path smooth, simple, and hassle-free.

It means to finish something, make the task completely or make us free from something which has
made ourselves occupied.

Means to understand something exactly, simply, and something with a straightforward meaning.

Means to express ourselves clearly, openly, freely, and fairly.

We use this word ‘CLEAR’ to indicate a confident person who is sure about something without any

To indicate clear, pure and open vision, sound, and picture.

To indicate good and sound health, without any disease.

To indicate pure and freshwater, food, etc.

To indicate positive thoughts and mind. A mind which is free from doubts, bad and dirty thoughts.

To indicate a clear bright future and life of a person.

To indicate something which is understandable, plain, and incontrovertible.

To indicate clear sunny, pleasant, bright, cloudless weather and day.

To indicate a blameless, perfect, correct and faultless statement.

To make someone understand completely, fully, and clearly.

Illustrations of Switchword CLEAR

We have understood the meaning of this word very clearly & also went through certain uses as well. Now,
lets’ understand this switchword ‘CLEAR’ more broadly in a simpler and better way by a few examples of
our daily lives.

A person purchases land or home but due to some formalities or unnecessary delay, he cannot move
to that place. In such case, he will chant ‘CLEAR DIVINE ON’, wherein ‘CLEAR’ indicates to clear all the
obstacles, ‘ON’ indicates to move on, so it means to move on to his house without interruptions and
‘DIVINE’ is used for Divine help.

A person wants to clear his home from all the negativities, unhappiness, sadness moving around, or if
he wants to clean his Chakras or Aura from all types of negativities present in his body, he will chant

If a person wants to remove the dust & clean his desk, table, chair or office, he will use this word
CLEAR my table and desk.

If a lady wants to get rid of her extra belly fat, she will use this switchword ‘CLEAR BELLY’ to clear extra
fat accumulated there.

Whenever we want to clean our laptop, PC, mobile from temporary or unused files present in it or if we
want to clean our e-mails account from junk mails, we use the word ‘CLEAR folder and all junk mails’ &
so on.

If somebody owes some money to us, we will chant ‘CLEAR ALL MONEY’ so that we can get our stuck
money back. Check this – EC to clear stuck money, without using switchword ‘CLEAR’.

If we owe an amount to someone, we can chant ‘MOVE ON CLEAR’ to clear all our dues.

If a person wants to clear all the side-effects of his past actions, karmas, adverse effects of any
surgery/operation, he will chant ‘ALL CLEAR’ to clear the past and letting it go to make way for a new
blessed future. As a VK user, you can use All Clear Serum in this situation. 

If someone has stuck in a legal case since years, he can chat ‘CLEAR NOW’ with the intention to settle
it immediately so that he can live a free life.

Meaning & Usage of Swithword CANCEL

The dictionary meaning of word cancel is to declare or make a statement that a planned task or event
will not take place or declare null and void or ineffective.

‘CANCEL’ is a very useful switchword for disappearing anything which you don’t want in life.

It means to dismiss something and make the use of it null and void or make it ineffective.

Means to cut, delete and end an activity.

Means to stop or dismiss an already running and going on action or task.

Means to drop a decided idea or deny a statement or take back words.

We use this word ‘CANCEL’ to indicate that a planned event, program, and trip will not take place or
has been stopped.

To indicates that a business deal, tie up and an order or a professional group has been canceled,
dissolved and discontinued.

We use the word cancel to indicate that a particular declaration or a cheque or a formal statement is
null and void or canceled.

It is used to express the failure or suspension or interruption of a contract, appointment and an official

To indicate the cancellation of an organized party, function, picnic, and celebration.

We use it to dismiss or stop our earlier action while using a PC or a laptop.

To indicate the cancellation of tickets and reservation.

To indicate the cancellation and withdrawal of an exam or test.

To indicate the cancellation of services, subscription, and selection.

Illustrations of Switchword CANCEL

Now, we have clearly understood the meaning of the word ‘CANCEL’ and also, where we generally use it in
our day to day life. Now, let’s understand how we use it as a switchword by way of certain examples.

If a person is a victim of black magic and suffering with it in his life, he may chant ‘CANCEL BLACK
MAGIC’ to make the effect of black magic inefficient or useless.

A person who wants to remove destructive thoughts, feelings or worries from his life, chants ‘CANCEL
NEGATIVITIES’ to get rid of all negativities.

If a person wants to make distance and gap from unwanted or unfavorable people, enemies or
situations in his life, he will chant ‘CANCEL ENEMIES, etc.’

Nowadays, people chant ‘PURGE CANCEL’ to remove bad, dirty, negative or undesirable stuff, waste
from their lives.

