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Change the following statements into questions.


1. Myra was scared to ride in the ferris wheel.

2. I am confused.

3. Math is difficult.

4. The boys were honest.

5. God is my protector.


1. Agatha covers her new book.

2. The librarian always assists me.

3. The children collect shells every morning.

4. Parents advise their children.

5. Jason delivers newspapers.


1. Juan plowed the field.

2. The visitors enjoyed the refreshments.

3. Celso and Chester graduated with honors.

4. The teacher showed a good sense of humor.

5. The school celebrated its foundation day.


1. We can use your car in going to the concert.

2. You can sing well.

3. We shall go now.

4. We could spend the afternoon just sitting around talking.

5. I hear a whistle. That would be the five o'clock train.

E. Add a tag question.

1. They are on their way already,

2. Julie is an accountant,

3. She doesn't work in a hotel,

4. David and Julie don't take Chinese classes,

5. We don't watch much TV,

F. Use the rising intonation.

1. We’re late again.

2. The weather is really bad today.

3. You are from Brazil.

4. John is a good student.

5. They need some new clothes.

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