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Effects of Calcium Hydroxide-containing Pulp-capping Agents on Pulp Cell Migration,

Proliferation, and Differentiation


Department of Pedodontics. University of Lund, School of Dentistry. 214 21 Malmo. Sweden

The findings from the recent literature on pulpal cell responses to the known phenomenon of barrier formation following application of
application of calcium hydroxide to exposed pulps are described. The calcium hydroxide to the exposed pulp.
effect of calcium hydroxide on healthy and inflamed pulp is discussed. The effect of calcium hydroxide has been studied in animals
The effect of incorporation of calcium hydroxide in various pulp-capping and man for different indications, with different degrees of anti-
agents is presented.
septic precautions, and with different operative techniques and
The initial effect of calcium hydroxide applied to exposed pulp is the
development of a superficial three-layer necrosis. The beneficial effect of wound treatment. Nevertheless, there is still no fully accepted
calcium hydroxide is regarded as the result of the chemical injury caused explanation for the tissue reactions following application of cal-
by the hydroxyl ions. limited by a zone offirm necrosis against the vital cium hydroxide to pulp tissue regarding cell migration, prolifer-
tissue. and the toleration of calcium ions by the tissue. The firm necrosis ation, and differentiation. This paper is an attempt to compile
causes slight irritation and stimulates the pulp to defense and repair. The and analyze current knowledge of the subject.
observed sequence of tissue reactions is that which is expected when con- Based on a thorough review of earlier literature, Schroder and
nective tissue is wounded. It starts with vascular and inflammatory cell Granath (1971a) decided to perform a clinical and experimental
migration and proliferation. to control and elimination of the irritating investigation with the aim of clarifying the effect of calcium hy-
agent. This is followed by the repair process. including migration and
droxide per se on amputated intact human dental pulp. The ma-
proliferation of mesenchymal and endothelial pulp cells and formation of
collagen. When the pulp is protected from irritation. odontoblasts differ- terial consisted of pre-molars which were to be extracted for
entiate. and the tissue formed assumes the appearance of dentin. i.e.. the orthodontic reasons. By eliminating, as far as possible, interfering
function of the pulp is normalized. factors - such as inflamed pulp, traumatic surgical technique,
The mineralization of the collagen starts with dystrophic calcification contamination by micro-organisms, effects of local anesthesia,
of both the zone offirm necrosis and the degenerated cells in the adjacent and extra-pulpal blood clots - they were able to study histolog-
tissue. leading to deposition of mineral in the newly-formed collagen. The ically the tissue reactions leading to the hard tissue formation
presence of calcium ions stimulates precipitation of calcium carbonate in following vital amputation and capping with calcium hydroxide
the wound area and thereby contributes to the initiation of mineralization. under optimal conditions. The intervals between treatment and
Hard tissue formation in contact with some hard-setting calcium hy- extraction varied from five min to six mo, in order to demonstrate
droxide cements has been reported. indicating a less-extensive initial
chemical injury than that produced by calcium hydroxide alone. The dif-
the sequence of tissue changes leading to wound healing.
ferences in tissue response to various calcium hydroxide-containing ce-
ments are related to such factors as differences in pH and rates of release
of hydroxyl ions and calcium ions. Other components of the cements. The effect on healthy pulp tissue.
leading to different chemical reactions. may inactivate calcium hydroxide
or be noxious to the pulp and thereby interfere with healing. Decisive Calcium hydroxide per se: Initial reactions. - The initial tissue
factors for healing of the inflamed pulp are the degree of inflammation. reaction was a superficial three-layered necrosis, which was es-
the time of irritation and infection. and the location of the exposure. The tablished within an hour, with a zone of coagulation necrosis
effect of calcium hydroxide is not a factor.
demarcating against the vital tissue (Fig. I). These results agreed
Internal dentin resorption. observed in pulpotomizedprimary teeth capped
with calcium hydroxide, occurs when chronically inflamed pulp is present
rather well with those reported by Glass and Zander (1949).
at the time of treatment and/or is induced by improper wound treatment. The first effect of calcium hydroxide on pulpal cells was de-
such as leaving a blood clot between the wound surface and the calcium struction. Thrombosis was seen within the zone of firm necrosis.
hydroxide. Schroder and Granath (1971a) explained the zones of the initial
Concerning the addition of corticosteroids to calcium hydroxide-con- necrosis in the following way: The superficial zone was a result
taining pulp-capping agents. no biologically acceptable histological re- of application pressure and pressure due to edema in the inter-
sults have been reported so far. mediate zone. The latter zone showed edema and liquefaction
necrosis, resulting from chemical injury. In this zone, tissue and
J Dent Res 64(Spec Iss):541·548, April 1985 plasma proteins partly neutralized the hydroxyl ions, giving a
weaker chemical effect in the apical zone and resulting in a co-
agulation necrosis. The concentration of hydroxyl ions was con-
sidered to be responsible for these initial tissue changes.
Introduction. The alkaline effect is immediate and short. Experiments on pulp
cells in vitro (Das, 1981; Hanks et al., 1983) showed that calcium
The pulp consists of connective tissue. Difrere~ces compared to hydroxide was compatible with pulp cells, did not have any lasting
other connective tissues include a lack of epithelium and the pres- ~egative effect on cell proliferation, and the pH reached the range
ence of odontoblasts. The pulp is a terminal organ in terms of suitable for cell growth after about 24 hr.
neural and vascular functions. Migration of inflammatory cells into the wound area occurred
Ever since Hermann (1930) introduced calcium hydroxide to between six hr and a few days after the treatment and resulted in
dentistry, it has been used extensively in the treatme~t of exposed slight to moderate inflammation. Thereafter, migration and pro-
pulps. When calcium hydroxide, with a pH of 12, IS applied .to liferation of pulpal cells, most probably mesenchymal and endo-
pulp tissue, a caustic effect is observed that leads to superficial thelial cells, were observed adjacent to the necrotic zone.
necrosis (Glass and Zander, 1949; Schroder and Granath, 1971a) Matrixformation. - New collagen was observed in association
and, under certain conditions, to formation of a hard tissue barrier. with the zone of firm necrosis after four days. After seven days,
Many investigations have been performed to elucidate the well- the collagen tissue had cellular inclusions and lining marginal


