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Room 228 celebrates success.

Our classroom philosophy and mantra is ​LISTEN,

LEARN, EXERT, RESPECT​. During the first week of class, we will talk extensively
about what this looks like in Mr. Kroll’s classroom. But, here are the basics:

LISTEN: ​This skill is incredibly ​important!​ Listen to the directions that are given.
Listen to others when they are speaking. Whenever Mr. Kroll says, ​“Ladies &
Gentlemen...” ​– it means that you should be focusing your attention on him so that
you can receive the instruction that you deserve.

LEARN: ​Education is the key to success in a society that continues to grow in

complexity. Remember that when entering room 228 – you are entering to learn. Be
prepared to learn – bring the tools (folder, writer's notebooks, assignments, texts and
writing utensils) needed to be successful in room 228. Active participation in any
English course is required. Please do not be DISRUPTIVE to the classroom learning

​EXERT: ​Success requires exertion. At times, exerting yourself is not easy. Mr. Kroll
can tell you plenty of stories where he had to exert himself to move forward in life.
Room 228 will always be a class at work – ​be prepared to put forth effort EVERY
day.​ ​Mr. Kroll has a NO OPT OUT policy meaning that you must participate always.

RESPECT: ​Everyone and everything in room 228 m ​ ust ​be respected. In a creative
classroom, it is important that a spirit of respect for others and an attitude of
cooperation is maintained. A positive atmosphere will allow each of us the maximum
amount of personal growth as well as academic growth. Swearing, rude language,
mockery, and other distasteful comments and behavior will NOT be allowed nor
tolerated at High School North. It is also important to remember that you should treat
district-owned materials and others’ materials with care. Please, just, respect one
another. This also means wearing a face mask correctly at all times as well as
maintaining social distancing.

My classroom expectations mirror those of High School North ​PRIDE – ​Perseverance,

Respect, Integrity, Dedication, Excellence.

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