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number 6, 2020

The COVID-19 health crisis pushed the E-resilience in education:
education sector into online education,
challenging both students and teachers
to work with technological devices
and software instead of joining face-
A conceptual framework
to-face meetings. However, providing
education online does not mean actual
learning will take place. This policy brief
presents a framework to visualise the
I n 2020, countries have closed around the world, going from ‘strict quaran-
tine’ to ‘smart lockdown’. In education, not being allowed to enter a school
building and not being allowed to convene with larger groups of people
e-resilience of the educational system,
including ICT-related factors within impacts students of all ages, but not at equal levels. In developed countries,
the educational systems that determine we observe primary school children connecting with classmates through
capacity of that system and actors in the videoconferencing software. On their own or in virtual groups, children
system to deal with shocks. Policymakers
and educations providers should be
have tackled the list of activities that schools request them to do. While this
mindful about the various levels or works relatively well for cognitive knowledge and skills, other skills such as
‘layers’ within society, as inequality in physical or handcraft skills, (e.g. music, theatre class, or gym), developed
each of the levels may increase because outside of books are quickly dropped from the curriculum. Also, social skills,
of lower e-resilience at that level.
developed while playing or cooperating and building social connection, are
largely lost. These are essential skills that deserve attention because they are
more difficult to deliver virtually.

Written by Mindel van de Laar. The move to fully online schooling impacts the enjoyment of learn-
ing. In many developed country settings, secondary schools replaced face-
© United Nations University 2020
ISBN 978-92-808-5017-8  to-face classes with online classes, requiring students to listen in a virtual
classroom setting for several hours per day. Even though in online learning
Licensed under the Creative Commons we know that the attention spans of people in the virtual space are about
Deed ‘Attribution-NonCommercial- six minutes (Geri, Winer and Zaks, 2017), the move from face-to-face to a
NoDerivs 2.5’
virtual classroom was often a relatively simple one, not taking retention into
The views expressed in this publication account. When teachers were asked to move all classes online in a period of a
are those of the authors and do not few days, time to develop online didactic skill, as well as the option to use or
necessarily reflect the views of United establish suitable online course materials, were lacking. It is possible to pro-
Nations University.
vide actual content virtually to students without much preparation. Yet, the
enjoyment that teachers have in teaching, and students can have in learning
is far more difficult to capture (Park and Choi, 2009). Children of second-
ary school age need lessons to be attractive and entertaining, yet the focus
of self-directed learning tends to be related more to peer and teacher social
support (Wang and Holcombe, 2010).

At the global level, for ties into an online environment.

instance, when looking at higher This move was not an easy one, as
education provided by universi- in recent decades only a few insti-
ties, complexity arises because tutions had ventured into online
participants come from all over education and, in most cases, only
the world. When moving lessons alongside face-to-face settings.
online, teachers cannot assume

“Considering the ICT system alone as the main factor shaping

e-resilience in education will be necessary, yet not sufficient to
understand educational system difficulties.”
all students will have the required Now, with education being
logistical conditions. Ordering such an essential element of all soci-
books requires time and is not eties – with SDG 4 focusing on
always possible. Livestreaming of inclusive and equitable education
lectures may not work when taking for all – the sector became an imme-
different time zones into account diate priority. Many stakeholders,
(van de Laar, 2020). And lastly, we national and institutional regula-
need to consider the digital divide tions and ICT requirements from
– poorer countries with unequal both education supplier and receiver
income distributions face more were involved in this move. Put sim-
problematic situations in the move ply, the world was dealing with the
from face-to-face to virtual educa- shock of COVID-19, so the con-
tion (Bezuidenhout et al, 2017). cept of e-resilience – the ability of
Homeschooling requires space to ICT systems to withstand, recover
learn, internet connectivity, devices and change in the face of shocks
for all users to connect and learn (UNESCAP) suddenly became rel-
at the same time, and a manageable evant when considering the move
stress level– as after all we are deal- from face-to-face to online educa-
ing with a health shock that still tion. Considering the ICT system
impacts all of us either directly or alone as the main factor shaping
indirectly. e-resilience in education will be nec-
essary, yet not sufficient to under-
Tracking resilience in online stand educational system difficulties.
education Educational providers and users’
ability to manage digital platforms
Amid the rapid unfolding of and transform the offered materials
the COVID-19 crisis, children, stu- into actual learning are also essential
dents and adults in training found elements. Ultimately, e-resilience in
themselves unable to join classes, education is embedded in the educa-
as they were requested not to leave tional system.
their homes. As a direct result,
almost all educational institutions Figure 1 visualises the
had to move their educational activi- framework of e-resilience in educa-

