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Tribes 'Great Start' Program

What is it?
This program was devised to assist in the building of connections between students and
staff, students and their peers, and between members of staff; establishing boundaries
and behavioural expectations; building'lnclusion for all; and valuing diversity in an
atmosphere of respect and teamwork. lt has been used in several schools and feedback
has been extremely positive from both teachers and students alike.

The Tribes'Great Start' Program aims to instil and develop school and DET values in all
members of the school community. lt is designed to assist teachers and support staff to
create common classroom cultures, and thus a whole school culture, which will support
student and staff wellbeing. lt incorporates common language and strategies that can be
used by all to develop a school culture of mutual respect, cooperative and collaborative
teaching & learning.

Modified from the Nelson Park School 'Starting Right' Program, this Tribes'Great Start'
Program uses strategies from TRIBES TLC. lt has been designed to be used intensively
during the first days of the school year. However, it is hoped that all staff and students will
continue to work together to ensure our school continues to be a dynamic and positive
learning community dedicated to:
o Caring and support
o Active participation
. Positive expectations for all

The 'Quality rn Schoo/s Project' found that good teachers have:-

. lnvested time in establishing classroom culture
o Esfablrshed processes rn their room
o Esfab/ished forums fo raise and address issues
o Promoted high levels of student responsibility for their own learning and behaviour
o Esfablished and articulated classroom principles and values
o Clear purpose within their classroom
o High levels of student ownership
o Cooperativeclassrooms

With these findings in mind, the following program has been developed using the
principles and strategies from the Tribes Learning Community Process.

Developed by Coleen Davidge, NT Tribes Trainer

What does it look like?
This program contains five elements.
1. Looking At Me
2. Our Room
3. Learning Together
4. Switching On To Learning
5. Reflection
. To get your room humming along for the rest of the year
o For students and staff to share their gifts/qualities and learn about others
. For students to learn about what keeps them a switched on learner
. To ensure that 'reflection' becomes a part of our daily teaching and learning

Please note: the following program is designed to be a guideline only. Teachers are
free to make changes and alterations that best suits the needs of their students and
the student's abilities.
lf you need any assistance or clarification on any of the activities, strategies or
energisers please see Goleen or Donna, who are NT Tribes Trainers, or any of the
Tribes trained staff members.

All members of the class (Teachers, SSPs, students and ctassroom visitors) are
encouraged to participate in the following strategies. Always model your
expectations before asking others to undertake an activity and allow the 'right to
pass' if students feel shy, embarrassed or intimidated by the group situation. The
strategies and energisers can be found in the Tribes TLC 'A New Way of Learning
and Being Together' or the 'Tribes Learning Communities' books which are Iocated
in the Iibrary, Michele's office and Coleen's room. The page numbers given are for the
Tribes TLC 'A New Way of Learning and Being Together' edition. lf you use the Tribes
Learning Communities edition, you will need to look up the strategies in the alphabetical

'Trust the Process'and have fun, Coleen.

Developed by Coleen Davidge, NT Tribes Trainer

Day One Activities/strate g ies

Focus Mutua! Respect

To affirm the value and uniqueness of each person.
To recognise and appreciate individual differences.
To offer feedback that encourages growth.

Start Up Welcome. lntroductions for new class members and staff.

lnclusion Check out new room. Lay out, places for personal property, seating
arrangements etc

Looking at Me Who am I?
Bubble Names. See attached example.
Have everyone draw their name in large bubble writing on A3 paper.
Assist or pre prepare children's names if necessary.
Ask everyone to think of the things that are important to them eg.
family, friends, pets, hobbies/interests, favourite foods, etc.
Model this first or show example.
Have all class members draw their'important' things in the different
letters of their name. Attach photos, pictures or real objects is
Colour and label if necessary.

Remind about Mutual Respect. What this means to the class members
Allow each person (students and staff alike) time to share their
drawings/information about themselves with the class.
Encourage careful listening and mutual respect.
Display Bubble Names in classroom.
and /or

My Name in Print. P.257 Follow lesson plan or adapt if necessary.

Always make time for oral Reflection at the end of each activity.
(Reflection Questions explained on Page 100 of Tribes Book, buy or make a pelican)
The following questions are suggestions only. Feelfree to make up
your own. eg.

Content - What did you learn by doing this activity?

Social - What social skills were you using during this activity? (turn
taking, listening, respect etc)
Personal - How did you feel telling others about your special

Our Room What makes a good classroom?

Discuss, then brainstorm ideas and list on a Y Ghart
What does a good classroom Iook !ike, sound like and feel like?
List and/or draw, use PECS pictures if applicable
Display and refer to regularly
Add to if necessary throughout term
Continue to set up room. Begin to label lockers, books, drawers, etc
Organise space and set up room. lnvite Student input into layout.

