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Guide Questions for Political Science 4 Introduction to Political Theory

Answer the following on a yellow paper. Write your NAME, YEAR AND SECTION and PAGE NO.
Copy the questions and answer the questions below. For every yellow paper you use, Write your

Always explain, expound and define your answers. The answers can be found on your hand-outs (PDF
Format uploaded in our Closed Group Account)

Activity1/Module 1 Introductory Concepts and the Context of Political

I. Introductory Concepts ( Check the internet sources for the definition of terms)

1. What is theory? Explain its etymology.

2. What is political theory?
3. What is a principle?
4. What is philosophy?
5. What is ideology?
6. What is political ideology?

II. The Context of Political Theory

Reference: The History of Political Theory by George Sabine

1. What is Political theory?

2. Is political theory part of the culture of man?
3. What is the broad definition of political theory?
4. Who were the great names in the history of political theory?
5. What is the primary object of the study of history of political theory?
6. What is the important function of political theory?
7. Explain how political theory is intertwined or become a part of human culture.
8. Explain political nature as a sort of manmade fabric or web.
9. What is the role of political actor in the political nature? Hoe about the political
10. Explain political theorist as a super-politician.
11. Explain political theorist as an architectonic.
12. What is the origin of political theory? Discuss.
13. Outline the events in the development of civilization before the Greeks.
14. What are the peripheral civilizations that were developed around 500 B.C?

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