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US 20040141993A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. N0.: US 2004/0141993 A1
Wang (43) Pub. Date: Jul. 22, 2004

(54) SYNTHETIC PEPTIDE COMPOSITION AS Publication Classi?cation

URINARY TRACT INFECTION (51) Im. c1? ...................... .. A61K 39/00; c071< 14/705
(52) US. Cl. ....................................... ..424/1s5.1;530/395
(76) Inventor: Chang Yi Wang, Cold Spring Harbor,
Correspondence Address:
345 Park Avenue The invention provides a peptide immunogen comprising a
New York, NY 10154-0053 (US) FAFSD target peptide or an anlogue thereof, covalently
linked to a helper T cell epitope and optionally to an invasin
(21) Appl. No.: 10/789,619 immunostimulatory domain. The present invention also pro
vides for the use of such peptide immunogens to elicit the
(22) Filed: Feb. 27, 2004
production in mammals of high titer polyclonal antibodies,
Related US. Application Data Which are speci?c to the FAFSD target peptide. The peptide
immunogens are expected to be useful in evoking antibodies
(62) Division of application No. 09/747,802, ?led on Dec. that prevent the adherence of E. coli and other enterobacteria
22, 2000. to the mucosa for protection against urinary tract infection.
Patent Application Publication Jul. 22, 2004 US 2004/0141993 A1












Figure 1
US 2004/0141993 A1 Jul. 22, 2004

SYNTHETIC PEPTIDE COMPOSITION AS uropathogenic E. coli isolates express mannose-binding type

IMMUNOGENS FOR PREVENTION OF URINARY 1 ?mbriae (Johnson, Clin Microbiol Rev, 1991; 4:80).
[0005] Speci?cally, a cluster of eight to nine closely
FIELD OF THE INVENTION associated genes located in the bacterial chromosome are
responsible for the biogenesis assembly and function of type
[0001] This invention relates to peptide compositions that 1 ?mbriae (Klemm & Christiansen, Mol Gen Genet, 1987;
are useful as immunogens for the prevention of urinary tract 2081439-445). Each type 1 ?mbrial ?lament is 1-2 am long
infection. The peptide immunogen of the present invention With a diameter of 7 nm. It is a heteropolymer comprising a
comprises a FimH Adhesin Functional Site-Derived major subunit FimA and three minor subunits FimF, FimG,
(FAFSD) target peptide and a helper T cell epitope (Th) and FimH. The FimA subunits constitute >95% of the total
having multiple class II MHC binding motifs. Optionally, ?mbrial proteins and are arranged in a tight right-handed
the immunogenic peptide further comprises an invasin helix forming a central axial hole (Klemm & Christiansen,
domain, Which acts as a general immune stimulator. The 1987; Johnson, 1991).
helper T cell epitope and the invasin domain enable the host
to generate an immune response speci?c against the FAFSD [0006] More speci?cally, type 1 ?mbriae has, as a minor
target peptide to prevent the adherence of Escherichia coli component, the mannose-binding FimH adhesin Which is
and other enterobacteria to the bladder mucosa and confer serologically conserved throughout the Enterobacteriaceae
protection against urinary tract infection. genera (Abraham et al, Nature, 1988; 3361682). Immune
electron microscopy has revealed FimH to be placed stra
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION tegically at the distal ?mbrial tips and along the ?mbriae at
various intervals (Abraham et al, J Bacteriol, 1987;
[0002] Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most 16915530). The FimH molecules that are localiZed at the
common disorders in Women and children, resulting in 7-8 ?mbrial tips appear to be complexed With FimG in a ?exible
million physician and hospital visits per year at a cost of ?brillum structure (Jones et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,
over $1 billion. It is estimated that by age 30, roughly 50 1995; 9212081). The presence of FimH is important for
percent of Women have had at least one incidence of UTI initiating bacterial infections in the urinary tract (Langer
With 2-10 percent having recurrent UTI. Females are gen
erally more prone to UTI because of their anatomy. Recent
mann et al, Science, 1997; 2761607). The mannose-binding
domain of FimH is localiZed at the amino terminus region of
studies have shoWn that, on average, Women Who are 18-40
years old suffer 1-2 infections over a tWo year period. Older FimH (Jones et al, 1995). The mannose-binding site is
Women are at risk With the incidence being as high as 30%. believed to promote attachment of the bacteria to D-man
In most cases, UTI is not life threatening. Standard antibi nose-containing receptors on the host mucosa cells. In fact,
otics usually offer quick relief, but When left untreated, the antibodies speci?c to residues of the amino terminus region
chronic recurrence of urinary tract infection can cause of FimH inhibited attachment by type 1 ?mbriated E. coli to
kidney damage and even death. Avaccine Would reduce this human buccal cells and to the mouse bladder epithelium
toll but there has been little success in the development of a (Abraham et al, 1987; Thankavel et al, J Clin Invest, 1997;
practicable vaccine for UTI (Service, Science 1997, 10011123). This indicates involvement of the mannose
2761533). binding domain of FimH in the adherence of ?mbriae as a
potential virulence determinant.
[0003] Earlier attempts to produce a UTI vaccine using
Whole ?mbriae Were not successful in protecting against a [0007] In light of the role played by FimH in promoting
broad range of disease-causing bacteria. Intact Whole ?m the adherence of E. coli, a more detailed structure-function
briae do not elicit a strong antibody response to FimH study Was conducted to map the functionally important
adhesin. (Hanson and Brinton, Nature 1988, 3321265; domains Within the FimH molecule. FimH is folded into tWo
Johnson, 1991; US. Pat. No. 4,454,117, Langermann et al, domains belonging to the all-beta class connected by a short
1997). Vaccines comprising peptides of the major ?mbrial linker. The full sequence of the FimH molecule is shoWn in
protein FimA have been reported (Schmidt et al, J Exp Med, FIG. 1. The NHZ-terminal mannose-binding lectin domain
1985; 1611705; US. Pat. No. 4,740,585). HoWever, antibod comprises residues 1 to 156, and the COOH-terminal ?m
ies raised against FimA are not anti-adhesive and do not
briae domain, Which anchors the adhesin to the ?mbriae,
block attachment. Furthermore, vaccines based on the major
comprises residues 160 to 279. The lectin domain of FimH
components of the ?mbriae contain variable sites and are
expected to provide a narroW type-speci?c protection (Abra is an 11-stranded elongated [3 barrel With a jellyroll-like
topology. A pocket capable of accommodating a mono
ham et al, 1988).
mannose unit is located at the tip of the domain, distal from
[0004] Certain strains of Escherichia coli c0li) are the the connection to the pilin domain (Choudhury et al, Sci
main cause of UTI. While many factors contribute to the ence, 1999; 28511061).
initiation and progression of UTI, it is Widely accepted that
attachment of bacteria to tissue in the urinary tract is a ?rst [0008] The identi?cation the tip adhesins of FimH, as a
step in the initiation of active infection. Anumber of studies key virulence factor provided a speci?c target for vaccine
have pointed to a role for “?mbriae” or “pilus” organelles, development. In contrast to the variability of the major
the long ?lamentous proteinaceous appendages on the sur ?mbrial protein, FimH is conserved throughout the genera
face of E. coli, as the primary means by Which the bacteria of the Enterobacteriaceae. This has implications for the
fasten onto urogenital tissue to establish an infection. Stud development of broadly protective vaccines against UTI
ies have shoWn that an overWhelming majority of the (Abraham et al, 1988).
US 2004/0141993 A1 Jul. 22, 2004