2 Policy Brief
tion. The circles represent four levels Asia do not reach an average of 1
that are nested and interact together subscription per 100 inhabitants,
and shape e-resilience of the educa- while Latin American countries
tional systems after a shock. have on average around 10 subscrip-
tions. Frontrunners like Germany
At the central and macro and South Korea score over 40 sub-
level, we find the country ecosys- scriptions on average. (see https://
tem of digital education. Crucially, That cov-
e-resilience of national education erage variation across countries will
depends on the country’s inter- be equally present across education
net coverage. Connectivity dis- providers and users – institutions in
plays a significant variation across countries with less developed ICT
countries. The world’s average systems at macro level will be less
broadband subscriptions per 100 likely to have robust systems them-
inhabitants is 14, yet many coun- selves.
tries in sub-Saharan Africa and

Figure 1: E-resilience
in a higher education
Dark Blue: Individual level
Purple: Programme level
Green: Institutional level
Pink: Macro level

E-resilience in education: A conceptual framework 3
In addition to ICT infra- located in suburbs and villages, will
structure, the educational gover- not have ICT departments trained
nance regulations that guide the to support the ICT systems -- and
educational sector are also set at the with the absence of those human
macro level. During COVID-19 resources and knowledge, also the
we observe that the ability to adjust ability to change in case of a shock
is smaller in less developed coun- from face-to-face to online activities
tries, with weaker digital coverage changes.
and lower budgets to accommodate
change. But equally, rules and regu- Responses to shocks require
lations will need to be adjusted to investments in the hardware and
accommodate educational move- software provisions of an institute.
ment from face-to-face to online ICT competence standard of teach-
education, to allow for degrees to ing and managing staff also play an
remain valid with changed modes of essential role. If all teaching staff
provision. Clearly, those regulations in non-shock periods was required
need to be adjusted at the national to be ICT proficient by the insti-
level. tute, for instance due to inclusion
of online learning didactical train-
At institutional level, the ing in the teacher training pack-
second highest nested within the ages, transition to online learning
country, educational institutes must will be easier. Institutions that have
be able to foster change and support ICT competent staff will be able
users. Higher educational institu- to change more swiftly, as teaching
tions, such as universities, likely staff will already be fully trained.
have electronic learning platforms Beyond that, administrative staff
in place to support their students. supporting the didactical changes is
About the Author At lower levels, for instance among essential. Leadership, clear guidance,
primary education, those platforms and directions on how to move edu-
Dr. Mindel van de Laar is are often absent. With educational cational programmes and content
PhD Director of the dual provision using only a face-to-face online greatly facilitate the process
career PhD programme in
mode and in-class educational activ- for the individual educational pro-
Governance and Policy Analysis
ities there was hardly a need to have vider and user. If institutions can
online learning platforms. Similarly, quickly identify what platforms to
/ Maastricht Graduate School
it is likely that vocational training use, offer guidance how to move
of Governance, Maastricht
University. In addition, she institutes have weaker or no elec- classes online, and what facilita-
manages a selection of research tronic platforms, as there is limited tion service to offer, this greatly
and training projects, including demand for such platforms. unburdens individual staff members.
the Evidence-Based Policy (Marotta, 2020)
Research Methods (EPRM) Dependent on for instance
course and the Community the size of the institution and level E-resilience in education
of Learning for Africa project of education offered, the capacity to is also determined at the course or
(COLA). Mindel holds a PhD adjust to changes in ICT systems programme level – the third level in
in Economics and a MSc in varies. Again, we see that larger the framework. In e-learning, course
International Economic Studies institutions, more likely universi- completion is relatively low (Geri,
from Maastricht University. Her ties based in major cities, have more 2017, Park, 2009), so providing
research focus is on professional capacity and more staff to assist in clear incentives to complete courses,
and doctoral (e)learning. digital change. Smaller institutions keeping focus on the material cov-
like primary schools, more often ered, and self-directing learning

