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2nd Assembly Agenda

1.Extension of School Struggles Submission
We are extending the submissions for School Struggles until Friday, August 17. Submit your
photographs, artworks, sketches, poems, stories and personal essays to Aldrin Lopez of
STEM 2A or Sir Kit Nadado at the faculty room. Prizes await winners.
2. English League Representatives
We have selected a League representative per section to represent our organization. If you have
any questions or concerns, ask them for information. Membership Registration Sheets are
available through these representatives.
3. New Contest. Let’s Collab! Happy Buddies Challenge
What makes you happy? Grab your buddy and collab. Show us through art/photography and
poem/personal essay/story combination. Submit your collab pieces to Aldrin Lopez of STEM
2A or Sir Kit Nadado at the faculty room. See our poster on campus for more info.
4. Ask the League! Group Page Hotline.
Join CRHS English League group on Facebook and post any questions you have with English
grammar, vocab, proofreading and pronunciation. We’ll answer your questions and help you
out. Try us! Search “crhs English league” and join the group.
5. Finances and Membership
Interested in being a part of the League? We are still open for membership. Just look for Aldrin
Lopez of STEM 1A, Mark Lui Hugo of STEM 2A or Sir Kit Nadado for the registration sheet.
A fee of P5.00 will be charged.

2nd Assembly Agenda
6. Extension of School Struggles Submission
We are extending the submissions for School Struggles until Friday, August 17. Submit your
photographs, artworks, sketches, poems, stories and personal essays to Aldrin Lopez of
STEM 2A or Sir Kit Nadado at the faculty room. Prizes await winners.
7. English League Representatives
We have selected a League representative per section to represent our organization. If you have
any questions or concerns, ask them for information. Membership Registration Sheets are
available through these representatives.
8. New Contest. Let’s Collab! Happy Buddies Challenge
What makes you happy? Grab your buddy and collab. Show us through art/photography and
poem/personal essay/story combination. Submit your collab pieces to Aldrin Lopez of STEM
2A or Sir Kit Nadado at the faculty room. See our poster on campus for more info.
9. Ask the League! Group Page Hotline.
Join CRHS English League group on Facebook and post any questions you have with English
grammar, vocab, proofreading and pronunciation. We’ll answer your questions and help you
out. Try us! Search “crhs English league” and join the group.
10.Finances and Membership
Interested in being a part of the League? We are still open for membership. Just look for Aldrin
Lopez of STEM 1A, Mark Lui Hugo of STEM 2A or Sir Kit Nadado for the registration sheet.
A fee of P5.00 will be charged.

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