[0009] Recent vaccine development has been focused [0013] Well-designed promiscuous Th/B cell epitope chi
against the presumed FimH virulence determinant and have meric peptides capable of eliciting Th responses and result
been more successful. Antibodies Were raised in mice to tWo ant antibody responses in most members of a genetically
forms of FimH protein: 1) a complex containing the peri diverse population expressing diverse MHC haplotypes
plasmic chaperone FimC bound to full-length FimH protein, have been reported. Th epitopes termed “promiscuous Th”
and 2) a naturally occurring mannose-binding FimH truncate are knoWn to evoke ef?cient site-speci?c T cell help and can
corresponding to tWo-thirds of the FimH amino terminal impart immunogenicity to B cell epitopes that by themselves
blocked the ability of uropathogenic E. coli to bind to cells are poorly immunogenic. Such Th epitopic peptides react
of a human bladder epithelial cell line, and protected mice With helper T-cell receptors and the class II MHC molecules,
from infection in vivo (Langermann et al, 1997). In a more
in addition to antibody binding sites (Babbitt et al., Nature,
recent in vivo study, a vaccine based on the FimH-FimC
1985; 317:359) to stimulate a tightly focussed site-speci?c
chaperone complex immunogen protected cynomolgus antibody response to target B cell site. Promiscuous Th
monkeys from infection by an E. coli cystitis isolate
comprise speci?c sequences derived from potent immuno
(Langermann et al, J Infect Dis, 2000; 181:774).
gens including measles virus F protein and hepatitis B virus
[0010] Thankanel et al (1997) reported that a domain surface antigen. Many knoWn promiscuous Th (Table 1)
localiZed in the FimH adhesin of Escherichia coli Type 1
have been shoWn to be effective in potentiating a poorly
?mbriae is capable of receptor recognition. He further
immunogenic peptide corresponding to the decapeptide hor
reported the use of a domain speci?c antibody to confer
mone LHRH (US. Pat. No. 5,759,551).
protection against urinary tract infection. In that report, mice
actively immuniZed With sFimH1_25 peptide (see Table 3, [0014] Potent Th epitopes range in siZe from approxi
SEQ ID NO:2) exhibited signi?cantly loWer levels of bac mately 15-30 amino acid residues in length, often share
terial bladder coloniZation When challenged by type-1 ?m common structural features, and may contain speci?c land
briated E. coli. As expected from the conservation of FimH mark sequences. For example, a common feature is amphi
sequence among type 1-?mbriated bacteria, broad immuno pathic helices, Which are alpha-helical structures With
logical cross-reactivity Was reported for type-1 frimbriae. hydrophobic amino acid residues dominating one face of the
Antibodies generated against a peptide-carrier protein
helix and With charged and polar residues dominating the
immunogen Wherein the peptide is SEQ ID NO:2 displayed
surrounding faces (Cease et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA,
signi?cant cross-reactivity to type-1 frimbriated urinary
tract isolates Klebsiella pneumoniae Cl111, K. pneumoniae 1987; 84: 4249). Th epitopes frequently contain additional
primary amino acid patterns such as a Gly or charged residue
C1120, Enterobacter aerogenes, E. coli Cl115, E. coli C1116,
E. coli C1118, E. coli C1121, E. coli C1123, E. coli C1124, E. folloWed by tWo to three hydrophobic residues, folloWed in
coli C15, and Serratia marescens C1119 (Thankavel et al, j turn by a charged or polar residue. This pattern de?nes What
Clinlnvest, 1997, 100:1123) are called Rothbard sequences. Also, Th epitopes often obey
the 1, 4, 5, 8 rule, Where a positively charged residue is
[0011] HoWever, in Thankavel’s study, the FimH adhesin
peptides With built-in cysteine residues at both ends Were
folloWed by hydrophobic residues at the fourth, ?fth and
conjugated to carrier proteins such as KLH through inter eighth positions after the charged residue. Since all of these
molecular crosslinking. It is knoWn that carrier proteins are structures are composed of common hydrophobic, charged
too complex for use in driving antibody responses to site and polar amino acids, each structure can exist simulta
speci?c targets. The mass of the carrier molecule is much neously Within a single Th epitope (Partidos et al., J. Gen.
greater than that of the functionally important target peptide Viral, 1991; 72:1293). Most, if not all, of the promiscuous
site. Consequently, the major immune response is directed to T cell epitopes ?t at least one of the periodicities described
the carrier protein rather than to the target site of the peptide above.
immunogen. Moreover, immuniZation With hapten-carrier [0015] These features may be incorporated into the
conjugates frequently leads to carrier-induced immune sup designs of idealiZed arti?cial Th sites, including idealiZed
pression (SchutZe et al., J Immunol, 1985, 135:2319). combinatorial Th epitope libraries. For the design of com
[0012] Accordingly, a more suitable peptide-based is binatorial Th sites, lists of variable positions and preferred
needed. It Would be desirable to provide a synthetic Th amino acids are available for MHC-binding motifs (Meister
FAFSD peptide immunogen that generates a site-speci?c et al., Vaccine 1995; 131581); and a method for producing
immune response Without epitopic suppression by undesir combinatorial Th has been disclosed as structured synthetic
able T cell responses. The peptide-based FimH immunogen antigen library peptides (WO 95/11998). Thus, the 1,4,5,8
should provoke an early and strong immune response in rule can be applied together With combinatorial MHC
humans and animals to target FimH sites of functional binding motifs in the assignment of positions for the invari
importance for protective immunity Without the adverse ant and degenerate sites of a combinatorial Th site and for
carrier-induced immune suppression. The peptide-based the selection of residues for these sites, so as to vastly
FimH immunogen should also be stable and Well de?ned enlarge the range of immune responsiveness to an arti?cial
chemically With no need of elaborate doWnstream process Th. Examples of arti?cial idealiZed and idealiZed combina
ing for ease of manufacture and quality control to avoid the torial library Th are shoWn in Table 2. See US. Pat. No.
need of an elaborate production plant. 6,025,468 and WO 95/11998.
US 2004/0141993 A1 Jul. 22, 2004

immunological cross-reactivity to the authentic target. It is

TABLE 2 -continued knoWn that peptide immunogens generally do not to retain
a preferred structure. Therefore, it is important in designing
Artificial Idealized Th and Combinatorial a peptide target site to introduce structural constraints.
Library Idealized Artificial Th
HoWever, the imposed structural constraint must be able to
SEQ mimic the conformation of the targeted epitope so that
Th Identifier Amino Acid Sequence ID NO antibodies evoked Will be cross-reactivities to that site on the
authentic molecule (Moore, Chapter 2 in Synthetic Peptides
MVF Thl-8 ISISEIKGVIVHKIEGILF 46 A User’s guide, ed Grant, WH Freeman and Company: NeW
MT RT TRM TM 47 York, 1992, pp 63-67).
L L V 48
[0019] Peptide immunogens have been designed employ
MVF Thl-9 ISISEIKGVIVHKIEGILF 49 ing promiscuous Th epitopes, the invasin domain, and With
T RT TR T 50
imposed structural constraint for a peptide-based vaccine for
MVF Thl-lO ISLSEIKGVIVHKLEGMLF 51 HIV (US. Pat. No. 6,090,388).
I I I 54
[0020] The present invention relates to a synthetic peptide
MVF Thl-l2 ISISEIKGVIVHKIEGILF 55 immunogen capable of inducing antibodies against a FAFSD
target peptide for the prevention of the adherence of E. coli
MVF Thl-l3 ISITEIRTVIVTRIETILF 56 and other enterobacteria to the bladder mucosa to confer
protection against urinary tract infection. In particular, the
peptide immunogen of this invention comprises one or more
MVF Thl-l5 ISLTEIRTVIVTRLETVLF 58 Th epitopes linked to a FAFSD target peptide, selected from
the group consisting of SEQ ID NOS:3-8 and a crossreactive
b. HBsAg Th, Prototype and Derivatives or immunologically functional analog of the FAFSD target
HbSAg-Thl FFLLTRILTIPQSLD 59 peptide (Hereinafter referred to as “FAFSD peptide”).
Optionally, the peptide immunogen further comprises an
HbSAg-Thl-l KKKFFLLTRILTIPQSLD 6O invasin domain (SEQ ID NOz72) as a general immune
stimulator. These peptide immunogens of the present inven
tion are effective, capable of inducing antibodies against
SSAL2 Th2 KKKLFQTKLLTLPQSLD 62 FAFSD to prevent the adherence of E. coli and other
RRgIKg RII I L IR 63 enterobacteria to the bladder mucosa, thus conferring pro
VRH yv v I v 64 tection against urinary tract infection.
F E EF F v F 65
F 66 [0021] The peptide immunogen of this invention is rep
resented by one of the folloWing formula:






[0017] A generalized immunostimulatory element of a Wherein

domain of an invasin protein from the bacteria Yersinia spp
has been reported (Brett et al., Eur J Immunol, 1993, 23: [0023] each A is independently an amino acid or an
1608-1614). The immune stimulatory property of invasin invasin domain;
results from its capability to interact With the [31 integrin
molecules present on T cells, particularly activated immune [0024] each B is independently an amino acid or a
or memory T cells. The speci?c sequence for an invasin linking group chosen from the group consisting of an
domain found to interact With the [31 integrins has been amino acid, gly-gly, (0t, e-N)lys, Pro-Pro-Xaa-Pro
described by Brett et al (1993). Apreferred embodiment of Xaa-Pro (SEQ ID NO:73);
the invasin domain (Inv) for linkage to a promiscuous Th NHCH(X)CH2SCH2CO—,
epitope has been previously described in US. Pat. No. —NHCH(X)CH2SCH2CO(e-N)Lys-,
5,759,551 and is incorporated herein by reference. The said —NHCH(X)CHZS-succinimidyl(e-N)Lys-, and
Inv domain has the sequence: —NHCH(X)CH2S-(succinimidyl)-;
Thr-Ala-Lys-Ser-Lys-Lys—Phe-Pro-Ser-Tyr-Thr-Ala [0025] each Th comprise an amino acid sequence that
Thr-Tyr-Gln-Phe (SEQ ID NO:72).
constitutes a helper T cell epitope, or an immune
[0018] To be effective, a peptide immunogen must do enhancing analog or segment thereof;
more than merely evoke an anti-peptide response. An effec
tive peptide immunogen must also evoke a functional [0026] (FAFSD peptide) is a synthetic peptide B cell
immune response, i.e., the antibody produced must have target site antigen selected from the group consisting
US 2004/0141993 A1 Jul. 22, 2004

of SEQ ID NOS:3-8 or a cross-reactive and immu positions, V and G for valine and glycine. Residue 1 of
nologically functional analog thereof; FimH is residue 22 in the precursor protein (Choudbury et
al., Science, 1999, 28511061). Resides that line the cabohy
[0027] X is an ot-COOH or ot-CONH2 of an amino drate binding pocket are boXed. Abbreviations for the amino
acid; acid residues are as folloWs: A, Ala; C, Cys; D, Asp; E, Glu;
[0028] n is from 0 to about 10; F, Phe; G, Gly; H, His; I, Ile; K, Lys; L, Leu; M, Met; N,
Asn; P, Pro; Q, Gln; R, Arg; S, Ser; T, Thr; V, Val; W, Trp;
[0029] m is from 1 to about 4; and and Y, Tyr.
[0030] o is from 0 to about 10. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
[0031] Another aspect of this invention provides a vaccine INVENTION
comprising an immunologically effective amount of a pep [0037] According to the present invention a more suitable
tide composition in accordance With this invention and one peptide-based FimH immunogen, that provokes an early and
or more pharmaceutically acceptable carriers. The vaccine strong immune response in humans and animals to target
When administered at an appropriate dosage Will generate FimH sites of functional importance for protective immu
immunotherapeutic antibodies directed against the FAFSD nity, is provided.
peptide and prevent the adherence of E. coli and other
enterobacteria to the bladder mucosa to confer protection [0038] The peptide based immunogen is chemically
against urinary tract infection. de?ned and is capable of eliciting a high titer of polyclonal
antibodies speci?c for a FimH Adhesin Functional Site
[0032] A further aspect of the invention relates to a Derived (FAFSD) target peptide. This is in contrast to
method administering the vaccine composition to a mammal recombinant polypeptide based vaccines (Langerman et al,
for the prevention of the adherence of E. coli and other 1997; 2000) and peptide-carrier conjugate vaccines
enterobacteria to the bladder mucosa to confer protection
against urinary tract infection in a mammal.
(Thankanel et al, 1997). The peptide immunogen of the
present has the folloWing advantages: 1) a focused FAFSD
[0033] Generally, the synthetic immunogenic peptide, site-speci?c immunity together With 2) a broad protective
therefore, comprise about 20 to about 100 amino acids immunity, and 3) With less adverse side reactions than the
comprising the folloWing (1) a helper T cell (Th) epitope, (2) more complex polypeptide subunit vaccines and the carrier
a FAFSD peptide selected from the group consisting of SEQ conjugated vaccine. Moreover, because it is chemically Well
ID NOS: 3-8 and an immunologically effective analogue of de?ned it is easy and less costly to manufacture and to
thereof, (3) a spacer to separate the immunogenic domains, control or assure the quality of the product.
and optionally (4) an invasin domain (SEQ ID NO:72) as a [0039] The high level of site-speci?city of the Wholly
general immunostimulatory site. The Th and FAFSD peptide synthetic peptide immunogen of the present invention mini
of the peptide immunogen are separated by a spacer com miZes the generation of antibodies that are directed to
prising one or more amino acids. The optional invasin irrelevant sites present on more complex enterobacterial
domain may be inserted in any order into the peptide immunogens and peptide-carrier protein immunogens. The
provided that the immunoreactivity of the target peptide is immune response generated is focused against FAFSD B
substantially preserved or that immunoreactivity to the cell epitopes, and is site-speci?c for promiscuous Th sites so
FAFSD target peptide is generated. that undesirable T cell responses such as epitopic suppres
[0034] Most preferrably, the peptide immunogen com sion are avoided. It is shoWn beloW that the present inven
prises (1) combining a FAFSD peptide With a selected tion provides an. effective method for the prevention of the
promiscuous Th site to Which the majority of a population of adherence of E. coli and other enterobacteria to the bladder
a mammal are responsive; or (2) combining a FAFSD mucosa to confer protection against urinary tract infection.
peptide With an enlarged repertoire of Th through combina [0040] The peptide immunogens of the present invention
torial chemistry to accommodate the variable immune comprise siX optimiZed functional FAFSD target peptides
responsiveness of a population, and (3) the stabiliZation of that are involved in carbohydrate recognition Within the
a desirable conformational feature of FAFSD peptide by FimH molecule as the candidate “B cell target sites” for the
cyclic constraint. Such peptide immunogens are preferred development of a UTI vaccine (see Table 3, SEQ ID Nos:
for their ability to generate a speci?c response to the FAF SD
3-8). Each of the FAFSD target peptide (SEQ ID NOSz3-8,
peptide With a broadly reactive Th response shoWing that the Table 3) is a short linear or cycliZed peptide and is non
positioning of the epitopes and the cycliZation is optimiZed. immunogenic by itself. The FAFSD peptide sequences Were
[0035] It has been found that the peptide immunogen of selected to correspond to a surface-accessible site on the
the present invention, comprising a particular structural FimH that forms the carbohydrate-binding pocket. Cross
arrangement of a Th epitope alone or a Th epitope linked to reactive and functional immunological analogs of the
an invasin domain With a target B cell site FAFSD peptide, FAFSD peptides, SEQ ID NOSz3-8, may further comprise
Wherein the functional site Within the native structure of the conservative substitutions, additions, deletions, or insertions
FAFSD peptide is not disturbed, is effective in stimulating of from one to about four amino acid residues provided that
the production of antibodies as a vaccine against UTI. the peptide analogs are capable of eliciting immune
responses crossreactive With the FAFSD peptides.
[0041] The conservative substitutions, additions, and
[0036] FIG. 1 is the amino acid sequence of FimH of E. insertions may be With natural or non-natural amino acids as
coli. The end of the lectin domain and the start of the pilin de?ned hereinbeloW. Cross-reactive and functional analogs
domain are indicated by arroWheads over the amino acid also include modi?cations that preserve native-like confor
US 2004/0141993 A1 Jul. 22, 2004

mations. As shown in Table 3, FAFSD peptide sequences of the FAFSD peptide and are useful also as analogues
SEQ ID NOS14-8 are those modi?ed from the native thereof. Analogues of FAFSD peptides, therefore, also
sequence by inserting or substituting a cysteine to introduce includes such mimetopes.
and control cyclic constraint in the peptide to ensure cross
reactivity With a native site conformation. [0044] To ensure functional immunogenicity, the FAFSD
target peptide are designed With structural characteristics
[0042] Other exemplary analogs include CEDYPDTITC that closely resemble the conformation of the target site on
(SEQ ID NO:86) that has a conservative insertion betWeen the native molecule to ensure immunological cross-reactiv
positions 1 and 2 and a conservative substitution at position ity to the authentic target.