A person who wants to clean his Chakras or Aura from all types of negativities present in his body, he
will chant switchword ‘CANCEL (name of diseases)’.

A person who wants to remove poverty from his life will chant ‘POVERTY CANCEL’.

If a person wants to get free from the adverse effects of his past karmas or any past incident, he will
chant ‘CANCEL BAD MEMORY‘ so that he can move on to a better life.

If a person wants to release his negative energy or Karmas, he may chant ‘CANCEL NEGATIVE

Sometimes, this switchword can be used to fulfill an evil wish. For example, one can chant ‘CANCEL

People who want to eliminate debts from life, chant ‘CANCEL DEBT’

If a lady wants freedom from extra fat in her body, she may chant ‘CANCEL FAT’.

Comparison between Switchwords CLEAR & CANCEL

Above, I have explained the meaning and practice of both switchwords. You can observe a slight but
significant difference between them and we cannot neglect that. But as switchwords use for the healing
purpose, both words can make a lot of difference in our lives.

One can either destroy and ruin his/her life or can get the desired results and make life happy. So, it is
very important to understand the difference between both switchwords. If you scroll up and have a look
once again at the examples provided against both the switchwords, you will realize that the former
switchword ‘CLEAR’ is always carrying a positive meaning, approach, and energies and is always
connected with other positive words in simple meaning.

While chanting ‘CLEAR’ as a switchword, we are not using any negative or bad word intentionally or
unintentionally. For example, we use words like – Aura, Chakras, home, Way, Path, Thoughts, Life, Future,
Past and so on with the switchword ‘CLEAR’. But if we look at the latter switchword ‘CANCEL’, it itself
carries a negative approach thought or feeling and moreover it is always used with other negative words
carries a negative approach, thought or feeling and moreover, it is always used with other negative words.
For example, while chanting switchword ‘CANCEL’, we are using negative words, viz, negativity, problem, a
name of any disease we are suffering with, fat, dirt, waste, poverty, liability, debt, Blackmagic, enemies,
etc. Maybe be you do not use negative words with it but if you’ll check it deeply you’ll find that switchword
‘CANCEL’ itself attach and hangout your mind to the negative energies and conditions too. 

Now, remember the Law of Attraction (LOA) which says that whatever you give, will come back to you. It
dictates the ability to attract everything in your life whatever you are focusing on. If we focus on
problems, we will attract more and more problems in life. If we continue to chant negative words, we will

attract more negativity and we will not even realize that we ourselves are welcoming negativity to us. It is
the universe which always works on the power of our mind to turn into reality whatever is in our thoughts.
We can achieve whatever we have in our mind. So, instead of focussing on problems, one should focus
on the solutions so that he/she can achieve his/her goals of life.

According to a case study, a lady who wanted to reduce her weight and extra fat from the body started
chanting ‘CANCEL FAT’. One day, she realized that instead of becoming slim and reducing stored fat, she
has gradually put on more weight. After deep research and consultation, it came out that as she was
chanting FAT along with ‘CANCEL’, she attracted more fat in her body and thus, became fatter. Rather than
this, if a lady wants to reduce her weight, she should chant switchwords- ‘CLEAR BELLY’ or ‘CLEAR (body

Another instance wherein a person who wanted to become rich started chanting switchword – ‘POVERTY
CANCEL’ and gradually he lost all his business, wealth and became poorer because his more focus was
on Poverty and was continuously chanting poverty so universe gifted him what he was demanding in life.
On the contrary, to get more prosperity in life, one should chant ‘GOLDEN SUNRISE FULL COUNT’.

A man wants to purchase a new home but due to some unavoidable circumstances, he cannot fulfill his
desire. Here, if he chants switchwords – ‘CANCEL OBSTACLES’, he will attract more barriers in the path of
achieving his aim of a new home, he will be attached to more problems and unnecessarily delays. On the
other hand, if he is started chanting switchwords – ‘CLEAR MY WAY’, he will be able to fulfill his dream
soon as divine will help him and translate his thought into reality.


Switchword ‘CLEAR’ is a sign of positiveness which gives new hope and color to your life. It fills your life
with brightness, happiness, and positivity. On the contrary, switchword ‘CANCEL’ is a sign of negativity as
it is always connected with all the negative words which make your life more complex and full of troubles.
Chanting ‘CANCEL’ for a short span of time may be harmless but the continuous use of this switchword
can destroy, ruin your life permanently. Now, you have to think and decide whether you have to
concentrate on solutions to achieve your desired goals in life or to occupy your mind with negative
thoughts by focusing on only problems. Now the choice is yours.

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