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3 A Resolution to [Action Word] [article] [Object] to
4 [Summarize the Solution Specifically]

2 We certify that the legislation submitted by this school for this Congress is the original work of the students of our school and
3 has permission to be presented.

6WHEREAS, State the current problem (this needs to be accomplished in one brief
7 sentence); and
8WHEREAS, Describe the scope of the problem cited in the first whereas clause (this
9 clause needs to flow logically from the first) and the inherent need for a
10 solution; and
11WHEREAS, Explain the impact and harms perpetuated by the current problem (once
12 again, the clause needs to flow in a logical sequence); and
13WHEREAS, Use additional “whereas” clauses to elaborate rationale for the problem
14 that needs to be solved; now, therefore, be it
15RESOLVED, That the UIL Congress here assembled make the following
16 recommendation for solution (a call for action); and, be it
17FURTHER RESOLVED, That (this is an optional additional recommendation; if not used, end the
18 previous “resolved” clause with a period).

6 We certify that the legislation submitted by this school for this Congress is the original work of the students of our
7 school and has permission to be presented.

19Introduced for UIL Congressional Debate by ____ (school name).

10 We certify that the legislation submitted by this school for this Congress is the original work of the students of our school and
11 has permission to be presented.

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