Developed by Coleen Davidge, NT Tribes Trainer

Learning Introduce the Community Circle and the 'Talking Stick'.
Together A 'Talking Stick' can be almost anything eg. a magic wand, a soft toy,
a shell, an interesting stick. lt is passed from person to person around
the circle. Only the person holding the stick is allowed to speak. lt
helps identify the speaker and gives him/her something to focus on if
shy in community circle situation.
Remember to always allow the Right to Pass then come back to those
who have passed and offer second chance. Don't rush.
Discuss the need for Mutual Respect.
Suggested sentence starters..."My name is..." "On the holidays 1..."
"Today lfeel..."
Other suggestions on P. 219.
Use PECS cards and sentences strips if needed.

Switching on to Water - Why do we need it?

Learning Discuss importance of keeping hydrated. Benefits to learning and
Complete a PMI Chart (Pluses, Minus, lssues) for Water and for Soft
Drinks. Use words, drawings, mag' pictures and/or photos.
Encourage students to take sips of water throughout the day.

Reflection Finish each day with a Reflection Gircle. Use a selection of content,
Time personal and social skill based questions. P.100

Record some of the responses for student assessment purposes.

Content - What did you learn about a classmate today?

Social -What social skills did we use today?
Personal -How are you feeling after your first day at school?

Day Two Activities/strategies

Focus Appreciations / No Put Downs

To treat others kindly, to state appreciations for unique qualities, gifts,
skills and contributions.
To avoid negative remarks, name calling, hurtful gestures and

Start Up Commence each day with a Community Gircle.P.21g

lnclusion Discuss Appreciations. How can we appreciate others? eg. a smile, a
verbal statement, a thank you, a card, award or a sticker. lncluding
others in our games and conversations. valuing their skills, talents and

Do energiser Name Wave P 395. Staff to model first.

Encourage participation but allow Right to Pass.
Model and encourage use of Appreciations for actions. eg "Colin, I

liked it when you..."

Teach students how to accept an appreciation.

Developed by Coleen Davidge, NT Tribes Trainer

Looking at Me What makes me special?
T Shirt Outlines. P.264.
Follow strategy guidelines or adapt as necessary.
Display finished T-shirts
Begin to create a Personal Profile
Use digital camera, writing, drawings etc to create a page about
yourself. This may include name, age, likes, dislikes, favourite things,
activities, sports, etc. This could be an ongoing activity or just one
page. Laminate and make into a class book.

Additional Strategy. "l'm Proud..." Appreciation Circle. P.274

Design a poster "l'm Colin, I'm good at..." Have students write, draw or
use too say what they are good at eg. dancing, singing, bike riding,
maths, cooking, looking after my little brother etc

Our Room What do we need to do to make our classroom a great place for
everyone to learn and be happy?
Discuss and brainstorm suggestions accept all ideas
Record suggestions
Group similar ideas and suggestions until you can narrow the 'rules'
down to 4 simple headings...the Tribes Agreements of:-
Respect, Attentive Listening, Appreciations and the Right to
Colour, laminate and display the Tribes Agreements posters
(attached) or create your own. Refer to them often.

Learning What is teamwork?

Together Discuss teamwork and benefits of cooperative learning. P.4B
Working together, helping, supporting, sharing, encouraging etc.
List all the teams you know. Are you part of a team? Swim team,
soccer team, Dukes, the class team, etc.

Strategy - Alligator (Croc) Attack P.3BB

Strategy - Appreciating Others P.269
Follow guidelines or adapt as necessary.

Switching on to Brain Food - What is it and what does it do for you?

Learning Discuss Brain Food.
Find pictures in magazines and create a Brain Food poster.
Make and sample some yummy Brain Foods eg. nuts, dried fruit,
cheese bits, crackers, fruit pieces, carrot sticks etc
You may wish to encourage students to have healthy nibbles
throughout the day during class time

Reflection Time Finish each day with a reflection circle

Content - What did you learn about Brain Food today?
Socia! - How well did we/the class work together today?
Personal - What was the best part of your day? How do you feel
when you receive statements of appreciation?

Developed by Coleen Davidge, NT Tribes Trainer

Day Three Acti vi ti es/strate g i es

Focus Attentive Listening

To pay close attention to one's expression of ideas, opinions and
feelings; to check for understanding; and to let others know they are
being heard.

Start Up Commence each day with a Community Circle. P.219

Discuss Attentive Listening - listen with your ears, eyes and your heart
Select a sentence starter eg. "Today I feel...", "l feel happy when..." "l
feel sad when..." "l feel scared when...". Use a talking stick.
Encourage and model Attentive Listening.

Looking at Me How do lfeel today?