Optimized FimH Adhesin Functional Site Derived Peptides
(FAFSD Peptides)
SEQ ID NO. Amino acid sequence Description



SEQ ID N014 FASKTCNGTAIPIGGGSANCYVNLA aa 1-25, (c3 53?, (A6 c6)“, (v20 C20)5

SEQ ID NO:5 CASKTANGTAIPC (c)1 aa 2-12(c)2, (c3 53)3


SEQ ID N017 CNDYPETITDC (C)1 aa 46-54(C) 1'2

SEQ ID NO:8 CILRQTNNYNSDDFQFVC (c)1 aa 130-145(c)1'2

1cysteine added to natural sequence of C- and/or N-terminii

2peptide cyclized through cysteines
3substitution of cysteine by serine
4substitution of alanine by cysteine
5 substitution of valine by cysteine

5 relative to SEQ ID N016 and CNDYPETITDAC (SEQ ID [0045] Accordingly, cysteines have been added or substi
NO:87) that has a conservative insertion betWeen positions tuted to provide for a loop conformation or to control a loop
10 and 11 relative to SEQ ID NO:6. Cross-reactive and conformation in a FAFSD target peptide. The designed
functional analogs also includes peptides that have 1 to 5 cyclic constraints mimic the natural conformation of the
additional amino acids of the mannose binding domain of relevant FimH target site. In this manner a FAFSD peptide
FimH1 added to either terminus or in Which a looped is a functional antibody target site to generate antibodies
structure is substantially preserved. For example, With cross-reactivity for the corresponding natural func
TQIFCHNDYPETITDCYVDLA (SEQ ID NO: 88), is an tional site on FimH.
analog of SEQ ID NO:6. Suitable FAFSD target peptides of [0046] A crucial factor affecting the functional immuno
the invention also include homologous ?mbrial sequences genicity of a synthetic FAFSD peptide immunogen is its
taken from the corresponding region of serological variants presentation to the immune system by T helper cell epitopes
of type 1 ?mbriated uropathogenic bacteria. (Th). The peptide immunogen of the present invention
[0043] Further analogues of the FAFSD target peptides of employs promiscuous Th epitopes for immunostimulation.
the present invention may also be identi?ed by the use of Thus, the peptide immunogen of the present invention
random peptide libraries described and disclosed in Piec comprise a FAFSD peptide as a target for B cell interaction
Zenik, US. Pat. No. 5,866,363; Kauffman et al, US. Pat. No. combined With a Th peptide to promote T helper activity
5,723,323; and Blume et al, US. Pat. No. 6,010,861, incor [0047] Th epitopes useful in the present invention include
porated herein by reference. As described therein, a random those derived from foreign pathogens including but not
library may be constructed by random addition of nucle limited to those shoWn in Table 1. Further, Th epitopes
otides or the random polymeriZation of oligonucleotides. A include idealiZed arti?cial Th and idealiZed arti?cial com
random library of peptides, or polypeptides expressed from binatorial Th shoWn in Table 2 as SEQ ID NOSz30-71. See,
a random gene library is screened With each of the antibodies US. Pat. No. 6,025,468. The Th epitope may be modi?ed to
generated using the FAFSD peptides according to the include functional immunological analogs, such as immune
present invention. The peptides or polypeptides that bind to enhancing analogs, crossreactive analogs and segments
each of the antibodies to the FAFSD peptides are mimetopes thereof. Functional Th analogs include conservative substi
US 2004/0141993 A1 Jul. 22, 2004

tutions, additions, deletions and insertions of from one to attachment of the FimH adhesin molecule to bladder
about 10 amino acid residues of a speci?c Th epitope and mucosa, and protect against urinary tract infection by E. coli
any other modi?cation in accordance With the Rothbard 1, 4, and other enterobacteriae.
5, 8 rule, or MHC-binding motifs or any modi?cation that
does not essentially affect the Th-stimulating function of the [0053] The Th peptide is covalently attached, With a
spacer (e.g., Gly-Gly, e-N Lys), to either the N- or C-ter
Th epitope. A combinatorial Th library is produced simul
minus of the target FAF SD peptide. The peptide immunogen
taneously in a single solid-phase peptide synthesis in tandem of this invention is represented by one of the folloWing
With a FAFSD peptide and optionally With an invasin
domain peptide as described beloW.
[0048] Optionally, the peptide immunogen of the present or
invention further comprise, as a generalized immunostimu
latory element, a domain of an invasin protein from the
bacteria Yersinia spp (SEQ ID NOz72). Apreferred embodi or

ment of the invasin domain (Inv) for linkage to a promis

cuous Th epitope has been previously described in US. Pat. or
No. 5,759,551 and is incorporated herein by reference. The
Inv domain has the sequence:
Thr-Tyr-Gln-Phe (SEQ ID NO:72) [0055] each A is independently an amino acid or an
invasin domain;
[0049] or an immune stimulatory homologue thereof from
the corresponding region of an invasin protein in another [0056] each B is independently an amino acid or a
Yersinia species. Such homologues may contain substitu linking group chosen from the group consisting of an
tions, deletions or insertions of amino acid residues to amino acid, gly-gly, (0t, e-N)lys, Pro-Pro-Xaa-Pro
accommodate strain to strain variation, provided that the Xaa-Pro (SEQ ID NOz73);
homologues retain immune stimulatory properties. The NHCH(X)CH2SCH2CO—,
invasin domain (Inv) is attached through a spacer to the —NHCH(X)CH2SCH2CO(e-N)Lys-,
FAFSD peptide or the Th epitope peptide. —NHCH(X)CHZS-succinimidyl(e-N)Lys-, and
[0050] The short constrained FAFSD peptide With the
proper conformation may also be immunopotentiated by [0057] each Th comprise an amino acid sequence that
chemical coupling to a carrier protein, for eXample, keyhole constitutes a helper T cell epitope, or an immune
limpet hemocyanin (KLH), or by fusion through recombi enhancing analog or segment thereof;
nant DNA expression to a carrier polypeptide, for eXample, [0058] (FAFSD peptide) is a synthetic peptide B cell
the hepatitis B surface antigen. HoWever, as discussed target site antigen selected from the group consisting
above, the major problem of such “FAFSD peptide-carrier” of SEQ ID NOSz3-8 or a cross-reactive and immu
vaccine is that a large proportion of the antibodies generated nologically functional analog thereof;
are non-functional antibodies directed against the carrier
protein or polypeptide With a high potential for epitopic [0059] X is an ot-COOH or ot-CONH2 of an amino
suppression. Therefore, conjugation With a carrier protein is acid;
not preferred. [0060] n is from 0 to about 10;
[0051] The present invention provide FAFSD peptides [0061] m is from 1 to about 4; and
that are effective in generating antibodies that are cross
reactive With the native FAFSD target site With minimal [0062] o is from 0 to about 10.
generation of irrelevant antibodies. The FAFSD peptide is [0063] The peptide immunogen of the present invention
covalently linked to promiscuous Th epitopes to evoke comprises from about 20 to about 100 amino acid residues,
site-speci?c immunoreactivity. The antibodies generated preferably from about 25 to about 80 amino acid residues
prevent the adherence of E. coli to the bladder mucosa to and more preferably from about 25 to about 65 amino acid
confer protection against urinary tract infection. Because the residues.
sequence of the FimH protein is conserved throughout the
Enterobacteria genera, it is eXpected that the peptide immu [0064] When A is an amino acid, it is a non-naturally
nogens of the present invention Would be effective to prevent occurring or naturally occurring amino acid. Non-naturally
the adherence of other endobacteriae to the bladder mucosa occurring amino acids include, but are not limited to, e-N
to protect agains urinary tract infection of other endobacte lysine, [3-alanine, ornithine, norleucine, norvaline, hydrox
r1ae. yproline, thyroXine, y-amino butyric acid, homoserine, cit
rulline and the like. Naturally-occurring amino acids include
[0052] Speci?c eXamples are provided to illustrate the alanine, arginine, asparagine, aspartic acid, cysteine,
various embodiments of the present invention. HoWever, the glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine, histidine, isoleucine, leu
scope of the invention is not to be limited thereby. The cine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, proline, serine,
eXamples include covalently binding synthetic immuno threonine, tryptophan, tyrosine and valine. When m is greater
stimulatory elements to a FAFSD peptide such that potent than one, and tWo or more of A are amino acids, then each
FAFSD peptide-reactive antibodies are generated in a amino acid may independently be the same or different.
genetically diverse host population. The antibodies, in turn, WhenAis Inv, it is the immune stimulatory domain from the
are cross-reactive to FimH and lead to inhibition of the invasin protein of a Yersinia species (SEQ ID NO:72) or a
US 2004/0141993 A1 Jul. 22, 2004

