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Physiological Strength

The Second Layer of Strength takes us deeper into the the body. Beyond the function of
muscles and bones lies the function of our internal organs. These provide the essential
functions of nutrition and waste elimination, functions that are profoundly influenced by the
production and regulation of hormones.
It’s so blatantly obvious that most of us miss it, but at it’s most simplistic -- we are what we eat.
Eat good, quality food in accordance with your metabolic type and you will have the makings for
a good, quality body capable of taking you anywhere you want to go. Eat like shit and well, you
get the picture.
Only most of us don’t. Modern life is stressful, not in the old way where you’re worried that a
tiger’s gonna jump out and eat you, or the farm’s going to fail and you’re all going to starve, but
in tiny annoying little ways that build up into huge problems.
It’s the proverbial “death of a thousand cuts.” No one stressor seems in and of itself such a big
deal, but when they all add up you’re wiped and have no idea why.
In order to mitigate this constant hum of stress we take short cuts. We think in the short term
that we’re doing ourselves a favor, but the long term effects often far outweigh the short term
Does your day look something like this?
You stayed up late the night before. Your day at work or school felt longer than it should have
been and you needed a few hours to unwind before going to sleep. So, you drank a few beers
and watched an action flick on TV or played video games, just trying to “knock the edge off” of
your day.
You got in bed sometime after 1 AM. The next morning you pulled yourself out of bed, less than
an hour before your first appointment. Still groggy you rush through your morning, gulping
coffee and slamming a quick breakfast, if you even get one at all.
Your morning is full of classes or appointments and all the minutiae that comes with navigating
from one event to the next. Lunch is squeezed in between appointments

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