Discuss feelings. What makes us feel happy, sad, angry, frightened?
lntroduce Five Tribles P. 249.
Use small 44 Tribles sheet for each person or, alternatively, make
large individual Tribles for use in the classroom.
Have students select the Trible that demonstrates how they feel.
Note: Do not give Tribles'feelings' but allow individuals to state what
they see in the Trible's expression. Different people will see different
Model strategy and allow Right to Pass.
Model and encourage Attentive Listening at all times.
Have students colour an individual Trible strip for their desk. Contact
this to desk for future use.
You may like to make Tribles Chart for inside of class door. Make
individual name cards and/or photo cards. Encourage students and
staff to place their name/photo on the appropriate feeling each time
they enter the room. Remember to make name/photo cards for all
regular visitors to your room eg release teacher, senior staff etc so
they can participate also.

What feelings do I have? P.226

Our Room What are the Henbury School Values?

Discuss the school values. Unpack meaning of each value.
How do they fit with classroom rules and Tribes Agreements.

Make a Values Poster for your room. Each student to contribute by

drawing, writing, colouring, cutting and pasting etc

Learning What do we do to work in a team successfully?

Together Discuss. List eg listen to others, share ideas and resources, help each
Strategy - Teaching ListeningP.2Sl and/or Two on a Crayon

Switching on to Music - How does it make you feel?

Learning Listen to different pieces of music. Discuss how each piece of music
makes you feel. Move to the music.
Draw a picture/design while listening to music. Let the music guide
your strokes. Try a variety of types of music. Label and displav.

Developed by Coleen Davidge, NT Tribes Trainer 6

Reflection I Finish each day with a reflection circle.
Time I Record some of the responses for qtudent assessment purposes.

Content - What did you learn about Attentive Listening/exercise/ etc?

Social - How do you show Attentive Listening?
Personal -How do you feelwhen others listen to you/don't listen to

Day Four Activities/strateg ies

Focus Participation and The Right to Pass

To have the right to choose when and to what extent one will
participate in a group activity; to observe quietly if not participation
actively; and to choose whether to offer observations later to the group
when asked to do so.
Students may choose to pass on a group activity but must remain safe
at all times.

Start Up Commence each daywith a Community Circle.P.219

Discuss The Right to Pass with a focus on the need to stay safe.
Do Energiser'This is a Scarf'. (See Coleen or Tribes Trained staff
member if you are unsure of this activity or need to borrow a scarf.)
Staff to model first. Allow Right to Pass. Note: Always return to those
who have passed at the end of the activity and offer a second chance
to participate. (Some students will want to participate but may not be
ready when their first turn arrives.)

Looking at Me Who's in our classroom?

Tribe (Class) Portrait P.338
Using personal portraits (or digital photos if necessary) create a
classroom welcome poster for class door.
lnclude everyone's first name. Don't forget to include all staff. O

Our Room What will we Learn?

What do you want to learn about at school?
List. eg. reading, dance, maths, cooking, writing, swimming, etc. Have
children and staff vote on the ones they enjoy/don't enjoy
Strategy - Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down P.321. Follow guidelines,
remind of Agreements, model, allow Right to Pass.
collaboratively draw up your weekly timetable to allow student input
and ownership. What will your week look like?

Learning What skills do other classmates / staff have? How can they help
Together me?
People Hunt P. 280

Switching on to Exercise - Why is it good for you?

Learning Brainstorm different types of exercise. Remember the fun stuff. You
may not like running but, bike riding and swimming might be fun!
Discuss exercise, ways to exercise alone and in teams, non
competitive games and other forms of exercise.

Developed by Coleen Davidge, NT Tribes Trainer

Reinforce Agreements.
Compile a list of words / drawings / photos / pictures. Plan which ones
your class will try out this term. Plan to do a little exercise daily
Game- Duck Duck Goose or Fruit Salad

Reflection Finish each day with a reflection circle.

Time Record some of the responses for student assessment purposes

Gontent - What did you learn today?

Social - Why is it important to allow others to Pass?
Personal - How do you feel about the Right to Pass?

Day Five Activities/strate g ies

Focus Revisit Tribes Agreements

Start Up Begin each day with a Gommunity Circle and class meeting
Energiser to practise Agreements

Focus Revisit Tribes Agreements. Discuss each.

Practice by doing energiser - Three Ball Pass P.389

Looking at Me Who's in my family?

Discuss, draw family portrait, share with class
Label and display

Our Room What's my job?

Routines and responsibilities
List all the class jobs that need to be done. Students nominate which
job they will be responsible for.
Design and display a class job list.

Learning What makes a good teacher? What makes a good student?

Together Discuss qualities. List. Relate to Tribes Agreements and School
Do role plays and make Y charts...looks like, sounds like, feels like

Switching on to How do we switch on the brain?

