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Solution for environmental problems in Barranquilla.

Garbage is dumped into important water sources such as the León stream and the don Juan stream that
supplies drinking water to Barranquilla and several municipalities in its metropolitan area.

There is a lot of waste contamination since garbage collection is not carried out efficiently and it is one
of the reasons that lead people to try to dispose of this waste, unconsciously damaging the ecosystem.

The garbage collection companies carry out this activity at night, so they interrupt sleep in residential
areas and, having a port in the city, there is transit of large cargo trucks and ships that arrive at inactive
hours in the city. of the major causes of hearing contamination problem in Barranquilla.

The response to this problem begins with the fact that this city is known for the lack of environmental
prudence of its inhabitants.

Barranquilla produces about 1,600 tons of garbage a day, making it one of the largest producers per
person in the country

. Due to the high number of inhabitants in Barranquilla, there is a constant flow of trucks and cars
generating a type of auditory contamination. In Paseo Bolívar, sounds of (90-92 db) are generated, thus
exceeding the levels allowed for human beings and generating health problems.

Párrafo 2: colocar estadisticas y datos numericos de estos problemas


Párrafo 3: soluciones a estos problemas

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