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Analysis of educational satisfaction in adult learners at the academically

accredited institution

Eunseo Lee, Chadwick International School 11

This study aims to determine the significance of lifelong educational programs and examine
how lifelong education influences life satisfaction in adults and the elderly, by analyzing
satisfaction with school life, curriculum, and educational environment based on individual
characteristics of adult learners enrolled in academically accredited lifelong educational
institutions. To achieve the research goals, the survey data of adult learners enrolled in the
middle- and high-school courses of such institutions were analyzed. The study found that: first,
the school life satisfaction of adult learners enrolled in academically accredited lifelong
educational institutions was very high, which showed that the education offered by these
institutions was positively influencing the quality of life of adult learners. Second, curriculum
satisfaction that was measured by classifying and calculating satisfaction with course
instruction, satisfaction with experiential activities, extracurricular activities, and club
activities showed a high level of satisfaction with course instruction, although satisfaction with
extracurricular and club activities was relatively low, underscoring the need for improvement
in this field. Third, satisfaction with the educational environment that was computed by
classifying and measuring satisfaction with educational facilities, peer relationships, and
relationships with teachers showed high levels of satisfaction with peer relationships and
association with teachers, while satisfaction with educational facilities was relatively low,
underscoring the need for improvement. These findings emphasize the need for setting up
novel extracurricular and club activities, providing distinct activities for high school students,
and strengthening counseling activities so that constant attention is paid to students. The
results also emphasize the need to intensify efforts to improve the physical environment, such
as repairing the classroom and expanding the library and practice facilities. Accordingly, there
is a need to expand lifelong education, which influences life satisfaction, especially, taking
into consideration alienated adults and the elderly.
[Keywords] academically accredited education, lifelong education, adult learner, school life
satisfaction, elderly education satisfaction

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