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542 SCHRODER J Dent Res April 1985

increase of available calcium ions. However, Uitto et al. (1975)

showed that the exposure, as such, of the human pulp led to an
increase in collagen synthesis, and that application of calcium
hydroxide meant an additional increase in collagen formation.
These studies concerning DNA synthesis in pulpal cells, following
application of calcium hydroxide, thus supported the microscop-
ical findings of increased cellular activity in connection with the
application of calcium hydroxide to pulp.
Mineralization of the barrier and cellular differentiation.-In
a TEM study (Schroder and Sundstrom, 1974) of a seven-day
case, spherical foci of mineralization in the deepest layer of the
initial necrosis and adjacent pulp tissue was seen. The foci coa-
lesced to an almost homogeneous calcification front against the
vital tissue (Fig. 3). Nearest the necrotic zone, degenerated pulp
cells were seen, with spherical bodies, and somewhat more api-
cally, the amount of collagen was increased. Membrane-bound
bodies, i.e., matrix vesicles (Fig. 4), were observed at this time
but not later, which indicated initial mineralization. This finding
agrees with earlier as well as later investigations concerning the
role of matrix vesicles in the initial calcification process in car-
tilage (Anderson, 1969), in dentin (e.g., Bernard, 1972; Eisen-
mann and Glick, 1972; Larsson and Bloom, 1973), in bone (Sela
Fig. I-Ten min after application of Ca(OHh. Note the compressed su- et al., 1978), and in wound healing following pulpotomy of dog
perficial zone. the edema in the intermediate zone. and the intravascular pulp (Hayashi, 1982).
coagulation zone against the vital pulp tissue; polychromic, x 109. After one month, the barrier was found to consist of a coronal
layer of irregular bone-like tissue with cellular inclusions. The
pulpal part consisted of pre-dentin-like tissue and was lined with
odontoblast-like cells (Schroder and Granath, 1971a; Schroder,
1973a). In the TEM study (Schroder and Sundstrom, 1974), the
one-month barrier showed mineralization of the collagen-rich tis-
sue with cellular inclusions. Along the pulpal surface, cells were
seen which had a well-developed, rough-surfaced endoplasmic
reticulum. Adjacent parts of the barrier were pre-dentin-like, i.e.,
they contained densely packed collagen fibrils and cellular exten-
sions (Fig. 5).