homologue thereof. Preferably, (A)n includes a spacer, e.g., novel Th epitopes With enhanced immunopotency in a
Gly-Gly, e-N Lys, through Which the Inv domain is linked to broader population to provide an improved FAFSD immune
the peptide. In one preferred embodiment, (A)3 is Inv, response.
glycine and glycine, in that order, i.e. Inv-gly-gly. [0068] The peptide immunogens of this invention can be
[0065] B is an amino acid Which can be naturally occur made by chemical synthesis Well knoWn to an ordinarily
ring or non-naturally occurring amino acids as described skilled artisan. See, for example, Fields et al., Chapter 3 in
above. Each B is independently the same or different. B can Synthetic Peptides." A User’s Guide, ed. Grant, W. H. Free
provide a spacer, e.g., Gly-Gly, e-N Lys, betWeen the man & Co., NeW York, NY, 1992, p. 77. The peptide
immunogen can be synthesiZed using the automated Merri
promiscuous Th epitope and the FAFSD peptide. In addition
?eld techniques of solid phase synthesis With the ot-NH2
to physically separating the Th epitope from the B cell protected by either t-Boc or F-moc chemistry using side
epitope, i.e., the PAP SD, the presence of a spacer can disrupt chain protected amino acids on, for example, an Applied
any artifactual secondary structures created by the joining of Biosystems Peptide SynthesiZer Model 430A or 431. Prepa
the Th epitope With the FAFSD peptide. This eliminates any ration of peptide constructs comprising combinatorial
interference that may exist betWeen the Th and/or B cell library peptides for Th epitopes can be accomplished by
responses. B may also be in the form of a ?exible hinge providing a mixture of alternative amino acids for coupling
providing further separation of the Th and the FAFSD at a given variable position.
peptide. Examples of sequences encoding ?exible hinges are
found in the immunoglobulin heavy chain hinge region. [0069] After complete assembly of the desired peptide
Flexible hinge sequences are often proline rich. One par immunogen, the resin is treated according to standard pro
cedures to cleave the peptide from the resin and deblock the
ticularly useful ?exible hinge is provided by the sequence
functional groups on the amino acid side chains. The free
Pro-Pro-Xaa-Pro-Xaa-Pro (SEQ ID NO:73), Where Xaa is peptide is puri?ed by HPLC and characteriZed biochemi
any amino acid, preferably aspartic acid. The conforma cally, for example, by amino acid analysis or by sequencing.
tional separation provided by B permits more ef?cient Puri?cation and characteriZation methods for peptides are
interactions betWeen the presented peptide immunogen and Well knoWn to one of ordinary skill in the art.
the appropriate T cells and B cells providing enhanced
immune responses to the Th epitope and the antibody [0070] The immunogen of the present invention may also
eliciting epitope of the immunogen. be polymeriZed. PolymeriZation can be accomplished for
example by reaction betWeen glutaraldehyde and the —NH2
[0066] Th is a sequence of amino acids (natural or non groups of the lysine residues using routine methodology. By
natural amino acids) that comprises a Th epitope. A Th another method, the synthetic
epitope may be a continuous or discontinuous epitope. In a
discontinuous Th epitope, not every amino acid of Th is
necessary. A Th epitope, or an analog or segment thereof, is
capable of enhancing or stimulating an immune response to
the FAFSD peptide. Th epitopes that are immunodominant
and promiscuous are highly and broadly reactive across
animal and human populations With Widely divergent MHC
types (Partidos et al., 1991; US. Pat. No. 5,759,551). The Th
domain of the subject peptides is about 10 to about 50 amino
acids, preferably from about 10 to about 30 amino acids.
When multiple Th epitopes are present (i.e., mi2), each Th [0071] immunogen can be polymeriZed or co-polymeriZed
epitope may be the same or different. A Th segment com by the addition of a cysteine to the N-terminus of the
prises a contiguous portion of a Th epitope that is suf?cient synthetic “(A)n-(FAFSD peptide)-(B)O-(Th)m-X” or “(A)n
to enhance or stimulate an immune response to the FAFSD (Th)m-(B)O-(FAFSD peptide)-X” or “(FAFSD peptide)
peptide (SEQ ID NOSz3-8). (B)O-(Th)m-(A)n-X” or “(Th)m-(B)O-(FAFSD peptide)-(A)n
X” immunogen. The immunogen of the present invention
[0067] The preferred peptide immunogens of this inven may also be prepared as a branched polymer by synthesis of
tion are the peptides. containing a FAFSD peptide selected the desired peptide construct directly onto a branched poly
from the group consisting of SEQ ID NOS. 3-8 and a lysyl core resin (Wang, et al., Science, 1991; 254:285-288).
cross-reactive and functional immunological analog thereof;
a spacer; a Th epitope selected from the group consisting of [0072] Alternatively, the longer synthetic peptide immu
HBs Th (SEQ ID N019), HBc Th (SEQ ID NOz28), an MVF nogens can be synthesiZed by Well knoWn recombinant DNA
Th (SEQ ID NOS:16,17), PT Th (SEQ ID NO:10), TT Th techniques. Such techniques are provided in Well knoWn
(SEQ ID NO:18); a CT Th (SEQ ID NOS:20,29), DT Th standard manuals With detailed protocols. To construct a
(SEQ ID NO:21) SM Th (SEQ ID NO:24), TraT1 Th (SEQ gene encoding a peptide of this invention, the amino acid
ID NO:25), TraT2 Th 9SEQ ID NO:26) TraT3 (SEQ ID sequence is reverse translated to obtain a nucleic acid
NO:27), (see Table 1), an arti?cial Th (e.g. SEQ ID NOS:35 sequence encoding the amino acid sequence, preferably With
37,38-39,49-50,67), (see Table 2) or an analogue thereof. codons that are optimum for the organism in Which the gene
Optionally, the preferred immunogen comprises an Inv is to be expressed. Next, a synthetic gene is made, typically
domain (SEQ ID NO:72) or a homologue thereof. The by synthesiZing oligonucleotides Which encode the peptide
preferred peptide composition may comprise a cocktail of and any regulatory elements, if necessary. The synthetic
the peptide immunogens. The preferred peptide immuno gene is inserted in a suitable cloning vector and transfected
gens of the present invention may also comprise tWo or more into a host cell. The peptide is then expressed under suitable
US 2004/0141993 A1 Jul. 22, 2004