4 Policy Brief
depend on the attractiveness of the from simply providing a hub of all
materials offered. The more inter- kinds of resources, to course mate-
active the classes are, with quizzes, rial provision only, to tutor or peer
peer activities, multiple small learn- supported learning with interaction
ing resources and smaller more fre- moments and activities attached
quent assignments, the more likely to each of these interactions. The
it is that participants will complete choices of how to deliver the materi-
a course. This is important when we als also impacts how programmes
are faced with the situation that the or courses are designed. If courses
mandatory school enrolled popula- are built around an interaction
tion of children in primary schools structure, potentially with self-
and secondary schools are asked to assessments or small assignments or
complete their curriculum online. discussions or short lectures, they
They do not have the luxury to fail become more attractive than for
and drop out, as regulations require instance if there is only a reading
them to stay in school. list and long livestreams of lectures.
Yet, in times of crisis, the ability of
Yet, when there is an exter- teachers and programmes to design
nal shock that requires a move to coherent online formats may be
online education at all levels within limited, due to time constraints.
the short run, the first priority is to Equally, some content topics lend
keep education going. The attrac- themselves more easily to online
tiveness of the educational material education, while others will always
offering may be less of a priority, but be more difficult to translate. While
then actual learning may decrease it is relatively easy to offer math-
as well. Factors to consider when ematics online, it is harder to offer
dealing with e-resilience at the pro- instructions on how to cook or cut
gramme level are included in the your hair. The latter require a prac-
educational programme layer of tical skill that transfers better face-
Figure 1. Perhaps most essential is to-face. Lastly, a lot depends on the
the user-friendliness of the platform. teacher’s digital skills. E-competent
The first critical question is obvi- teachers will more easily find their
ously if there is an online platform way on to platforms and communi-
to use. Once that is available, it is cate more fluently than teachers that
important to monitor that all par- face difficulties simply logging on.
ticipants are able to find their way Clearly there is an age advantage for
to the materials without too much younger students and teachers that
trouble. Once availability and access grew up using digital devices and
to platforms is secured, the quality will only need to apply their already
of the platform becomes important. available skills to new purposes.
Given bandwidth and local con-
text, are the platforms stable and The last layer in Figure 1,
fast enough for participants to stay the micro level, represents the end
engaged? user. The e-resilience of the end user
relates to their ease in being able to
Programme directors also shift from the classroom to e-learn-
need to consider if the mode of ing. Inequality plays a major role
provision of the materials is attrac- at this level as well – as availability
tive? There are numerous options: of hardware (computers or mobile

E-resilience in education: A conceptual framework 5
phones) and internet provision not online education than university
only varies per country but also per education. Take my own institute, a
household. Wealthier families will university in the Netherlands, which
more likely have access to internet announced a move to online educa-
and devices to connect. In addition, tion on a Friday – and then offered
space to study quietly is more often all classes online on the following
available in the houses or living Monday. The first courses were liter-
environments of relatively well-off ally moved online, with lectures and
families and in general also better tutorial sessions livestreamed. With
more developed countries. robust infrastructure in place and
good guidance by the ICT team and
Beyond infrastructure, programme director, all teachers were
social support, and individual will- able to continue their classes. In the
ingness to adjust play a role. The same country, COVID-19 pushed
skillset of the student to move from our primary schools into online
teacher-instructed learning to self- learning. For many that means they
directed learning will not be equal first needed to explore the options
for all students. Individual char- available, based on human capacity.
acteristics, skills and motivation Once a platform was selected and set
will be a great determining factor up, teachers needed to be trained,
to make online learning work. It translating classes to online provi-
requires willingness to accept online sions and instructing students and
learning and intellectual capacity parents how to use the chosen plat-
to understand the offered materials forms well.
with less instruction.
How different will this
E-resilience in education – process be in for instance in a pri-
an unequal playing field mary school in rural Nigeria? With
limited ICT equipment in schools
The strength of e-resilience in edu- and connectivity, offering materi-
cation is, put simply, an interplay als in an online platform setting is a
of the abovementioned factors. The challenge. Not all schools will have
framework is nested, meaning that internet connectivity, teachers will
individual resilience depends on need to share equipment, and hope
the individual itself, but will also be electricity networks are stable. Also
impacted by the programme that the students in those schools will be
the individual participates in, the disadvantaged from the start. With
institutional resilience, and even the limited computer or mobile phone
country’s e-resilience. Equally, you availability in households, limited
can have very e-resilient and less internet access, and often limited
e-resilient programmes within the electricity, reviewing the school mate-
same institutional setting. Yet, at the rials may well be impossible. With
individual level we cannot make up smaller houses and larger extended
for incapacity at any higher level of households, quiet space to study or
the framework. complete assignments will be chal-
lenging at best. That by default
Primary education institu- makes a child in Nigeria far less
tions are, at the institutional level, e-resilient, irrespective of their indi-
less well prepared for a move to vidual skills and intellectual capacity.