Fig. 2-Seven days after application of Ca(OHh. In contact with the

superficial necrotic zone, a broad zone of newly-formed collagen with
lining cells is seen; polychromic, x 109. [from Schroder and Granath
(1971), Odont Revy 22:379)

cells; it was also radiopaque (Fig. 2). Harrop and Mackay (1968)
made similar observations in rat pulp.
Fitzgerald (1979) observed an increased DNA synthesis in fi-
broblasts and endothelial cells in the monkey pulp, following ex-
posure and application of a hard-setting calcium hydroxide cement.
A corresponding histologically-demonstrable increase of these cell Fig. 3-Seven days after applicationof Ca(OHh. N = superficialnecrotic
populations was also seen. Torneck et al. (1983) made the same zone, P = vital pulp tissue, SC = spherical calcification, DC = degen-
observation when applying calcium hydroxide to pulp cells in vitro erated cells with spherical bodies (S8), CC = calcification front; TEM x
and suggested that the cellular proliferation might be due to the 10,600. [from Schroder and Sundstrom (1974). Odont Revy 25:57)

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Fig. 4--Seven days after application of Ca(OHh. Pulp tissue adjacent and
apical to the region in Fig. 3; NC = new collagen fibrils; C with arrows
= membrane-bound bodies, matrix vesicles; TEM x 12,600. [from Schroder
and Sundstrom (1974), Odont Revy 25:57]

After three months, the barrier was two-layered, consisting Cor-

onally of irregular tissue and pulpally of dentin-like tissue with
irregular tubuli, and lined by new odontoblasts. In the TEM study,
the three-month case confirmed the light-microscopic findings.
The tissue nearest the vital pulp was identical with pre-dentin and
contained densely packed colIagen fibrils and celIular extensions
(Fig. 6). Based on the structure of the cells, t.e., the well-devel-
oped, rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum, and the function of
the celIs and their location in direct contact with the barrier, it
was concluded that they were new odontoblasts. Thus, the TEM Fig. 5-One month afterapplication of Ca(OHh. Top:barrier withlining
study corroborated earlier results and contributed new knowledge cells, x 370. Bottom: lining cells with a well-developed, rough-surfaced
e~doplasmic reticulum (RER); NC = new collagen, PD = pre-dentin
about the mineralization of the barrier. The mineralization started WIth densely-packed collagen and cellular extension (CE); TEM x 8800.
with dystrophic calcification of the coagulation zone as welI as [from Schroder and Sundstrom (1974), Odont Revy 25:57]
the degenerated cells in the adjacent tissue, leading to deposits of
mineral in the vital tissue containing the newly formed colIagen.
The presence of matrix vesicles during the initial phase of min- into odontoblasts could not be explained. The type of celI pre-
eralization indicated that the initial calcification was similar to v~iling a! t~e site of operation might be responsible for the specific
that seen in normal and pathological calcified tissues, as referred differentiation, Cvek and Sundstrom (1974), in a TEM study of
to above. the hard tissue barrier induced by calcium hydroxide and formed
When the surfaces of the hard tissue barriers were studied in apically of immature roots, observed a similar tissue response, a
the scanning electron microscope (Schroder and Granath, 1972), two-layered hard tissue formation with calcified tissue nearest the
further confirmation of the light-microscopical studies was ob- site of appl~cati~n of calcium h~dr?xide, followed apically by a
tained. The coronal surface resembled unorganized precipitate be- tlssu.e. In ~e per~aplcal region, the migrating and
fore demineralization and consisted of calcified necrotic tissue. proliferating celIs differentiated into cementoblast-like cells.
The appearance was the same after demineralization, but irregular The role of calcium.-The role of calcium ions is not well
collagen structures were revealed in deeper parts of the surface understood. Calcium ions are well tolerated by the tissue and are
(Fig. 7). The pulpal surface 'Of the barrier contained tubular open- essential for cell proliferation, blood coagulation, mineralization,
ings whose morphology closely resembled the arrangement of col- and other functions of importance in this context.
lagen bundles 'around dentinal tubuli in pre-dentin (Figs. 8 & 9). Ear1i~r aut~radiogr~phic studies in animals (Sciaky and Pisanti,
Ulmansky et at (l'm~ reported similar findings. 1960.; Plsantl. and ~CI~y, 1964) showed that the calcium taking
In theabovernentloned studies, the differentiation of pulp cells part 10 the mineraltzation of the barrier came from the tissue and

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544 SCHRODER J Dm! Res April 1985

Fig. 7-Three months after application of Ca(OH2 ) . Coronal surface of

the barrier after demineralization; structureless tissue on the surface; col-
lagen structures and canal-like openings in deeper parts; SEM x 5600.
[from Schroder and Granath (1972), Odont Revy 23:211)