conditions appropriate for the selected expression system adjuvant in biodegradable microparticles, to potentiate
and host. The peptide is puri?ed and characterized by immune responses, and to provide time-controlled release
standard methods. for sustained or periodic responses, and for oral administra
tion, (O’Hagan et al, 1991; Eldridge et al., Molec Immunol,
[0073] The ef?cacy of the peptide composition of the 1991; 28: 287-294).
present invention can be established by injecting an animal,
for example guinea pigs, With an immunogenic composition [0077] UTIs are a major complication among pregnant and
comprising peptides of the invention. See, Table 4, SEQ ID elderly Women With some estimates of the rate of bacteriuria
NOS174-85. The humoral immune response to the FAFSD ranging as high as 25%. Treatment of these cases has
peptide is monitored. A detailed description of the proce become increasingly dif?cult due to the emergence of mul
dures used is provided in the Examples. tiply resistant pathogens. Recent reports have described
urinary isolates of E. coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae from
[0074] Another aspect of this invention provides a peptide hospitaliZed patients that are resistant to all available anti
composition comprising an immunologically effective biotics including [3-lactams, amino glycosides, and glyco
amount of one or more of the peptide immunogens of this peptides. Because of this alarming situation, neW approaches
invention in a pharmaceutically acceptable delivery system. for the prevention and management of UTIs are clearly
Accordingly, the subject peptides can be formulated as a Warranted. The use of vaccines comprising the FAFSD
peptide composition using adjuvants, pharmaceutically-ac peptide immunogens of the present invention, that elicit
ceptable carriers or other ingredients routinely provided for antibody responses to Well-de?ned bacterial virulence deter
the formulation of peptide compositions. Among the ingre minants such as the mannose binding sites in the adhesin of
dients that can be used in this invention are adjuvants or FimH, Will evoke broad protective immunity in individuals
emulsi?ers including alum, incomplete Freund’s adjuvant, predisposed to UTIs. The study described in the examples
liposyn, saponin, squalene, L121, emulsigen monophosphy indicate that a vaccine comprising peptides representing the
ryl lipid A (MPL), QS21, SEPPIC ISA51, ISA35, ISA206 mannose binding sites of bacterial FimH has considerable
and ISA 720 as Well as the other ef?cacious adjuvants and potential in evoking broadly protective immunity against
emulsi?ers. The composition may be formulated for imme UTIs.
diate release and/or sustained release, for induction of sys
temic immunity, for example, immunogen entrapment by or [0078] Speci?c peptide immunogens and compositions are
coadministration With microparticles. Such formulations are provided in the folloWing examples to illustrate the inven
readily available to one of ordinary skill in the art. The tion. These examples are for purpose of illustration only, and
immunogens of the present invention can be administered by are not to be construed as limiting the scope of the invention
any convenient route, such as subcutaneous, oral, intramus in any manner.
cular, or other parenteral or enteral route. The immunogens
can be administered as a single dose or in multiple doses. A EXAMPLE 1
suitable immuniZation schedule is readily determined and
available to one of ordinary skill in the art. Typical Methods to SynthesiZe FAFSD Peptide(s)
[0075] The peptide composition of the instant invention Comprising Constructs
comprises an effective amount of one or more of the peptide
immunogens of the present invention and a pharmaceuti [0079] Peptides listed in Tables 4 (SEQ ID NOS174-85)
cally acceptable carrier. Such a composition in a suitable Were synthesiZed individually by the Merri?eld solid-phase
dosage unit form generally contains about 0.25 pg to about synthesis technique on Applied Biosystems automated pep
500 pg of the immunogen per kg body Weight. When tide synthesiZers (Models 430, 431 and 433A) using Fmoc
delivered in multiple doses, it may be conveniently divided chemistry. Preparation of peptide constructs comprising
into an appropriate amount per dosage unit. For example, an combinatorial library Th, i.e., idealiZed arti?cial Th site
initial dose, e.g. 00025-05 mg per kg body Weight; pref termed (SEQ ID NOSz49-50), can be accomplished by
erably 1-50 pg per kg of body Weight of the peptide providing a mixture of the desired amino acids for chemical
immunogen is to be administered by injection, preferably coupling at a given position as speci?ed in the design. After
intramuscularly, folloWed by repeat (booster) doses. Dosage complete assembly of the desired peptide, the resin Was
Will depend on the age, Weight and general health of the treated according to standard procedure using tri?uoroacetic
subject as is Well knoWn in the vaccine and therapeutic arts. acid to cleave the peptide from the resin and deblock the
protecting groups on the amino acid side chains. For cyclic
[0076] The immune response to synthetic FAFSD peptide peptide, the cleaved peptide Was dissolved in 15% DMSO in
immunogens can be improved by delivery through entrap Water for 48 hrs to facilitate intradisul?de bond formation
ment in or on biodegradable microparticles of the type betWeen cysteines. The cleaved, extracted and Washed pep
described by O’Hagan et al. (Vaccine, 1991; 9: 768-771). tides Were puri?ed by HPLC and characteriZed by mass
The immunogens can be encapsulated With or Without an spectrometry and reverse phase HPLC.


ID Description of FAFSD
NOS peptide immunogen Amino Acid sequence


( l, 4 , 9 Palindromic) Tha T RT TR T
US 2004/0141993 Al Jul. 22, 2004

TABLE 4-continued

ID Description of FAFSD
NOS peptide immunogen Amino Acid sequence


(1, 4 , 9 Palindromic) Tha T RT TR T


(1, 4 , 9 Palindromic) Tha T RT TR T


(1, 4 , 9 Palindromic) Tha T RT TR T
(1, 4 , 9 Palindromic) Tha T RT TR T

84—85 Simplified Th IS
(1, 4 , 9 Palindromic) Tha T RT TR T

a"Simplified Th IS (1 , 4 , 9 Palindromic) Th" is SEQ ID NOS: 49—50 (Table 2)

EXAMPLE 2 [0091] Bleed Schedule: Weeks 0, 5, 8 or otherWise speci

Typical Methods to Evaluate Immunogenicity of
FAFSD Peptides [0092] Species: Duncan-Hartley guinea pigs or otherWise
[0080] FAFSD peptide immunogens Were evaluated on [0093] Group SiZe: 3 or S/group
groups of guinea pigs as speci?ed by the experimental
immunization protocol outlined beloW and by serological [0094] Assay: Speci?c ELISAs for the anti-peptide reac
assays for determination of immunogenicity. tivity of each immune serum, solid phase substrate Was the
cycliZed FAFSD peptide (SEQ ID NOS:3-8).
[0081] Standard Experimental Design:
[0095] Blood Was collected and processed into serum, and
[0082] Immunogens: stored prior to titering by ELISA With the target antigenic
[0083] (1) Individual peptide immunogen; or peptides.
[0084] (2) Mixtures comprising equal molar peptide [0096] Anti-FAFSD peptide(s) antibody activities Were
immunogens as speci?ed in each example. determined by ELISAs (enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assays) using 96-well ?at bottom microtiter plates Which
[0085] Dose: 100 pig in 0.5 mL per immunization unless Were coated With the cycliZed FAFSD target peptide (SEQ
otherWise speci?ed ID NOS:3-8) as immunosorbent. Microtiter plates Were
coated With FAFSD target peptide by adding 100 pL of the
[0086] Route: Intramuscular unless otherWise speci?ed peptide immunogen solution to each Well at a concentration
of 5 pg/mL and incubating for 1 hour at 37° C. The plates
[0087] Adjuvants: Freund’s Complete Adjuvant (CFA)/ Were blocked by another incubation at 37° C. for 1 hour With
Incomplete a 3% gelatin/PBS solution. The blocked plates Were then
[0088] Adjuvant (IFA); or Water in oil emulsions unless dried and used for the assay. 100 ML samples of the diluted
otherWise speci?ed immune sera being tested, starting With a 1:100 dilution in
a sample dilution buffer and ten-fold serial dilutions there
[0089] CFA/IFA groups received CFA Week 0, IFA in after, Were added to the peptide coated plates. The plates
subsequent Weeks. Were incubated for 1 hour at 37° C.

[0090] Dose Schedule: 0, 3, and 6 Weeks or otherWise [0097] The plates Were Washed six times With 0.05%
speci?ed. PBS/TWeen® buffer. 100 ML of horseradish peroxidase
US 2004/0141993 A1 Jul. 22, 2004