6 Policy Brief

Even if materials are pro-

vided well, and students
are able to review them well, actual
through the e-resilience of institu-
tions, teachers, students, and house-
hold coping strategies) has on actual
learning remains a different thing learning.
altogether. Teacher capacity to guide
the learning, availability of study Acknowledgements
materials, and study space at home
to spend sufficient study time are I thank the participants of the webi-
necessary elements. But as we are nar series organised by UNESCAP
still in a crisis situation, additional on “Building Digital Resilience to
stressors such as fear, loneliness, job Support COVID-19 Pandemic
insecurity of household members or Response and Recovery“ organized
illness or death of close relatives may 14-16 April 2020, for their input
prevent people from learning. While in this discussion. I also thank Jule
those elements may be less related Meyer for her assistance compiling
to e-resilience, they are certainly Figure 1.
connected to the shock. It remains
to be seen therefore to what extent
the impact of the shock (mediated


Bezuidenhout, Louise M. et al, (2017), Beyond the digital divide: Towards a situated approach to open
Science and Public Policy, Volume 44, Issue 4, August 2017, Pages 464–475, https://doi.
Geri, Nitza et al (2017), “Challenging the six-minute myth of online video lectures: Can interactivity
expand the attention span of learners?”, Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management Volume 5,
2017: Issue 1,
Laar, van de Mindel, (2020), Teaching online: A steep learning curve with some success – but missing
the personal passion, UNU-MERIT Blog series,
Marotta, Julieta (2020), On the virtual frontline, UNU-MERIT Blog series https://www.merit.
Okuda and Karazhanova (2020), Digital Resilience Against COVID-19, https://www.unescap.
about, taken on 23 July 2020.
Park, J.-H., & Choi, H. J. (2009). Factors Influencing Adult Learners’ Decision to Drop Out or Persist
in Online Learning. Educational Technology & Society, 12 (4), 207–217.
Wang, Ming-Te and Rebecca Holcombe (2010), “Adolescents’ Perceptions of School Environment,
Engagement, and Academic Achievement in Middle School”. American Educational Research Journal,
Vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 633–662 DOI: 10.3102/0002831209361209 2010 AERA.

E-resilience in education: A conceptual framework 7


Policy Brief
The United Nations University – Maastricht Economic and Social
E-resilience in
Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT) is
a research and training institute of United Nations University based
education: A
in Maastricht in the south of the Netherlands. The institute, which
collaborates closely with Maastricht University, carries out research and
conceptual framework
training on a range of social, political and economic factors that drive In response to a shock, it
economic development in a global perspective. Overall the institute
functions as a unique research centre and graduate school for around
is essential to consider the
100 PhD fellows and 140 Master’s students. It is also a UN think tank e-resilience of the integral
addressing a broad range of policy questions on science, innovation educational system to
and democratic governance.
understand the impact of
the shock on actual learning.

The Netherlands
6211 AX Maastricht
Boschstraat 24
Innovation and Technology
social Research institute on
Maastricht Economic and
Uniter Nations University -

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