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Question 2b

Qualitative approach Quantitative approach

In this approach we performed interviews and In this approach we performed Surveys,
reviews of document for specific topics in structured interviews & observations, and
order to get information reviews of records for numeric information

This is Primarily inductive process used to This is Primarily deductive process used to
formulate theory or find reasons for the test prespecified concepts and construct a
specific topic hypotheses that make up a theory about the
Like in Covid 19 we find symptoms etc. fact.
Like in Covid 19 we want to know death
It is theory base research that we mostly can’t It is based on number data as we perfume
do more calculation research for numeric data and perfume more
For example in this we mention syptoms in calculation for
Covid 19 and death senirio For example in this we tell nimber of death
This is basciacally reseach on specific topics This is generalize as we perform research
that we perfom reseach with in the domain more gernralize way
For example if we I want reseach on topic solar For example if we want reseach like solar
prject so I prefer t reach solar related project project so we reaech more generalize by
instead of other DC charging project researching all charging project or non
renewable project

Question 2 c
I am working on renewable source of energy in order to fulfil our requirement, reduce the
burden on our power station, and produce cheap source of energy and also we want to reduce
global warming and population. After reseach on most popular source of energy we conclude
that we produce energy from solar power.In order to reduce load we work on charging sector
and bulid a solar powered multiple cellphone charging booth which can charge more than ten
phone and 2 laptop at the time of charging and 5 phone and 1 laptop for the time for the
For research design, first we perform qualitative analysis of other similat projet.after anaylsis
data about the charging factor and we calculate our require power according to devices. We
draw our circuit on the paper which is our flow chart and than we are working on the solar
device and circuit design which is done using different source of software like Simulink,
Matlab, protious ,and multisim in order to check our ouput result.
In order to test we perfume indviual testing of component as we check solar output voltage
and current rating and buck converter tempwrature range by placing in temperature zone and
voltage and current rating value of small and large buck converter. After testing in indiual we
check it again by connecting all of them in series to complete circuit for testing and draw
analysis of our result.
For testing repetition, we done testing of buck converter in Matlab by giving different input
like ramp etc. to check efficiency and power consumption. After that we check battery
effieceny in Simulink by giving it input 12 Voltage for more than 3 houres and test its backup
To conclude we have faced issue like covid 19 so we done our project on simulation as a
source of 24 V act as solar and self design buck convert into 12 V for charging and theses 12
V again convert into 5V by using small self design buck in order to charge phones for the
specific time.Our project will place in public sectors like Metro Stations and Cafes and many
ther public place to fasicalite people regarding charging.

Question 3a

Subject: Request to enquire about hiring

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you to enquire about your job hiring policy. As a electrical Engineer I want to apply in
your company but I’m waiting for your company hiring. I would be grateful if you could give me
some father detail.

Firstly, according to your website there is minimum duration of four weeks for hiring after june.But
your company still does not offer any kind of job yet. I would like to know about why your are not
firing still and when did you hire ?
I’m waiting from your positive response.

Best regards,

Shehryar Sajjad

Question 3b

Subject: Request to enquire about my order

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you to enquire about my order, which is placed on Monday 2 nd August 2020 with
online ID number 11223344 at 12 PM.

It was a T-shirt article number 12345678 with black colour. According to your website it will receive
after 2 working days but now a week has been past but still I can’t receive my shirt. Could you please
tell me what is the status of my order and when did I receive ?
Thank you for your time. I look forward hearing from you.

Best regards,

Shehryar Sajjad
Question 1
Memo Report

To: Sir Tauseef Toquer, Dean of Department, ITU

From: Shehryar Sajjad
Date: August 06, 2020
Subject: Changing in FYP due to Covid-19

As you know, I have been working on renwable source of energy which is Solar powered
multiple cell phone charging booth.Which is palcedat the charging sector of our country and
palced at many sector of public places.
Project division
Due to Covid-19, we changed the project management policy. Before this impact we have
assigned to perform solar testing which is done in 2 days and testing of buck converter which
converter the solar voltage to required voltage at the different temperature zone in order to
check efficiency. But now we changed policy as we are not working on hardware part but in
simulation part and in order to cover hardware part we add new IoT based idea in order to
complete given time and make our project more efficient.
In simulation part,we design circuit in different software tool to obtain accurate results and
graphs which is approx. similar to our required result.In IoT part we connect our circuit with
the server to connect globally to checking data.Before disease we are palced this project on
public sector but now we provide this project on internet and matlab libaray for further use.
IoT work
we are connecting the charging data device with a server in order to monitor the power
consumption and display this data to an android application which is design by us.
Project status
At present, we are working on circuit designing which is buck converter on Matlab Simulink
with different input and to obtain different output and power consumption. We are connecting
this data to the server to monitor the power rating and current value.

Conclusion and work division

To conclude we decided to done this work individual as one of my group member working
on circuit design and other one is testing and I working on IoT part.

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