labeled goat-anti-species speci?c antibody Was added at cell lines in vitro. Inhibition of invasion by the ?mbriated E.
appropriate dilutions in conjugate dilution buffer (Phosphate coli into mouse bladder epithelial cells can the determined
buffer containing 0.5M NaCl, and normal goat serum). The by the folloWing assay. Brie?y, the antisera are incubated at
plates Were incubated for 1 hour at 37° C. before being various dilutions (e.g., 1:40) With type 1 ?mbriated E. coli
Washed as above. Aliquots (100 pL) of o-phenylenediamine for 30 min. The bacterial-antisera mixture is added to the
substrate solution Were then added. The color Was alloWed
bladder epithelial cells at a ratio of 100 bacteria to 1 cell. The
to develop for 5-15 minutes before the enZymatic color
reaction Was stopped by the addition of 50 pL 2N H2SO4. resulting mixture is brie?y centrifuged to promote contact
The A492 nm of the contents of each Well Was read in a plate and uptake. Incubate the mixture at 37° C. for 3 hours.
reader. ELISA titers Were calculated based on linear regres Gentamycin is then added to the mixture to kill extracellular
sion analysis of the absorbances, With cutoff A492 Hm set at bacteria. The bladder cell monolayers are then solubiliZed
0.5. This cutoff value Was rigorous as the values for diluted With tritonX-100 at appropriate dilutions and the type 1
normal control samples run With each assay Were less than ?mbriated E. coli bacteria that had been taken up by the
0.15. bladder epithelial cells is measured by determining the
survivors as colony forming units. Degree of inhibition of
EXAMPLE 3 bacterial invasion is graded from + to ++++ for the various
immune sera in comparison to that of a panel of preimmune
Assays to Assess Anti-Sera’s Immunoreactivity and normal sera.
With Type 1 Fimbriated E. Coli
[0098] The functional reactivity of various FAFSD pep EXAMPLE 5
tide-speci?c antisera With native type 1 ?mbriae can be
determined by assay for antibody-mediated inhibition of Immunogenicity and In Vitro Efficacy of
type 1 ?mbriae-induced yeast cell (Candida albicans) agglu Representative Synthetic Constructs as Vaccine
tination. The number of type 1-?mbriated bacterial cells to
be added to the test system Was pre-determined by titrating [0102] Synthetic constructs With SEQ ID NOSz74-85 Were
the E. coli (ORN103(pSH2) bacteria for yeast cell aggluti synthesiZed according to Example 1 and evaluated on guinea
nation activity. The loWest concentration of bacteria that pigs by the experimental design as described in Example 2.
produced a strong agglutination reaction Was used. TWofold Functional properties of the immune sera Were assessed on
dilutions (20 pl) of each antibody in PBS Was combined With
40 pl of 1.0% yeast suspension, into Which Was added 40 pl coded samples by Dr. Soman N. Abraham of the Department
of 109 CFU/ml bacteria. The mixtures of antisera, yeast and of Pathology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham
bacteria Were incubated at 37° C. for 1 hour. Yeast cell NC, using his standard assays for inhibition of type 1
agglutination inhibition Was assessed visually. The decrease ?mbriae-induced yeast cell aggregation, and for inhibitions
in aggregation can be graded from + to ++++ in comparison of bacterial adherence to and uptake into mouse bladder
With those obtained With pre-immune sera and normal sera. epithelial cells, as described in Examples 3 and 4. As shoWn
This easy and convenient assay does not require the isolation in Table 5, vaccine designs incorporating target peptides
of type 1 ?mbriae from bacteria. representing mannose binding sites on the adhesin protein of
FimH Were found to be highly immunogenic When attached
EXAMPLE 4 to a representative arti?cial Th epitope such as the “IS(Sim
pli?ed Th lib)LF Th” (SEQ ID NOSz49-50) of Table 2. All
Assays to Assess Anti-Adhesive Properties of animals received three standard immuniZations and high
Antibodies titers (Log1O titers in the range of 2.0 to 5.0) of antibodies
against the corresponding target mannose binding site pep
[0099] The reactivities of various FAFSD peptide-speci?c tides Were elicited. Furthermore, all mannose binding site
antisera can be assessed in vitro for their anti-adhesive
directed immune sera recogniZed the bacterial ?mbriae as
properties by: shoWn by inhibition of ?mbriae-induced yeast cell aggre
[0100] A. Assays for antibody mediated inhibition of the gation. The degree of inhibition of aggregation Was found to
binding of type 1 ?mbriated E. coli to mouse bladder be scored as + to ++++, With antisera to target SEQ ID
epithelial cell lines in vitro. The ability of the various NOS:3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 found to be more effective in inhibiting
FAFSD peptide speci?c antisera to block bacterial binding the ?mbrae-induced aggregation than that of SEQ ID NO:8.
to bladder epithelial cells is undertaken in vitro. Speci?cally All mannose binding site-directed immune sera Were also
1><108 E. coli (50 pl) Were preincubated With an equal found to inhibit E. coli-Bladder Cell Adhesin/Invasion; With
volume of various concentrations of antibody for 30 min at antisera to target SEQ ID NOS:5, 6, 7 and 8 being more
37° C. After Which, this mixture is poured on a cover siip effective in such inhibition than those of SEQ ID NOS:3 and
containing a monolayer of 1><105 bladder epithelial cells. 4.
The mixture is incubated for 1 hr. after Which the monolayer
is vigorously Washed to remove all loosely adherent bacte [0103] The mode of protection effected by the FimH
ria. The monolayer is ?xed and stained With methylene blue. mannose binding site-speci?c antibodies can be mediated
Inhibition of bacterial adherence is determined by micro through blocking and reversing the speci?c adherence of the
scopic counting of the number of adherent bacteria per 200 challenge bacteria to the Walls of the bladder, thus effec
epithelial cells. tively preventing bacteria from establishing an early foot
[0101] B. Assays for antibody mediated inhibition of type hold and establishing proof of efficacy for peptide compo
1 ?mbriated E. coli invasion into mouse bladder epithelial sitions of the invention.
US 2004/0141993 A1 Jul. 22, 2004

Immune Sera Reactivity in Functional Assays

Log1U Titer Degree of

Description of Anti-target Inhibition of Degree of Inhibition in
SEQ ID “IS(simpli?ed Th Animal peptide Yeast Bladder Cell
NO. lib)LF—eK-“FimH target” Formulation No. ELISA Aggregation Adhesion/invasion
SEQ ID SEQ ID NO. 3 CFA/IFA 1231 4.683 +++ +
NOs: 74-75 1232
SEQ ID FimH[1-3(C—>S)- CFA/IFA 1401 4.868 +++ +
NOs: 76-77 6(A—>C)-20(V—>C)-25] 1402
SEQ ID NO. 4 1403
SEQ ID FimH[1 (F—>C)- CFA/IFA 1237 >5.0 ++++ +++
NOs: 78-79 13(I—>C)] 1238
SEQ ID NO. 5 1239
ISA 51 1407 >5.0 ++ +++
ISA 720 1425 4.706 +++ ++++
SEQ ID (C)FimH[46-54)(C) CFA/IFA 1405 3.131 +++ +++
NOs: 80-81 SEQ ID NO. 6 1406
ISA 720 1433 2.268 +++ ++++
SEQ ID (C)FimH[47-53)(C) CFA/IFA 1401 3.996 ++ ++
NOs: 82-83 SEQ ID NO. 7 1402
ISA 51 1410 2.995 ++ ++
ISA 720 1428 2.737 ++++ +++
SEQ ID FimH[129 (L—>C)- CFA/IFA 1240 4.899 + +++
NOs: 84-85 146(W—>C)] 1241
SEQ ID NO. 8 1242
ISA 51 1243 4.021 + +++
ISA 1246 3.715 + +++
51/DDA 1247
ISA 720 1252 3.429 ++ ++++
Normal and preimmune sera <0.5 — —




<2l0> SEQ ID NO 1
<2ll> LENGTH: 268
<2l2> TYPE: PRT
<2l3> ORGANISM: Escherichia coli

<400> SEQUENCE: l

Phe Ala Cys Lys Thr Ala Asn Gly Thr Ala Ile Pro Ile Gly Gly Gly
l 5 l0 l5

Ser Ala Asn Val Tyr Val Asn Leu Ala Pro Val Val Asn Val Gly Gln
20 25 3O

Asn Leu Val Val Asp Leu Ser Thr Gln Ile Phe Cys His Asn Asp Tyr
35 40 45
US 2004/0141993 A1 Jul. 22, 2004