Fig. 6-Three months after application of Ca(OHh. Top: barrier with pre-
dentin zone and lining odontoblast-like cells; x 480. Bottom: pre-dentin
(PD) with cellular extensions (CE); TEM x 12,800. [from Schroder and
Sundstrom (1974), Odom Revy 25:57]

not from the calcium hydroxide used as a medicament. However,

Holland et al. (1982) used calcium, barium, and strontium hy-
droxides in histochemical studies of dog pulp following pulpotomy
and found similar results with the three pulp-capping agents, i.e.,
a necrotic zone followed by a layer of large von Kossa-positive
granulations, which were birefringent to polarized light. Subjacent
to and among these large granulations were many tiny von Kossa-
positive, but not birefringent, granules. The large granulations
consisted of calcium, barium, and strontium carbonates, which
indirectly proved that the calcium was derived from the calcium
hydroxide and not from the pulp tissue. These carbonate granu- Fig. 8-Dentin canal from pre-dentin in one young intact pre-molar; SEM
lations might play a role in stimulating the precipitation of the x 22,000. [from Schroder and Granath (1972), Odont Revy 23:211]
tiny von Kossa-positive calcium salt granulations in the same pulp
area, thus starting the mineralization of the collagen. Tomeck et sponse and should be taken into account when considering the
al, (1983) suggested that the presence of calcium ions in vivo initial mineralization following application of calcium hydroxide.
might have the ability to activate ATP, which is important in the
mineralization process. The ability of calcium ions to stimulate
cellular proliferation might also be important for the proliferative Calcium hydroxide-containing hard-setting ce-
tissue response to the initial injury by the surgical trauma and/or ments.
the medicament (Swierenga et al., 1976). The significance of the vehicle with which calcium hydroxide
Thus, calcium carbonate formation is an immediate tissue re- is mixed has been studied in several investigations. The release

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different pH and varying release of hydroxyl ions and calcium

ions. Other components of the cements leading to different chem-
ical reactions might also inactivate calcium hydroxide or be nox-
ious to the pulp and thereby interfere with healing. Thus, there is
a great diversity of characteristics among the present calcium hy-
droxide cements, necessitating development of appropriate stan-
dards for pulp-capping cements of this type.

