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Baby skin and hair care

What will they look like? Who will they bear a resemblance to? How will their skin and hair? -
Well, that is the curiosity all new parents go through once a baby is born. Out of examining all
the little features of their newborn, it has been seen that they spend their maximum time noticing
on the baby’s hair, and mostly skin. Although there is no telling of how a baby’s skin will form or
how much hair they are going to have, because both are normal situations and everything stays
in between, parents can still take care of their baby’s skin and hair in order to make them feel
comfortable at its best.

Among many reasons to bolt out of the blue for new parents about their babies, skin stands as
the first cause to worry about since it remains as the most sensitive part. Sorts of skin problems
that can encounter a baby’s body during the first year of birth mainly includes rashes, spots and
bumps. In order to ease the pain of these mostly harmless diseases, parents can use gentle
soaps or detergents, or apply a gentle moisturizer, for example, the newly launched Just For
Baby lotion or soap, with the use of a cool mist humidifier in the bedroom. Infections are just
another issue parents are always concerned about; the most common one consists of the
blistery, scabby and flaky areas appearing around the tiny one’s diaper area. The best method
of defense can be keeping the area clean and dry, which can be done with the use of a baby

The next reason that parents are mostly anxious about their baby, is, therefore, the hair. Not all
babies are born with hair; some are born with a lot of hair and some are born with no hair at all,
remaining bald. But does it even matter to a very young child? No, because, eventually, all
babies will have their hair in, and when they do, parents make sure they give their best shot to
prevent their baby’s hair fall and make it stronger. One of the most widely used remedies for this
involves the massive usage of baby oil, which not only adds moisture to it but remains very
lightweight on the hair too. Parents can give it a try to the baby oil by Just for Baby, which is
enriched and formulated with the goodness of natural ingredients like olive and almond oils
making it 100% safe to use it on the baby's scalp.

While many parents consider consulting physicians’ right after facing these little complications,
and before using these products, do you think it is even necessary to do it? Of course, your
baby’s safety is your first priority, but why think twice before using products from brands like
Just for Baby without any fear, which is certified Made Safe® and allergy tested by Safe
Cosmetics Australia? 

Caring for a baby's skin and hair are both equally an important part of being a parent. No stones
should be left unturned when it comes to your own baby’s body care; let that be skin, hair or any
other part of the body. As a parent, you love your baby unconditionally; and it really doesn’t
matter whether they have a completely smooth skin or skin with diseases, full head of baby hair
or don’t have a hair on their head! But you still got to take all the precautions that keeps your
baby safe away from these problems, and make sure they are receiving the right amount of hair
and skin care.                                     
Common illness guide
Are you aware of the fact that a child's health focuses on the well-being of themselves and is
vitally concerned with all aspects of their growth and development? - although it’s inevitable that
even the healthiest of babies will catch a bug at some point, being parents, every one of you
should always consider doing the best you can do, to protect them from the most common
children illnesses, in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle for them.  

The sole reason for the awareness raised to be more conscious of common children illnesses,
is therefore, because an infant’s immature immune system can leave him more in danger than
others, particularly during the 7-12 months period. 

While talking about the common illnesses found in children- coughs, colds and ear infections
stands first. As a parent, you've probably passed many phases when your child is affected by
ear infections, colds, and stomach bugs, and almost certainly it is enough to make you feel like
an expert by now. But have you ever wondered what your child goes through when he is getting
these so often? It is indeed very scary to even think about it, when your little one is still so very
new, and has to go through so much. However, there are quite a few easy home precautions
that can be taken into account with the hope of preventing these diseases from your child.
These include: increasing the amount of fluid your child normally drinks, encouraging the whole
family to wash their hands regularly to stop the cold spreading, avoiding nasal decongestants
and giving them infant or child dose paracetamol for 12-24 hours as soon as they catch a cold.
Above all, keep that in mind that they will just get better by themselves, since it is pretty
common for all infants to get it; it’s just the age.

Most babies also get diarrhea and vomiting, which can be very concerning. On the contrary, the
main treatment for these two mentioned above is to keep your child at home and make sure
they keep drinking fluids often such as water, oral rehydration solution, breastmilk or formula. 

Few other regular diseases occurring to an infant might include mumps, measles, rubella,
croup, whooping cough etc. All of these are considered causes from a virus. Unfortunately, even
the healthiest baby can get sick. Therefore, it is worth knowing the signs and symptoms of
common childhood illnesses as well as the treatment and prevention. In addition, it is also
advised that children should be vaccinated properly from all vaccine preventable diseases.

However, something that is very pleasant to hear nowadays, is that all of these diseases
mentioned above, can be rarely seen now because of effective immunization. This indeed
comes in as good news for us, because for every parent, it is nerve-wracking when their child is
sick, and it is calming when the child is doing fine. Also remember, you know your child best – if
their symptoms aren’t going away or are getting worse, always know that your child’s doctor is a
call away for guidance and as a result, both you and the doctor will be there to monitor your
child’s health.
Sleep problems and concerns

Are you struggling with your baby’s sleeping troubles like every parent out there? If you are,
then you're fighting an uphill battle! But there is still nothing to worry about, since it is a certain
age of babies, mostly 2-3 year olds, when it is time to form a sleeping pattern and parents
should cooperate with their children accordingly at its best to protect them from sleeping

The most major problem associated with your baby’s sleeping problem is that it affects both you
and the baby. If your baby isn’t getting the right amount of sleep, she might look worn out and
feel tired and dizzy. And likewise, you would not be even getting the proper amount of sleep
either. As a result, you might be feeling all exhausted, fatigued and weary too because lack of
sleep makes it hard for anyone to cope up with anything happening in the surroundings.
Therefore, you can take a few measures on how to help your baby settle and sleep through the
night: find out the reason associated with the sleep problem, phase out the habit and set up a
bedtime routine so that it makes it easier for both you and baby to sleep.

Babies sleep for different amounts of time every day, just like adults. What can be counted as a
blessing is that your baby’s mood and wellbeing is often a good guide to whether they need
more sleep or probably already getting enough sleep. If your baby is all tired and grizzly, it
shows that he needs more sleep. If he is in a very happy mood and content, it is clear that he is
getting the right amount of sleep. Understanding the baby sleeping pattern is as difficult as
distinguishing colors in the darkness- so hard!

Just like you get worried when you are away at work from your baby, your baby gets to feel the
same when they are asleep too- they get the feeling that you are getting separated from them.
Hence, they wake up, looking for you. That is why a reassuring attachment with your baby is
really needed; let that be a touch or a cuddle. Your baby should feel that you are next to her
even if her eyes are closed. As they develop gradually, they learn that you are always nearby.
Therefore, they overcome this worry and slowly get used to following a well maintained sleeping

As babies grow up bit by bit, they get used to their usual sleeping schedule; which makes it
easier for both the parents and the children to get some sound sleep.

Sleep is very important to both you and your child’s health and well-being. In fact, it allows you
to function properly, now that’s all an individual needs and asks for in daily life! However, all
children are unique in their own aspects. Some sleep more, some sleep less. The amount of
sleep your baby sleeps in a day, might be doing just fine with his body, with more or less sleep
than other babies at the same age. Well, that leaves us with the saying that “Everyone isn’t the
same,” and so we know, so isn’t their sleeping mechanism!

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