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Guide Questions for Political Science 1

Fundamentals of Political Science

Answer the following on a yellow paper. Write your NAME, YEAR AND SECTION and PAGE NO. Copy
the questions and answer the questions below. For every yellow paper you use, Write your NAME,

Always explain, expound and define your answers. The answers can be found on your hand-outs (PDF
Format uploaded in our Closed Group Account)

Activity2/Module 2 Fundamental Concepts in Political Science

Source: Text Book: Comparative Introduction to Political Science by Jackson and Jackson
1. Explain political science as a social science.
2. What are the other sub fields of social sciences? Look for their credible definitions in the internet with
stating your sources.
3. Define political science. (clue: ask the second years) I would know if your definition is correct if you
reach out to the second years about the definition of political science. Let us try mentoring this time.
4. Distinguish empirical from normative.
5. What is the contribution of Herodotus in Political Science? How about Aristotle?
6. What is the book of Aristotle wherein he discussed his political philosophy? Discuss its contents.
7. What is the contribution of Plato in political science?
8. What is an ideal state according to Plato? Do you agree?
9. Why is there a need for “noble lie” according to Plato?
10. What is the concept of the divine rule?
11. Who is Jean Bodin? What is the Republique?
12. Who is Thomas Hobbes? What was the content of his Leviathan?
13. Who is John Locke? Did he agree with Thomas Hobbes? Why?
14. Who is jean Jacques Rousseau? Did he agree with John Locke? Why?
15. Who is Baron de Montesquieu?
16. Who were the advocates of scientific utility? Who are the Utilitarians?
17. Who is Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx?
18. Who is Niccolo Machiavelli? What is the importance of the “Prince”? Explain.

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