The observed sequence of tissue reactions, following capping
with calcium hydroxide, is the same as that expected when con-
nective tissue is wounded. First, there are vascular and inflam-
matory cell migration and proliferation to control and eliminate
the irritating agent. Second, the repair process occurs, with mi-
gration and proliferation of mesenchymal and endothelial pulp
cells and formation of collagen, i.e., scar formation. When the
pulp is protected from irritation, the tissue formation decreases,
odontoblasts differentiate from pulp cells, and the tissue formed
assumes the appearance of dentin. In other words, the function of
the pulp is normalized.
Such a sequence of tissue reactions has also been reported in
experimental studies on germ-free rats where pulp wounds healed
with a hard tissue barrier, but without the influence of any active
medicament (Kakehashi et al., 1965). This might be explained as
a result of the operative trauma and the optimal environmental
Fig. 9-Three months after application of Ca(OHh. Pulpal surface of the conditions. Further, it should be noted that the rat pulp is more
barrier; SEM x 5800. [from Schroder and Granath (1972), Odont Revy reactive than the human pulp. Granath and Hagman (1971) left
23:211] gently amputated, healthy human pulps, without any extrapulpal
blood clots, covered with a waxed Teflonv disc, after which the
cavity was filled with a zinc phosphate cement for four weeks.
of calcium hydroxide will depend on the composition and the They observed only mild inflammatory changes, no signs of tissue
solubility in water of the material. Anthony et al. (1982), among destruction, and no signs of hard tissue formation. In spite of the
others, investigated the effect on the pH when calcium hydroxide favorable environmental conditions, the slight, almost negligible,
is mixed with camphorated parachlorophenol (CMCP), cresatin, operative trauma proved to be insufficient to induce wound healing
or saline. Because of chemical reactions between calcium hy- with hard tissue formation. However, any medicament or opera-
droxide and cresatin, the pH decreased and reached acid values. tive procedure causing irritation as slight as or somewhat slighter
The reaction between calcium hydroxide and CMCP did not lead than the firm necrosis can be expected to stimulate the pulp to
to a decrease of pH. Shubich et al. (1978) studied the release of such a response. Regarding the production of collagen, it could
calcium ions in vitro from five different calcium hydroxide-con- hardly be a result of any unique property of calcium hydroxide as
taining capping agents. They found differences in the amount of mentioned by Mitchell and Shankwalker (1958).
calcium available as well as in the percentage of calcium released. The beneficial effect of calcium hydroxide is to be regarded as
Different calcium hydroxide-containing pulp-capping agents have the net result of: (I) the chemical injury caused by the hydroxyl
been tested experimentally on exposed human (e.g., Sawusch, ions; (2) the firm, limiting, necrosis against the vital tissue; and
1963; Phaneuf et al., 1968; Stanley and Lundy, 1972; Negm et (3) the tolerance of calcium ions by the tissue.
al., 1980; Jerrell et al., 1984) and monkey pulp (e.g., Tronstad, The firm necrosis causes slight irritation of the pulp and stim-
1974; Fitzgerald, 1979; Heys et al., 1980 and 1981; Cox et al., ulates the pulpal cells to defense and repair. Some of the hard-
1982), and various pulpal responses have been observed. Some setting calcium hydroxide cements have been reported to induce
materials proved to be ineffective in inducing wound healing, and a hard tissue barrier in contact with the medicament. There is no
the result was chronic inflammation and necrosis. A correlation reason to believe, however, that the effect of such cements should
between the inflammatory response and the barrier formation was be biologically different from that induced by the calcium hy-
noted: The slighter the inflammation, the higher the frequency of droxide as such. Owing to the composition of some of these ce-
bridging. Furthermore, barrier formation was reported to occur in ments, they lead to a less-extensive initial chemical injury, i.e.,
close contact with two of the cements, i.e., without a visible less serious tissue damage which, according to Tronstad (1974)
intermediate necrotic layer under the light microscope. This in- and Fitzgerald (1979), results in re-organization of the superficial
dicates that less tissue damage occurred compared to that caused pulp layer, thereby permitting hard tissue formation in contact
by calcium hydroxide mixed in saline, but that sufficient damage with the medicament. This is not a consistent finding, however,
occurred to stimulate healing of the pulp wound. These two ce- and the presence of a necrotic zone has also been reported with
ments contain comparable amounts of calcium hydroxide and sa- these cements (Stanley and Lundy, 1972; Tronstad, 1974; Jerrell
licylate esters. There are, however, differences in pH change and et al., 1984).
content of tricalcium phosphate and calcium tungstate (de Freitas, Furthermore, the firm necrosis attracts minerals from the tissue
1982). In an in vitro study, Hanks et al. (1983) showed that the fluid and becomes calcified. This process and precipitation of
rate of protein synthesis rose to control levels by the presence of calcium carbonate granulations then initiate mineralization of the
one of the cements, while the other cements depressed the rate of newly-formed collagen and differentiation of new odontoblasts,
synthesis. The differences in tissue response to different calcium leading to the two-layered hard tissue barrier. Observations made
hydroxide-containing cements are thus related to such factors as during wound healing after application of calcium hydroxide sup-

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546 SCHRODER J DellI Res April 1985

