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For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become

the righteousness of God in Him.

2 Corinthians 5:21




God wants us to seek His righteousness and not our own righteousness. When we seek our
own righteousness, we will always end up feeling miserable because we can never be
righteous by our works, no matter how hard we try. That is why our loving Father wants us
to remember that righteousness is not right behavior but a person—Jesus (see 1
Corinthians 1:30), and that we have “become the righteousness of God in Him.”

I know of a lady who, before coming to our church, attempted to establish her own
righteousness by confessing all her sins to “clean” herself up. But she found that the more
she confessed her sins, the more sins she discovered in herself. She became guilt-ridden
and miserable. Feeling stressed out and weary of confessing her sins all the time, she
eventually left the church she was attending. In fact, she never stepped into another church
again for the next 10 years.

One day, someone gave her my message tape entitled You Will Never Lose God’s
Everlasting Righteousness Given To You and she started listening to it. Once she learnt
that Jesus was the measure of her righteousness and acceptance before God, she began
to seek God’s righteousness by seeing Christ as her righteousness. Before long, peace and
joy came flooding back into her life.Today, she worships in our church. She testified of how
God has supernaturally healed her of a long-term medical condition she had. Even her
husband, once balding, found hair sprouting supernaturally! God was adding all these
things to her according to His promise—“But seek first the kingdom of God and His
righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).

Beloved, seeking God’s righteousness means that you see Jesus as someone who knew
no sin but became sin for you, so that He could give you His righteousness and make you
the righteousness of God in Him! As you proclaim daily the truth that you are the
righteousness of God in Christ, you will see “all these things” (Matthew 6:33) added to you
without even asking for them!

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