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Tractor: Trailer:
Location SP SDP Location SP SDP
Body: 40 67 Body: 50 90
Engine: ** 133 Tires: 10 10
Glass: 20 n/a
Tires: 10 10

Tires and Motive Gear: When sustain 1/2 of their total SDP, top speed is halved and -3 to maneuver.
Engine is 2/3 SDP. When sustain 1/2 of it's total SDP, top speed is halved ,-1 to manuever, and 1 in 10 chance of fuel explosion (re-roll every time engine takes damage)
When sustain 100% of engine SDP, vehicle immobilized.
Body is remaining 1/3 of Vehicle SDP. Any non-engine hit has 1 in 6 chance to hit structural portion and damage SDP.
Tires are 4 SP and 2 SDP (versus pierce/slash. Bludgeon SP is 24.) Attacks that cause 1 pt of damage will deflate tire in 1D10 min.
Glass is 5 SP and 10 SDP

D10 Civillian Ground Vehicle Location Tire / Wheel Loss Modifiers

1 Tire/tracks 2 Wheels (bicycle/motorcycle) -8
.2-.3 Engine 3 Wheels (trike, 3-wheeled city car) -6
.4-.6 Driver, crew, or passenger 4 Wheels (car, truck, van) -4
.7-9 Vehicle Body 6+ Wheels -2
10 Cargo If wheel hit is a maneuver wheel (usually front) add an additional -3
If wheel hit is a redundant wheel, divide modifier by 1/2
Modifiers stack for multiple wheel hits

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