Learning lntroduce Brain Gym
Discuss benefits of these exercises.
Teach Lazy B's and hook ups
Energiser - Da Da Da Dum (see Coleen for words and actions)

Reflection Time Finish each day with a reflection circle.

Gontent - ?
Social - ?
Persona! - ?

Developed by Coleen Davidge, NT Tribes Trainer 8

Day Six Acti vities/strate g ies

Start Up Begin each day with a Community Circle

Focus Revisit Tribes Agreements.

Looking at Me What Am I Good At?

ldentify skills. Create a Class Yellow Pages Poster of class experts.
Have students trace around their hands then think of two things they
are good at. E. drawing, cooking, helping, writing, caring for others,
singing, computer skills etc.
Use student photos and write on cut out hands eg. "l'm Colin. l'm good
at drawing." "l'm Sue. l'm good on the computer." Create a poster with
the title l'm Here To Lend You A Hand!

Our Room How do we learn? - Glass Practices

Brainstorming, Y Charts, Modelling, Group Negotiated Writing, Shared
Reading, Peer Support, Practical Activities, Think Pair Share, etc

Think Pair Share Q. What do you like about Henbury School?

Think about this question
Pair up with a classmate and discuss your answers.
Share your thoughts with the class

Group Negotiated Writing As a whole group write a letter to Senior

Staff inviting them to visit your classroom.
Deliver letter to office

Learning What makes a group work well?

Together Revisit Agreements. Practise while playing energiser. Wibble Wobble.
(see Garry, Debbie W or Deb H)
Discuss the different qualities each class member brings to the group.
Refer to the Class Yellow Pages

Switching on to What are switch ons? Music, smells, exercise, lighting, colour,
Learning texture
Revisit Week One's learning.
Remind students of the need for Water, Brain Food and Exercise.

Discuss how music, colours, smells and lighting can effect our mood
and ability to work well.
Experiment with different lighting, colours
Burn some essential oils or place a room scent in the room
Create a 'quiet space' for those who need it, allow students to hold
different textures
Play music
Continue to encourage healthy nibbles and water throughout the day

Reflection Finish each day with a reflection circle

Developed by Coleen Davidge, NT Tribes Trainer I

Day Seven Activities/strate g ies

lnclusion Begin each day with a Community Circle

Focus Revisit Tribes Agreements

Looking at Me How do I learn? Reaching students who learn in different ways P. 63.
Multiple lntelligences P.64..
Discuss how we all learn in different ways.
Complete student checklist to identify each students preferred learning
style. See Coleen for checklist.
Provide opportu n ities for d ifferent lea rn ng experiences

Our Room What's the good news?

Create a Good News Board
Keep a space in the room for appreciations, cares, concerns,
compliments and celebrations.

Learning How will we remember our learning journey?

Together Start a Class Year Book to record class activities, special school
events, personal learning and achievements. Paste in some work from
this first two weeks.
ldentify individual goals and record.
Tribes Strategy - Dream Quilt P. 353

Switching on to Switch Ons - Who likes tactile experiences?

Learning Allow students to experiment with a variety of tactile mediums. eg. play
dough, slime, finger paint, slinkies, pieces of fur, feathers etc

Reflection Finish each day with a reflection circle

Content -?
Social- ?
Personal ?

Day Eight Activities/strate g ies

Start Up Begin each day with a Community Circle

Focus Revisit Tribes Agreements

Looking at Me Flower Power - building self esteem

Make a paper plate flower with student photo in centre. On each
coloured petal record a appreciation given by other students and staff
in the room.
Create a Flower Power Display. Read the appreciations to the
students often.

Our Room Personal Placemats

Students with staff support create Personal Placemats with drawings,
photos, positive comments, qualities, strengths, personal goals.
Laminate and use to define their desk space.

Developed by Coleen Davidge, NT Tribes Trainer 10

Staff need to refer to qualities and strengths often to help build self
esteem and sense of value in individuals.

Learning How do I make decisions? Discuss peer pressure and making

Together individual decisions.
Practise making your own decisions by doing Tribes strategy - Put
Yourself on the Line. P.322

Reflect on your choices.

Discuss need to make good choices and stay safe.

Switching on to Switch Ons - Lets do Brain Gym.

Learning lntroduce some more of the Brain Gym switch on exercises. Find a
little time to practices these each day before starting work. Continue
throughout the Term

Reflection Finish each day with a reflection circle.

Content -
Personal -

The following week complete any unfished work, revisit what you have established and to
have everyone reflect on the start to the school yearl Great Start program and plan for
what comes next.

. How are students feeling about their new classroom and class mates?
. How are they feeling about themselves and their role within the class?
o What have they learnt about classroom expectations, boundaries and agreements?

Developed by Coleen Davidge, NT Tribes Trainer 11

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