Pro Glu Thr Ile Thr Asp Tyr Val Thr Leu Gln Arg Gly Ser Ala Tyr
50 55 60

Gly Gly Val Leu Ser Asn Phe Ser Gly Thr Val Lys Tyr Ser Gly Ser
65 70 75 80

Ser Tyr Pro Phe Pro Thr Thr Ser Glu Thr Pro Arg Val Val Tyr Asn
85 90 95

Ser Arg Thr Asp Lys Pro Trp Pro Val Ala Leu Tyr Leu Thr Pro Val
100 105 110

Ser Ser Ala Gly Gly Val Ala Ile Lys Ala Gly Ser Leu Ile Ala Val
115 120 125

Leu Ile Leu Arg Gln Thr Asn Asn Tyr Asn Ser Asp Asp Phe Gln Phe
130 135 140

Val Trp Asn Ile Tyr Ala Asn Asn Asp Val Val Val Pro Thr Gly Gly
145 150 155 160

Asp Ser Ala Arg Asp Val Thr Pro Asp Tyr Pro Gly Ser Val Pro Thr
165 170 175

Pro Leu Thr Val Tyr Ala Lys Ser Gln Asn Leu Gly Tyr Tyr Leu Ser
180 185 190

Thr Thr Ala Ala Gly Asn Ser Ile Phe Thr Asn Thr Ala Ser Phe Ser
195 200 205

Pro Ala Gln Gly Val Gly Val Gln Leu Thr Arg Asn Gly Thr Ile Ile
210 215 220

Pro Ala Asn Asn Thr Val Ser Leu Gly Ala Val Gly Thr Ser Ala Val
225 230 235 240

Ser Leu Gly Leu Thr Ala Asn Tyr Ala Arg Thr Gly Gly Gln Val Ala
245 250 255

Asn Val Gln Ser Ile Ile Gly Val Thr Phe Val Gln
260 265

<2 10> SEQ ID NO 2

<211> LENGTH: 27
<212> TYPE: PRT
<213> ORGANISM: Escherichia coli

<400> SEQUENCE: 2

Cys Lys Ile Ala Asn Gly Ile Ala Ile Pro Ile Gly Gly Gly Ser Ala
1 5 10 15

Asn Val Tyr Val Asn Leu Ala Pro Val Val Cys
20 25

<2 10> SEQ ID NO 3

<211> LENGTH: 25
<212> TYPE: PRT
<213> ORGANISM: Escherichia coli

<400> SEQUENCE: 3

Phe Ala Cys Lys Thr Ala Asn Gly Thr Ala Ile Pro Ile Gly Gly Glu
1 5 10 15

Ser Ala Asn Val Tyr Val Asn Leu Ala

20 25

<2 10> SEQ ID NO 4

<211> LENGTH: 25
<212> TYPE: PRT
<213> ORGANISM: Escherichia coli
US 2004/0141993 A1 Jul. 22, 2004


Leu Ser Glu Ile Lys Gly Val Ile Val His Arg Leu Glu Gly Val
l 5 l0 l5

<2 10> SEQ ID NO 17

<2ll> LENGTH: 20
<2 12> TYPE: PRT
<2 13> ORGANISM: Measles virus

<400> SEQUENCE: l7

Gly Ile Leu Glu Ser Arg Gly Ile Lys Ala Arg Ile Arg His Val Asp
l 5 l0 15

Th]: Glu Ser Thr


<2 10> SEQ ID NO 18

<2ll> LENGTH: 17
<2 12> TYPE: PRT
<2 13> ORGANISM: Clostridium tetani

<400> SEQUENCE: l8

Trp Val Arg Asp Ile Ile Asp Asp Phe Thr Asp Glu Ser Ser Gln Lys
1 5 l0 15


<2 10> SEQ ID NO 19

<2ll> LENGTH: 16
<2 12> TYPE: PRT
<2 13> ORGANISM: Clostridium tetani

<400> SEQUENCE: l9

Asp Val Ser Thr Ile Val Pro Tyr Ile Gly Pro Ala Leu Asn His Val
l 5 l0 l5

<2 10> SEQ ID NO 20

<2ll> LENGTH: 25
<2 12> TYPE: PRT
<2 13> ORGANISM: Chlamydia trachomatis

<400> SEQUENCE: 2O

Ala Leu Asn Ile Trp Asp Arg Phe Asp Val Phe Cys Thr Leu Gly Ala
l 5 l0 15

Th]: Th]: Gly Tyr Leu Lys Gly Asn Ser

20 25

<2 10> SEQ ID NO 21

<2ll> LENGTH: 23
<2 12> TYPE: PRT
<2 13> ORGANISM: Corynebacterium diphtheriae virus

<400> SEQUENCE: 21

Asp Ser Glu Thr Ala Asp Asn Leu Glu Lys Thr Val Ala Ala Leu Ser
1 5 l0 l5

Ile Leu Pro Gly His Gly Cys


<2 10> SEQ ID NO 22

<2ll> LENGTH: 39
<2 12> TYPE: PRT
<2 13> ORGANISM: Corynebacterium diphtheriae virus
US 2004/0141993 A1 Jul. 22, 2004

<400> SEQUENCE: 22

Glu Glu Ile Val Ala Gln Ser Ile Ala Leu Ser Ser Leu Met Val Ala
l 5 l0 l5

Gln Ala Ile Pro Leu Val Gly Glu Leu Val Asp Ile Gly Phe Ala Arg
20 25 3O

Thr Asn Phe Val Glu Ser Cys


<2 10> SEQ ID NO 23

<2ll> LENGTH: 21
<2 12> TYPE: PRT
<2 13> ORGANISM: Plasmodium falciparum

<400> SEQUENCE: 23

Asp His Glu Lys Lys His Ala Lys Met Glu Lys Ala Ser Ser Val Phe
l 5 l0 l5

Asn Val Val Asn Ser


<2 10> SEQ ID NO 24

<2ll> LENGTH: 17
<2 12> TYPE: PRT
<2 13> ORGANISM: Schistosoma mansoni

<400> SEQUENCE: 24

Lys Trp Phe Lys Thr Asn Ala Pro Asn Gly Val Asp Glu Lys His Arg
1 5 l0 15


<2 10> SEQ ID NO 25

<2ll> LENGTH: 14
<2 12> TYPE: PRT
<2 13> ORGANISM: Escherichia coli

<400> SEQUENCE: 25

Gly Leu Gln Gly Lys His Ala Asp Ala Val Lys Ala Lys Gly
l 5 l0

<2 10> SEQ ID NO 26

<2ll> LENGTH: 19
<2 12> TYPE: PRT
<2 13> ORGANISM: Escherichia coli

<400> SEQUENCE: 26

Gly Leu Ala Ala Gly Leu Val Gly Met Ala Ala Asp Ala Met Val Glu
l 5 l0 l5

Asp Val Asn

<2 10> SEQ ID NO 27

<2ll> LENGTH: 20
<2 12> TYPE: PRT
<2 13> ORGANISM: Escherichia coli

<400> SEQUENCE: 27

Ser Thr Glu Thr Gly Asp Gln His His Tyr Gln Thr Arg Val Val Ser
1 5 l0 l5

Asn Ala Asn Lys

US 2004/0141993 A1 Jul. 22, 2004


<2 10> SEQ ID NO 28

<2ll> LENGTH: 20
<2 12> TYPE: PRT
<2 13> ORGANISM: Hepatitis B virus

<400> SEQUENCE: 28

Ser Asp Phe Phe Pro Ser Val Arg Asp Leu Leu Asp Thr Ala Ser Ala
l 5 l0 l5

Leu Tyr Arg Glu


<2 10> SEQ ID NO 29

<2ll> LENGTH: 12
<2 12> TYPE: PRT
<2 13> ORGANISM: Chlamydia trachomatis

<400> SEQUENCE: 29

Thr Ile Asn Lys Pro Lys Gly Tyr Val Gly Lys Glu
l 5 l0

<2 10> SEQ ID NO 30

<2ll> LENGTH: 15
<2 12> TYPE: PRT
<2 13> ORGANISM: Measles virus

<400> SEQUENCE: 3O

Leu Ser Glu Ile Lys Gly Val Ile Val His Arg Leu Glu Gly Val
l 5 l0 l5

<2 10> SEQ ID NO 31

<2ll> LENGTH: 16
<2 12> TYPE: PRT
<2 13> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence
<220> FEATURE:
<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial Sequence: T HELPER

<400> SEQUENCE: 31

Asp Leu Ser Asp Leu Lys Gly Leu Leu Leu His Lys Leu Asp Gly Leu
1 5 l0 l5

<2 10> SEQ ID NO 32

<2ll> LENGTH: 16
<2 12> TYPE: PRT
<2 13> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence
<220> FEATURE:
<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial Sequence: T HELPER

<400> SEQUENCE: 32

Glu Ile Ser Glu Ile Arg Gly Ile Ile Ile His Arg Ile Glu Gly Ile
l 5 l0 l5

<2 10> SEQ ID NO 33

<2ll> LENGTH: 16
<2 12> TYPE: PRT
<2 13> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence
<220> FEATURE:
<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial Sequence: T HELPER

<400> SEQUENCE: 33

Asp Val Ser Asp Val Lys Gly Val Val Val His Lys Val Asp Gly Val

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