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DRUG STUDY: NCM 106 PHARMACOLOGY Instructor: _______________________________________ Date: ________________________

NAME: ____________________________________________________________ BLOCK and Year:___________________________Group: ______________________________


Inhibits viral DNA  Acute treatment of Hypersensitivity to drug or  CNS: aggressive Patient monitoring
polymerase, thereby herpes zoster valacyclovir behavior, dizziness, -Monitor fluid intake and
Generic Name: inhibiting replication of viral (shingles) malaise, weakness, output.
Acyclovir DNA. Specific for herpes  Initial episode of paresthesia, headache; -Assess for signs and
simplex types 1 (HSV-1) and genital Herpes with I.V. use— symptoms of encephalopathy.
2 (HSV-2), varicella- zoster  Chronic suppressive encephalopathic -Evaluate patient frequently
virus, Epstein-Barr virus, and therapy for recurrent changes (lethargy, for adverse reactions,
cytomegalovirus (CMV). genital herpes tremors, obtunda- tion, especially bleeding tendency.
episodes confusion, -Monitor CBC with white cell
Drug Classification:  Intermittent therapy hallucinations, agita- differential and kidney
Antiviral for recurrent genital tion, seizures, coma) function test results.
herpes episodes  CV: peripheral edema
 Management of initial  EENT: vision Patient teaching
episodes of genital abnormalities -Instruct patient to keep
herpes and limited,  GI: nausea, vomiting, taking drug exactly as
non-life threatening diarrhea prescribed, even after
mucocutaneous  GU: proteinuria, symptoms improve.
Available Dosage: herpes simplex virus hematuria, crystal- -Advice patient to drink
 Capsules: 200 mg infections ilmmuno- luria, vaginitis, enough fluids to ensure
 Cream: 5%in 2-g tube compromised patients candidiasis, changes in adequate urinary output.
 Injection: 50 mg/ml  Treatment of menses, vulvitis, -Tell patient to monitor urine
 Ointment: 5% in 15-g recurrent herpes oliguria, renal pain, output and report significant
tube labials (cold sores) renal failure, changes. > Instruct patient to
 Powder for injection: glomerulonephritis immediately report unusual
 Varicella
500 mg/vial, 1000  Hematologic: anemia, bleeding or bruising.
mg/vial lymphadenopa- thy, - Caution patient to avoid
 Mucosal and
 Suspension: 200 mg/5 thrombocytopenia, driving and other hazardous
cutaneous HSV-1 and
ml thrombotic activities until he knows how
HSV-2 in immuno-
drug affects concentration
 Tablets: 400mg, 800 compromised patients thrombocytopenic
purpura/hemolytic and alertness.
mg  Herpes simplex
uremic syndrome (in -Advice patient to minimize
encephalitis GI upset by eating small,
 Varicella zoster immunocom- promised
patients), disseminated frequent servings of food and
infections in immuno- drinking plenty of fluids.
compromised patients intravascular
coagulation, hemolysis, -Tell patient to use soft
leukopenia, toothbrush and electric razor
leukoclastic vasculitis to avoid injury to gums and
Hepatic: jaundice, skin.
hepatitis -Advise patient to avoid
 Musculoskeletal: sexual intercourse when
myalgia visible herpes lesions are
 Skin: photosensitivity present.
rash, pruritus, -Inform patient that he may
angioedema, alopecia, need to undergo regular blood
urticaria, severe local testing during therapy.
inflammatory reactions -As appropriate, review all
(with I.V. other significant and life-
extravasation), toxic threatening adverse reactions
epidermal necrolysis, and interactions, especially
erythema multiforme those related to the drugs and
 Other: gingival tests mentioned above.
hyperplasia, fever,
excessive thirst, pain at
injection site,
anaphylaxis, Stevens-
Johnson syndrome

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