port the opinion that the differentiation of new odontoblasts de- investigate the effect of an extra-pulpal blood clot on healing, an
pends on the types of pulpal cells and not on calcium hydroxide experimental pulpotomy study was performed (Schroder, 1973b)
as such. in which a blood clot was left between the wound surface and the
calcium hydroxide. Healing was found to be seriously impaired,
with chronic inflammation present in most cases, adjacent to mainly
The effect of calcium hydroxide on inflamed pulp incomplete barriers consisting of necrotic tissue and bone-like tis-
tissue. sue (Fig. 10). Dentin-like tissue was an inconsistent finding in the
barriers. All cases showed signs of the initial necrosis induced by
Hitherto, only the effect on healthy pulp has been discussed. calcium hydroxide. Therefore, the reason for failure to heal was
The effect of calcium hydroxide on inflamed pulp tissue has been not that the clot had prevented the initial effect of calcium hy-
suggested to be beneficial because of its high pH, which might droxide by neutralizing the hydroxyl ions. One possible expla-
modify the environmental pH to levels more favorable for cellular nation might be that the chemotactic effect on polymorphonuclear
activity and thus for the repair process. Investigations on cariously leucocytes of the fibrin in the clot potentiated the slight inflam-
exposed pulp have not confirmed any positive effect of calcium matory reaction initially induced by calcium hydroxide. In studies
hydroxide (Nyborg, 1958). Tronstad and Mjor (1972) reported no where a clot was left on the exposed human pulp and capped with
beneficial effect on healing when applying calcium hydroxide to an inert material, no healing was reported (Masterton, 1966; Gran-
exposed monkey pulp with experimentally induced pulpitis. Cox ath and Hagman, 1971). Furthermore, use of a gentle amputation
et al. (1982) studied the healing capacity of mechanically exposed technique, avoidance of a blood clot on the wound surface, and
and orally contaminated monkey pulp capped with calcium hy- application of calcium hydroxide, in tissue contact with the wound
droxide. After from zero to 24 hours' exposure to the oral envi- surface under therapeutic conditions in the primary dentition, pro-
ronment, and five weeks after application of calcium hydroxide, vided a considerable decrease in the frequency of internal resorp-
the healing rate was favorable. Most pulp samples showed no, or tions (Schroder, 1978).
only a slight, inflammatory response, soft tissue re-organization, The blood clot on the surface of the pulp may also act as a
and varying amounts of hard tissue formation. Pulp exposed for bacterial substrate which attracts micro-organisms and infection
seven days, and thereafter capped with calcium hydroxide, showed to the wound area. Preliminary results from bacterial staining of
a great variability in tissue responses. Complete healing as well selected sections from histological tooth specimens showing pres-
as pulp necrosis was noted. Presumably, this difference in re- ence of a blood clot and/or internal dentin resorption after pul-
sponse did not depend on the medicament but on the state of the potomy and capping with calcium hydroxide do not support such
pulp at the time of treatment, ranging from moderate inflammation an assumption (Schroder, unpublished data), but further studies
to total necrosis. are needed.
Following partial pulpotomy and capping with calcium hydrox- Thus, internal dentin resorption of primary teeth does not seem
ide of traumatically exposed healthy human pulp, Cvek (1978) to depend on the effect of calcium hydroxide, but on chronically
and Cvek and Lundberg (1983) reported very favorable clinical, inflamed pulp, i.e., infiltration of mononuclear inflammatory cells
roentgenological, and histological results. The healing did not that are present at the time of treatment or induced by improper
seem to be influenced by such factors as exposure time, size of wound treatment (such as leaving a blood clot between the wound
exposure, or stage of root development. Histological studies of surface and the calcium hydroxide).
accidentally exposed pulp in man (Smukler and Tagger, 1976)
and monkeys (Cvek et al., 1982; Heide and Mjor, 1983) showed
only superficial inflammation following exposure for up to seven Conclusion.
days. This was said to be due to the free exposure that permitted The therapeutic use of calcium hydroxide should be restricted
salivary rinsing and excluded impaction of debris. to conditions where the residual pulp tissue is judged to be without
Thus, the environmental conditions are more favorable for the
accidentally exposed healthy pulp compared to the cariously ex-
posed, which is surrounded by carious tooth substance and im-
pacted food debris. These conditions favor further bacterial growth
and infection and lead to a variety of pulpal changes at the time
of treatment, thus explaining the different outcome of treatment.
A superficial inflammation is eliminated by the initial effect of
calcium hydroxide, leaving a pulp tissue capable of healing. On
the contrary, a more pronounced and widespread pulpal inflam-
mation will be enhanced by the inflammatory response initially
elicited by calcium hydroxide, thus inhibiting or delaying the heal-
ing process. In neither case can the result of treatment be ascribed
to the effect of calcium hydroxide.
The degree of inflammation, the time of irritation and infection,
and the location of the exposure must thus be regarded as decisive
factors for the healing of the inflamed pulp rather than the effect
of calcium hydroxide as such.
Another pulp cell response, internal dentin resorption, has been
reported to occur with high frequency in connection with pulpo-
tomy, particularly in primary teeth, and the use of calcium hy-
droxide as a medicament (Via, 1955). This tissue response is
generally ascribed to an effect of calcium hydroxide. Schroder Fig. 1O-0ne month after application of Ca(OHh, after leaving a blood
and Granath (1971b) suggested, in a study of pulpotomized pri- clot between the wound surface and Ca(OHh. From top: blood clot, rem-
mary molars, that internal resorption depended on the presence of nants of the superficial necrosis, discontinuous hard tissue barrier, necrotic
an extra-pulpal blood clot, between the wound surface and the area in the adjacent pulp, and moderate cellular infiltration; Weigert-
calcium hydroxide, that interfered with the healing. In order to vanGiesen, x 85. [from Schroder (1973), Odont Revy 24:257)

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chronic inflammation, since calcium hydroxide has not been shown Three Vehicles on the pH of Calcium Hydroxide, Oral Surg 54:56G-
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