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Nicole Mercedes Reynoso

Professor K. Singer

May 02, 2017

Crime hot spots can be best described as areas on a map that have high crime

intensity. Its purpose is to show researchers and analysts to examine geographic

locations and areas in relation to crimes committed in that area. Researchers examine

the patterns of a hot spots in certain areas and then analyze why they occur. The

development for maps that contain hot spots is a critical tool for policing; in that they

help develop the knowledge and the understanding of different areas in a city and why

possible crimes occur in that specific area.

I live in Washington Heights, NYC in the upper-west side of Manhattan

predominantly a Hispanic neighborhood. My community is a pretty decent now than

it was before since the majority of tenants in my neighborhood have relocated and

certain buildings are being remodeled. Although the amount of violence has decreased

by a vast majority the 60’s is known for notoriously having a rivalry with gangs in

Dyckman. Although, the amount of violence may have decreased there are still areas

in broadway, edgecomb, and st nicholas from 160 - 169 that can be considered as hot

spots due to the fact of high related drug offenses and crimes.

In my opinion a community is a group of people that reside in a neighborhood

that share something in common whether it be race/ethnicity or some other common

aspect. Certain theories suggests ways of improving the decline of hot spots in

communities such as the “Broken Windows Theory” which involves law enforcement
monitor these hot spots in these urban neighborhoods to prevent low level crimes such

as vandalism, etc. from occurring in the first place. Another theory called the “

Systematic Theory” is a form of keeping tabs on a community and it’s environment;

basically checking on the progress of a community and its incline/decline on hot

spots. Both of these theories are influential in urban neighborhoods because it ensures

the safety of law abiding citizens and it helps keep crime levels low.

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